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81. Amphibian And Reptile Links - Daviess Co Audubon Society Washington Reptile and amphibian Diversity University of Puget Sound. West VirginiaReptiles and amphibians - John Adams Junior High Herpetological societies, http://audubon.wku.edu/daviess/amphibia.html | |
82. Bomis: The Recreation/Pets/Herp/Societies And Organizations Ring Categorized lists of Herp societies, as well as fostering a shared interest in amphibianand reptile placing unwanted, abandoned, and abused reptiles into new http://www.bomis.com/rings/Msocieties-and-organizations-recreation/ | |
83. Links.html NRAAC The National Reptile amphibian Advisory Council lists herpetology societiesand related sites. Society for the Study of amphibians and reptiles. http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Biology/herpcons/Links/links.html | |
84. Herp Societies the Study of Amphibians and reptiles Southern Nevada The Edmonton Reptile and AmphibianSociety The League of Florida Herpetological societies The Minnesota http://www.herpads.net/society.htm | |
85. Frank's Duplicate Books Reptile amphibian Hobbyist . Society For the Study of amphibians and ReptilesJournalof Herpetology South Australian Affiliation of Herpetological societies. http://www.pondturtle.com/books.html | |
86. Herp Societies Herpetological societies. Alabama. Valley Turtle and Tortoise Society; Bay Area Amphibianand reptiles Society; Northern California Herpetological Society. http://www.herper.com/forum/societies.html | |
87. Canadian Herpetological Resources largest breeder of captive bred reptiles BC Ph/Fax 604359-7848. HerpetologicalSocieties. Delaware nature Society, The Alberta Reptile and amphibian Society. http://www.vaherper.com/pages/canada.htm | |
88. HERPETOLOGY SOCIETIES & ASSOCIATIONS HERPETOLOGY societies ASSOCIATIONS. Society German Society for Herpetology and Amphibianand Reptile for the Study of Amphibians and reptiles Southeastern Hot http://www.il-st-acad-sci.org/herpesoc.html | |
89. Florida Herp Bibliography, Topic Search Results League of Florida Herpetological societies Newsletter (July)2 The reptile and amphibiancommunities of the United for taking, possession and sale of reptiles. http://www.wildflorida.org/herpbibl/resultstopic.asp?Species=REPT&Topic=HUMA |
90. Frog Links - Groups And Societies Australasian Affiliation of Herpetological societies (journal only International DecliningAmphibian Populations Task Force of Amphibians and reptiles www.ukans http://www.frogs.wwf.org.au/groups_and_links/groups_and_societies.htm | |
91. ASIH Related Societies And Links societies, herp journals, web sites, herpetologists, educational institutions, museumsand collections, and herp conservation efforts; North American amphibian | |
92. AMPHIBIAN AND REPTILE CONSERVATION Alytes 07534973. amphibian and Reptile Conservation 1083-446X. Madagascar Reptilesand amphibians CAMP (french). Institute for Scientific Information. societies. http://www.herpetofauna.org/ | |
93. TTN 2:25 for the Conservation of reptiles and Amphibians involved in reptile or amphibianconservation efforts effort between many clubs, societies, organizations and http://www.chelonian.org/ttn/archives/ttn2/pp25.shtml | |
94. New Page 1 Canadian Herpetological societies. Alberta. The Edmonton Reptile AmphibianSociety. Westcoast Society for the Protection and Conservation of reptiles. http://members.shaw.ca/rhacodactylus/societies.htm | |
95. Biology Links BiologyZoologyAnimals, Insects, and PetsReptiles and amphibians. amphibian embryologytutorial; Browder The Virtual Embryo; CIW societies and Journals, top. http://www.uoguelph.ca/zoology/devobio/linksbio.htm | |
96. Reptiles As Pets representing most of the herpetological societies in Australia Reptile and AmphibianInterest Group (R AIG) PO Box Society of Frogs and reptiles (SOFAR) PO Box http://www.amonline.net.au/factsheets/reptiles_pets.htm | |
97. Links Cage Company Styles Reptilian Checks Tukes WhiteSnake reptiles. HerpetologicalSocieties Shows. National Reptile and amphibian Advisory Council New England http://www.pythons.com/links.html | |
98. Other Great Places To Visit Try using Herp Search from KingSnake.com! The worlds largest reptileand amphibian search engine click HERE to submit your site. http://www.wnyherp.org/links.html | |
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