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161. National Consultative Committee On Racism And Interculturalism aim of the Committee is to provide an ongoing structure to develop programmes andactions aimed at developing an integrated approach against racism and to act http://www.nccri.com/ |
162. Anti-Chief Homepage Information about eliminating the University of Illinois mascot and general antiracism resources from Progressive Resource/Action Cooperative. http://www.prairienet.org/prc/prcanti.html |
163. Diversity And Multiculturalism The New Racism The diversity movement claims that its goal is to extinguish racism, but it is actuallyjust the opposite. Many people have a very superficial view of racism. http://www.aynrand.org/objectivism/diversity.html |
164. NYU Peace Coalition NYU students, faculty, staff, and community members whose mission is to educate their city and their country about why violence and racism are not the answers to September 11th or terrorism. Articles, events calendar, and resources for activism. http://www.nyupeacecoalition.com/index2.html |
165. Creationism Implies Racism? A number of creationists have stated that evolutionary theory leadslogically to racism. This McIver. Creationism Implies racism? http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/racism.html |
166. Artists Against Racism Association of music artists taking a stand against global racism. http://www.artistsagainstracism.org/AARMain.cfm |
167. PARIAH - People Against Racism In Aboriginal Homelands - Articles Antiracist organization based in Northern Territory, Australia. Exposes and combats government sanction Category Society Issues Anti-racism Organizations......Enter. Visit our new Flash site. Visual political commentary. http://www.country-liberal-party.com/ |
168. Race And Racism Links to essays, articles, prose, poetry and photography. http://users.rcn.com/heugene/race_racism.html |
169. Online NewsHour Environmental Racism? September 16, 1997 ENVIRONMENTAL racism? September 16, 1997. NEWSHOUR TRANSCRIPT. A neighborhood RESIDENTIt was unjust. A case of environmental racism? BETTY ANN http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/environment/july-dec97/racism_9-16.html |
170. Truth On Race Ernest Dillard is a political activist in the fight and task force against racism for over 30 years through providing the whole truth of facts, statistics, and cultural changes to whites, as well as targeting and exposing racist political representatives to the community through active media reporting. http://www.truthonrace.com |
171. A Goal An essay on tribalism, racism, from the point of view of an African in America. http://www.geocities.com/sabang261/flifebites132.htm |
172. Antisemitism And Xenophobia Today A countryby-country report on antisemitism, racism and xenophobia. http://www.axt.org.uk/ |
173. Racism Law And AttitudeUS History/Contemporary Studies Lesson , Reference materials on the Constitution of the United States, the Billof Rights, and de jure and de facto racism. 3. As a class, define racism. http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/racism/ |
174. My Skin Is Not Red Information about racism in sports mascots. http://www.dickshovel.com/milford.html |
175. SFAR - Sunderland Fans Against Racism Welcome to the website of Sunderland Fans Against racism, a group of Sunderland AFCsupporters who are concerned at recent instances of racist abuse, ignorance http://www.sfar.org.uk/ |
176. European Monitoring Centre On Racism And Xenophobia (EUMC) Examines the development of racist, xenophobic and antisemitic phenomena, and supports research on combatting these phenomena. http://www.eumc.at/ |
177. What Is Racism? WHAT IS racism? by Thomas Jackson. 8}. There is surely no nation in the worldthat holds racism in greater horror than does the United States. http://home.ddc.net/ygg/ot/ot-01.htm |
178. World Conference Against Racism 2001 Official site of the United Nations conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. http://www.unhchr.ch/html/racism/index.htm |
179. EUMC Web Site Your browser doesn't support redirection, pleaseclick here to go to the EUMC home page http://eumc.eu.int/ |
180. American Civil Liberties Union Racial Equality Racial Racial Equality Racial profiling Racial Equality Racial profiling Press Releases, View All. ACLU of NJ Wins $775,000 for Victims http://www.aclu.org/profiling/ |
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