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101. JBurg A Bottom-Up Rewrite Machine Generator For Java Javabased BURG (code emitter generator) which can also be used as a general purpose dynamic programming engine. Open source, Common Public License http://jburg.sourceforge.net/ |
102. Computers Internet / Programming / Web Programming / General October 1, 1996 A programming guide explaining From the Publisher Certification willbe highly marketable for the general public and to libraries as a way of http://hallprogramming.com/web_programming/25.shtml |
103. History Of Component Technology Explores some of the key events of objectoriented programming and components in the last 50 years in the greater context of general computing history. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/co-tmline/ |
104. Java Programming, Network Programming - General Information, By Adapted from Richard G Baldwin (512) 2234758, baldwin@austin.cc.tx.us, http//www.austin.cc.tx.us/baldwin/.Network programming - general Information. http://olddept.physics.upenn.edu/courses/gladney/minicourse/lectures/lecture5.ht |
105. The Fortran Company Site contains products, services, and general information related to the Fortran programming language. Offers products, services, training and freeware. http://www.fortran.com/ |
106. MEL Computer Programming - General Information general programming Information. Ask the Pros answers for IT professionalsin areas of application, database, and web development; http://mel.lib.mi.us/internet/INET-program-general.html |
107. Gödel Declarative, generalpurpose programming language in the set of logic languages. Strongly typed type system based on many-sorted logic with parametric polymorphism. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~bowers/goedel.html |
108. Ranju programming in general with emphasis on C/C++ and Java. Contains programming puzzles and exercises. Also touches on topics related to webdevelopment such as JavaScript and DHTML. http://www.geocities.com/cool_ranju/ |
109. Home Of LIV collection of links about programming, web design and development, web graphics and computers related material in general. http://people.physics.tamu.edu/lavrik/cgi-bin/site-dir.pl?dir=main&file=liv |
110. The JavaScript Discussion List Dedicated to the general discussion of topics and issues related to JavaScript and JScript programming. Open to all beginners and professionals. http://mountaindragon.com/javascript/ |
111. Books Subjects Computers Internet Programming General 1 1. Applied Microsoft .NET Framework programming by Jeffrey Richter(Paperback January 23, 2002) Avg. Customer Review List Price http://computers.readersremote.com/browse/programming/general_1.htm |
112. Machine Learning Research Group - UTCS Research on general Inductive Learning, Inductive Logic programming, Natural Language Learning, Qualitative Modeling Diagnosis, Learning for Planning and Problem Solving. Recommender Systems and Text Categorization Student Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems Text Data Mining Theory and Knowledge Refinement. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/ml/ |
113. Books Subjects Computers Internet Programming General 3 Or buy used $33.98. 55. programming C , 2nd Edition (O'Reilly Windows)by Jesse Liberty (Paperback February 2002) Avg. Customer Review http://computers.readersremote.com/browse/programming/general_3.htm |
114. DevCentral Tutorials on Java and JavaScript, C, C++, and general object oriented programming. Includes articles on networks and network technologies. http://devcentral.iftech.com/learning/tutorials/ |
115. Visual C++ Developers Journal Articles, tips and tricks, and developer message boards specializing in general Visual C++ programming, COM, MFC, DirectX/Direct3D, and STL. http://www.vcdj.com/ |
116. Libsigc++ Implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries, abstract interfaces, and general programming. LGPL http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/ |
117. C++ Forums Discussions about general C++ programming, game programming, Windows programming, and Unix/Linux specifics. http://forums.cpp-home.com |
118. CS 130.12 - Programming - General Concepts CS 130.12 programming - general Concepts. programming. programming - processof writing statements or instructions for a computer to carry out. http://www.stfx.ca/courses/CSCI130-13/lectures/js/programming.html |
119. How To Think Like A Computer Scientist Learning With C++ Teaches general principles of programming, via C++ as subject language. Thorough, indepth approach to many basic and intermediate programming topics. Open Book Project links to many versions, online English HTML; downloads English HTML tarball, PS, LaTeX. GNU Free Documentation license. (Allen B. Downey) http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCS/cpp.html |
120. ASP Wire general resource of articles and links, covering all aspects of ASP programming. http://aspwire.com/ |
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