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121. Index Of /pub/docs/interactive-fiction/programming/general- Parent Directory 19-Dec......Index of /pub/docs/interactivefiction/programming/general-discussion.Name Last modified Size http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/docs/interactive-fiction/programming/general-discussi |
122. J Software Modern high performance, general purpose programming language, ideal for complex analytics and data manipulation. APL inventor Kenneth Iverson formed Iverson Software and works here. Free evaluation download. http://www.jsoftware.com/ |
123. PARADIS External Links Functional Programming, General Last modified Mon Oct 9, 2000 External Links Functional programming, general.List of online Functional programming Technical Papers, with hyperlinks. Proc. http://vvv.it.kth.se/labs/paradis/links/language/functional.html |
124. NIH Computer Center - Using Assembler Language Inhouse doc for NIH, but also contains general assembler programming tips. http://datacenter.cit.nih.gov/assem/ |
125. Microcomputer Programming - General Info Demonstrate objectoriented, event driven programming techniques The following ninecore abilities are the general attitudes and skills promoted and assessed in http://cws.gateway.tec.wi.us/faculty/lazaroc/Microcomputer Programming - General |
126. TransWarp A general purpose AspectOriented programming, Generative programming, and CASE toolkit for Python. Open Source, BSD-like http://www.zope.org/Members/pje/Wikis/TransWarp/HomePage |
127. DataBase Programming - General Info Database programming. The following nine core abilities are the general attitudesand skills promoted and assessed in all Gateway programs; those followed by an http://cws.gateway.tec.wi.us/faculty/fisherd/DB_prog.htm |
128. Belcom Bailey Web development company offering databasedriven sites, e-commerce, and general scripting and programming services. http://www.belcombailey.com/ |
129. Aurigen Inc. Computer Programming, General. programming and Consulting Services, Aurigen Inc. provides computerprogramming and consulting services for all types of businesses http://www.aurigen.com/computerGeneral.html |
130. IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. UltraEdit and UltraEdit32 Text Editor, HEX Editor and Programmers Editor text, HEX and Programmers editor. Ideal for programming, email and general editing. http://www.idmcomp.com/ |
131. The Gathering Of Amiga Developers Website We are setup to provide anyone who's doing something for the Amiga, a converging point where they can discuss programming, ideas, and general Amiga topics (by way of the mailing list). Also gives developers a form of making developing groups. Please take a look comment on our site! http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Orchard/1225/main.html |
132. Programming (General) - Www.ezboard.com Author, Comment. Oldman Non Member (2/25/01 52014 pm), programming (general) alandaleNon Member (2/25/01 52100 pm), Re programming (general) http://pub17.ezboard.com/fiansmessageboard69920frm8.showMessage?topicID=26.topic |
133. Tips For Effective C Code Development By Gopalan Suresh Raj. Sixty tips for Effective C code development. There are tips for various topics like Managing Object Lifetimes, coding Common Object methods, designing Interfaces and Classes, simulating unavailable C/C++ Constructs in C , general programming Tips, handling Exceptions, and threading. http://www.execpc.com/~gopalan/dotnet/csharptips/csharptips.html |
134. Sams Teach Yourself Ruby In 21 Days By Mark Slagell; Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN 0672322528. Beginner's guide by Professor, introduces Ruby as a programming language, and objectoriented programming in general. Prentice Hall http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/professional/product/1,4096,0672322528,00.html |
135. CS 114 Intro To Computer Programming - General Questions About Jump To Select Forum. CS 114 Intro to Computer programming, © 2002 Universityof Alabama, Go To http://cs.ua.edu/forums/cs114/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=2 |
136. How To Think Like A Computer Scientist Learning With Python By Allen B. Downey, Jeffrey Elkner, Chris Meyers; Green Tea Press, 2002, ISBN 0971677506. Teaches general principles of programming, via Python as subject language. Thorough, indepth approach to many basic and intermediate programming topics. Full text online and downloads HTML, PDF, PS, LaTeX. Free, Green Tea Press http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython.html |
137. JudoScript A scripting language built atop Java, and is a powerful generalpurpose programming language with intimate Java scripting support. Open source, LGPL http://www.judoscript.com/index.html |
138. SpeedyGrl.com Programming GENERAL The US's 50 States; Time and TimeZones. programming general Beyond Logic;Courseware Home Page; CS Tutorials and Exercises; Dav's programming Page; http://www.speedygrl.com/p/21.html |
139. Python List general discussion list for the Python programming language. http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list |
140. OOP Criticism The author states that ObjectOriented programming (and development in general) has been oversold and overemphasized. They try to debunk some myths on the topic. http://www.geocities.com/tablizer/oopbad.htm |
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