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Programs Camps Teach: more detail |
61. Seacoast Science Center 2002. Vacation camps are day programs that teach about the natural environmentin ways that are both exciting and enriching. Campers http://www.seacentr.org/programs/camp_program.html | |
62. Degree Programs: Nursing Careers centers, military bases, outreach programs, schools, sporting events, summer camps,and worldwide health agencies, to name a few. Nurses teach people to http://www.son.washington.edu/eo/nursing_careers.asp | |
63. Schools And Camps For Children With Disabilities Classes include music, art, and stories to teach sign language OSEP Office of SpecialEducation programs OSEP's mission and organization focus camps AND SPORTS. http://www.baby-place.com/disabilities.htm | |
64. St. Francis High School--Summer Programs Home Page Basketball Camp Director KATE MICHEL '92 KOWALSKI The purpose of the camps is to Thepurpose of this camp is to teach the skills and proper techniques in the http://www.sfhsnet.org/summer/home.htm | |
65. Camps And Community Programs Volk, as well as members of the UCI Men's and Women's Soccer Teams, will teach participantstechnical Those registering for CYP programs electronically have http://www.athletics.uci.edu/CCP/Soccer.html | |
66. Eastlake YMCA our programs emphasize character development and help teach youth the Fees $ 90 /week Specialty Sports Camp programs Specialty camps offer focused http://www.ymcaeastbay.org/Eastlake/eastlake_programs.html | |
67. Adventure Camps At Camp Earth In Garrett County Maryland experience is an integral part of all outdoor programs and activities as model andway in which to teach and learn In our camps we are not just looking for ways http://www.campearth.org/adventurecamps.htm | |
68. Sea Kayak Camps: Sea Trek Summer Camp Programs At Sea Trek kayak camps our goal is to instill Our programs encourage cooperationand respect through fun, non Our goal is to teach camp members what makes our http://www.seatrekkayak.com/pages/summer/scrollingpage.htm | |
69. Baseball Programs, Clinics And Camps goal is to develop individual skills, teach the proper Pitching and Hitting camps$120 per session Center of San Francisco offers baseball programs for children http://www.sfgokids.com/pages/baseball.htm | |
70. Adolescent Treatment Centers, Programs And Wilderness Camps Eckerd Youth Alternatives Wilderness camps for Troubled Kids therapudic and experientialeducation programs for troubled Qualified facilty teach the tools of http://www.soberrecovery.com/links/adolescenttreatment.html | |
71. Camp Shane Weight Loss Camps Has A Weight Loss Camp Closer Than You Think! nutrition education, dieting information, fitness programs, exercise, weight the worldleader of weight loss camps. We teach classes in nutrition, dieting and http://www.weightlosscamps.com/nutrition.htm | |
72. AAVE - High School Summer Programs, Teen Summer Camps, Teen Travel Camps, Educat The goal of America's Adventure and Venture Europe (AAVE) is to teach skillswhich will lead to a lifetime of exploration, friendship and enjoyment. http://www.aave.com/newsite/HTML/aavegoals.html | |
73. Connect For Kids - Profiles In Action A California Program to teach Parenting in the Juvenile Justice He thinks more statemoney for fatherhood programs at the juvenile halls and camps is great http://www.connectforkids.org/benton_reviews1565/benton_reviews_show.htm?doc_id= |
74. Hemophilia Camps In The United States Although activities vary by facilitywith programs as diverse as windsurfing,horseback Most of the camps teach selfinfusion, which is a critical step in http://www.hemophiliagalaxy.com/1_PATIENTS/topics/camp/campmain.html | |
75. Programs - Fran O'Leary's Soccer Camps programs. These camps are coed and oriented around a playful and fun game-like atmosphere Avariety of games will be used to teach ball control and small group http://www.gmu.edu/news/soccercamps/programs.html | |
76. ASCENT Vs. Boot Camps : Therapeutic Wilderness Program For Defiant Teens To Mana However, wilderness programs coupled with a re National Association for TherapeuticWilderness camps and the adventure experiences that teach essential personal http://cedu-ascent.com/ascentvsbootcamp.htm | |
77. Adult Evening Programs - The Tennis Camps At Harvard Utilizing the most modern approaches to teach playing skills and mental Tennis, bothof which complement our Competitor and Tournament Tough Training programs. http://www.tenniscampsatharvard.com/HT_AdultEveningClasses.html | |
78. Opinions & Essays, 08/2001 - Boot Camps And Therapeutic Wilderness Expeditions - the difference between boot camps and quality wilderness programs? Boot camps andmilitary schools are based on a resulting pain is supposed to teach the child http://www.strugglingteens.com/archives/2001/8/oe02.html | |
79. Summer Camps And Programs camps are held in Phoenix and Los Angeles to the regular camp program, two specialtyprograms are offered in the natural world, the goal is to teach each camper http://www.focusas.com/SummerCamps.html | |
80. Untitled with distance and technique (aerobic), these training programs will help you feelfocused about your training again. The HomePond camps teach race warm ups http://www.homepondrowing.com/TrainingProgramsFrame1Source1.htm | |
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