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81. Disease Control In The Landscape, Bulletin 614, Chapter 4 Infectious plant diseases differ from noninfectious or abiotic disordersbecause they are caused by specific plant pathogens. http://ohioline.osu.edu/b614/b614_7.html | |
82. Plant Pathology Research Current Research Focus Biological control of soilborne plant diseases using naturally withactivity against a number of key fruit and vegetable pathogens. http://www.lincoln.ac.nz/spes/research/pathres.htm | |
83. Plant Disease Information Notes Detailed factsheets on plant diseases affecting ornamental plants as well as fruit and vegetables. plant Disease Information Notes. If you have trouble viewing this menu, try the Move directly to plant Pathology Extension Programs North Carolina plant Disease and Insect Clinic http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes | |
84. Ornamental Disease Fact Sheets List Greenhouse and Woody Ornamental plant Disease Fact Sheet sheets available on common diseases of plants frequently grown Bacterial Leaf Scorch. Bedding plant diseases. Black Root Rot SoilBorne Pests. Sources of plant diseases. Verticillium Wilt http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/CASDEPT/PLANT/ext/fact.html |
85. Plant Pathology Pathology (ISPP), a charity which promotes the worldwide development of plantpathology and the dissemination of knowledge about plant diseases and plant http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/detail/098fe5818204640321b03c59b19cdb1b.html | |
86. Plant Diseases Announcements Browse/searchable archive database of emerging plant diseases with potential impact on food safety announced by ProMED (Program of Emerging diseases) of the Federation of American Scientists http://www.agnic.org/pmp/chron.html | |
87. ARS Project: Molecular Genomics Of Plant Pathogens And Food Safety Microorganism Molecular Genomics Of plant pathogens And Food Safety Microorganisms. http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/projects/projects.htm?ACCN_NO=403100 |
88. Plant Pathology - Graduate Curriculum 24). Credit 4. Identification of fungi responsible for plant diseases; representativepathogens used to illustrate principles used in differentiating species. http://plantpathology.tamu.edu/graduate/curriculum/gradCourses.asp | |
89. Plant Diseases: Their Delicacies; Rusts; Drying Trees and Parasitic plants; Viruses and More Recently DiscoveredPathogens; Environmental diseases and Problems; plant diseases in a http://www.shopapspress.org/41167.html | |
90. Out Of Print pathogens BR Management of diseases with BR Macro and Microelements, SoilbornePlant pathogens Management of diseases with Macro- and Microelements $45.00. http://www.shopapspress.org/out-of-print.html | |
91. Untitled Resistance of plant pathogens to pesticides was not a of fungi developed, causingdiseases on many crop of resistant forms of the pathogens occurred similarly http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/apple/chptr4.html | |
92. 201 What is junk science? Begin a Series of Four General Studies on SelectedPlant diseases and pathogens legal and political issues. http://plantpath.osu.edu/courses/201.html | |
93. PLANT PATHOLOGY pathogens are grouped taxonomically into related groups. Specific diseasesare discussed in the chapters dealing with the plant. http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/mg/manual/path2.htm | |
94. Co-operative Research Centre For Tropical Plant Protection One of the reasons that it is difficult to effectively detect and identify plantdiseases caused by pathogens is because the pathogen may only be present in http://www.tpp.uq.edu.au/nadn.htm | |
95. Undergraduate Studies In Plant Pathology taxonomy and general characteristics of fungi, with specific reference to plantpathogens. The student will also be trained in the types of diseases that are http://www.uovs.ac.za/faculties/agrinat/plantsci/ppg/undergrad.htm | |
96. Guidelines For Master Gardeners -- Mod 2 plant Pathology Guidelines for Master Gardeners. Module 2 ParasiticDiseases and the plant pathogens that Cause Them. The bulk http://erec.ifas.ufl.edu/MG/mgmod2.htm | |
97. 1998-2000 University Of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School Catalog Advanced lecture on principles of plant pathology. Abiotic diseases, plantpathogens and pathogenesis, disease physiology, and disease resistance. http://www.wisc.edu/pubs/home/archives/grad98/cals/plantpatC.html | |
98. Search National Integrated Pest Management Site National IPM Network Search Engine. Search http://search.ipm.iastate.edu/ | |
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