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121. Sociologia portuguese scholarly journal on sociology. Englishlanguage abstracts and list of contents of recent issues on-line. http://sociologiapp.iscte.pt/index.jsp?lingua=2 |
122. AltaVista Translations Translates text and web pages from one language to another, including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, portuguese, and Russian. http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn |
123. Human Language Translation Domicile unknown Translation in French, German, portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian. http://www.braziltranslation.com/ |
124. University Of Arizona Computer Aided Language Instruction Group Interactive demonstration lessons for Chinese, Brazilian portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Lummi, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Includes Sun audio (.au) files. http://cali.arizona.edu/ |
125. Elizabeth Lopes Psychotherapist, is a portuguese/Spanish/English Translator, Interpreter and Instructor in the language and culture of Brazil. http://artindreams.com/elizabeth |
126. Languages For Business Communication (Teddington) Foreign language training/translation for business people, includes French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, portuguese, Japanese and Russian. Lists classes, introduction and contact details. http://www.lfbc.com |
127. Multilingual Medical Dictonary Medical Dictionary spreadsheet English, Spanish, portuguese, French Dutch. Over 3,400 key words in each language. Dozens of online bilingual dictionaries glossaries listed here, incl. 4language foods/cuisine glossary http://www.interfold.com/translator/index.htm |
128. Brazilian Language Culture Program portuguese as a Second language Program stressing natural language acquisition. Besides grammar and phonology, includes capoeira and samba lessons, and cultural traveling on weekends. Small town, safe environment. http://www.english.sk.com.br/sk-psl.html |
129. Feliu Translations Foreign language translation services. Spanish, Catalan, Italian, portuguese, English. http://feliutranslations.tripod.com/feliutranslations/index.html |
130. Speak A Language.com language learning courses for Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, German, Chinese, Russian, EnglishESL, Greek, Arabic, Korean, Hebrew, Irish Gaelic, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Vietnamese, portuguese, and Norwegian. Free language dictionary. http://www.speakalanguage.com/speak-language/learn/learning free-dictionary.htm |
131. SOYO Computer Inc - All Downloads Download Drivers, Manuals, and Other Information(portuguese) Newest DownloadsFile, Date. qsgp4vda11br.PDF P4VDA portuguese Manual Rev 1.1, 2003-01-21. http://www.soyousa.com/downloads/?language=Portuguese |
132. TranslatExpress.com Nativelanguage translators between English and French, German, Spanish, portuguese, Italian, and other languages. http://www.translatexpress.com/ |
133. Portuguese Online Learn To Speak THE Romance Language A full online course with lessons, wav file sounds, and references. http://www.geocities.com/email_theguy/old_po/portuguese_online.htm |
134. Liaison Multilingual language translation between English and all foreign languages including Spanish, German, French, portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian. http://www.emultilingual.com/ |
135. Portuguese-Language Translation Of Homosexuality And Hope portugueselanguage Translation of Homosexuality and Hope . A websitecalled Providafamilia now carries a portuguese-language http://www.narth.com/docs/portuguese.html |
136. English-Portuguese-English Electronic Dictionaries. Portuguese Partner Multilanguage Box portuguese - English - Greek - Bulgarian - Czech -German - Persian(Farsi) - Hungarian - Albanian - Arabic - Italian - Latvian http://www.ectaco.com/dictionaries/list.php3?refid=511&lang=13 |
137. NERINT The Center for the Study of International Relations and Integration is a Brazilian center of international studies. The center intends to create an institution that works as a reference for the multidisciplinary study, teaching and research in the International Relations and Integration areas. The site´s main language is portuguese, but there is an English page. http://www.ilea.ufrgs.br/nerint/ |
138. Academia Linguistica Translation and language tuition in English, Spanish, portuguese, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Turkish, Esperanto and Chinese (Mandarin). Based in the USA. http://www.acadling.com |
139. Evinter International International Business and marketing services. U.S. based company with affiliates in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Contains FAQ and portuguese/Spanish language links. http://www.evinter.com/ |
140. Terra Networks, S.A. Provides internet access and locallanguage interactive content and services to the residential and small office/home in the Spanish and portuguese speaking world. (Nasdaq TRRA). http://www.terra.com/english.htm |
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