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81. DPD Software Ltd. CGI C++ Powerbuilder Custom Programming E-commerce Custom Soft To lead our customers in identifying their IT needs; To design and implement solutionsto improve the efficiency of their related business processes; To remain http://www.dpdsoftware.ca/ | |
82. DPD Software Ltd. CGI C++ Powerbuilder Custom Programming E-commerce Custom Soft Review a sample of our eBusiness solutions with client driven content managementUpper 49th Imports Inc. (Sell-It! e-Bussines ASP) Undyworld (Sell-It! http://www.dpdsoftware.ca/html/portfolio.html | |
83. Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming Concepts And The PowerBuilder Founda These pages brought to you by The Rabbit Creek Project. Introduction to ObjectOrientedProgramming Concepts and the powerbuilder Foundation Classes. 11/6/98. http://www.e-cool.com/pfc/OO and PFC Class/ | |
84. Programming In HTML Checkout programming in powerbuilder 6.0, Intro (CD) $49.95 Order Checkoutprogramming in powerbuilder, programming (CD) $49.95 Order Checkout. http://www.mmgsales.com/New_Products/HTML.htm | |
85. PowerBuilder OLE Programming With Microsoft Word '97 powerbuilder OLE programming with Microsoft Word '97, SUMMARY This documentreviews how to find the correct Visual Basic for Application http://www.sybase.com.cn/cn/content/support/exp_jszc_pb_ole_00001.htm | |
86. NETg PowerBuilder 6.0 - PowerScript Programming Painter Duration 1 2 Hour(s) Distinguish between the features of event-drivenand structured programming. Match the components of powerbuilder objects with http://www.planetlearn.com/pow60powprog.html | |
87. PowerBuilder 8 Programming Basic powerbuilder 8 programming Basic (Course CDT079). This course introducesstudents to the powerbuilder 8 development environment. http://www.caliberdt.com/NewWebSite/CDT079.htm | |
88. PowerBuilder 6.0 Training Tutorials This course will teach you how to use the impressive tools of powerbuilder 6,including object oriented programming, userdefined objects and datawindow http://www.careeracademy.com/.sc/ms/dd/1032987946/9/nc/ee/57 | |
89. Programming - Software Training Level 1 Perl programming, Level 2 Perl programming, Level 3 Perl programming, Level4 Perl programming, Level 5 Perl programming, Level 6. powerbuilder. KeyStone. http://www.videotutor.com/cgi-local/products/Software/Programming/ | |
90. Searchalot Directory For Powerbuilder www.bcarter.com This site has a large number of useful and in-depth PowerBuilderprogramming tips. The tips can be searched by keyword, topic, and date. http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Computers/Programming/ApplicationBuilders/Powerbui | |
91. Richard Hendricks' Programming Language Resources Resource/Index of websites covering programming languages like Visual FoxPro, powerbuilder,programming Languages, Visual C/C++, SQL, Visual Studio, MS Access http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/RHendricks/misclang.htm | |
92. PowerBuilder Developer's Journal Software developers can read articles about new products and find expert tips and tricks. Visit the store or check out the job section. http://www.sys-con.com/pbdj/index2.html | |
93. PowerBuilder - A CompInfo Directory powerbuilder Outline. powerbuilder - Knowledge Bases. SEE also RelatedTopics. ..Back to Top. powerbuilder - Newsgroups and FAQs. http://www.compinfo-center.com/apps/powerbuilder.htm | |
94. Compare Sybase PowerBuilder Enterprise 8.0 (61317-55-0800-41) Programming Tools COMPARE THIS ITEM. http://lycos.dealtime.com/xPO-Sybase_PowerBuilder_Enterprise_8.0_(61317-55-0800- | |
95. Welcome To The Learn2 Store After learning the material in this tutorial, you'll be able to apply the programmingfeatures of the powerbuilder interface to customize documents. http://store.learn2.com/basket/assets/products/4210.asp?dept_id=13 |
96. Original Software, Inc. - Development, Contract Programming, PowerBuilder, Visua contract, contract programming, computer jobs, immediate contracts, software, software development, easyclass, easy class http://www.originalsoftware.com/ |
97. FULL NAME As a programmer Analyst for Manitoba TeleComm Services, I provided PowerBuilderProgramming services to an MTS internal development team. http://www.escape.ca/~pboud/Philippe/CV.htm | |
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