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Researching On The Net Writers: more detail |
21. Researching An Agent's Track Record--an Article By Victoria Strauss researching an agent's track record (and you do want to research it when querying newsitems about the agent and projects s/he's sold, writers' conferences s http://www.sff.net/people/victoriastrauss/trackrecord.html | |
22. Images: Interesting Links Internet Research for writers FAQ, A guide to virtually everythingyou would need to know about researching through the net; Research http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7194/links.html | |
23. Smog.net - Artists, Writers, Photographers, Curiosities And More - Mjp was badly disappointed in the contemporary American writers of the options and howI gotta have net, not gross Bukowski beer for beer in researching this profile http://whiskeytown.net/writers/bukowski/poems/int3.php | |
24. British Literature Websites HOURS upon HOURS of extra time researching on the rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/ (LiteraryResources on the net). http//www.xs4all.nl/%7Epwessel/writers.html (Great http://www.fatherryan.org/academic/english/dieterich/dieterich1.htm | |
25. T E A C H I N G - Annota Tions collegewriting.net/research/researching/government.htm Your Audience http//collegewriting.net/principles/thinkingrhetorically htmHelps writers understand the http://teaching.etdguide.com/openwiki/ow.asp?AnnotaTions |
26. T E A C H I N G - Tia Annotations 4.http//collegewriting.net/principles/inventing/researching.htm All of the webpagesabove give writers assistance with The creative process.This webpage http://teaching.etdguide.com/openwiki/ow.asp?TiaAnnotations |
27. OJR Writers technology. 200207-30. researching People on the Internet, technology. technology.1999-04-01. The net A Journalist's Ultimate Reference Guide, technology. http://www.ojr.org/ojr/writers/archive.php?personID=106 |
28. Break Into Screenwriting Script Market News, Writing Advice, but most writers reps prefer to market writers with credits. to get you startedFinding and researching agents http//breakingin.net/agents_hide.htm. http://breakingin.net/bestQ A.htm |
29. Genevieve Fosa - Writer Profile From The WritersNet Published Writers And Author Home page www.bestediting.net. I started The Best Word in order to help writers developetheir here in Portland, Maine, and I must say that researching the ma. http://www.writers.net/writers/7102 | |
30. Marla Spergel - Writer Profile From The WritersNet Published Writers And Authors TV development projects Developing new products and programs researching new consumer Registernow for a free @writers.net email account Subscribe to the http://www.writers.net/writers/9691 | |
31. The GrassHopper Shopper A huge page full of Research Engines to help writers get the jump on gathering information.Category Arts writers Resources Research...... researching books Pop over to the Alta Vista site and, follow this advice EXACTLYnow, In the Search Field, Type in linkhttp//www.writers.net replacing the http://www.talewins.com/Search.htm | |
32. On The Net Resource Guide For Writers By Misti Jackson (book) Pieces Book Reviews I would like to congratulate Ms. Jackson for the wonderful jobshe has done researching her book, On The net, Resource Guide For writers. http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewwork.asp?AuthorID=1696 |
33. Science Fiction And Fantasy Resource Network: Writers Resources : Genre Resource a book, into fantasy or dragons, researching history, looking and Utopia http//www.wenet.net/~lquilter/femsf ForWriters Only http//www.forwriters.com/ (Date http://speculativevision.com/network/Writers_Resources/Genre_Resources/ | |
34. The 'Wired' Writer: Researching On The Internet researching on the Internet Click here for a few org, and if none of the above .net. phonedirectory Biographical Dictionary Christian writers Resources Church http://www2.fwi.com/~watkins/wired.htm | |
35. AWritersLife.net Best sites for buying and researching. $350 firm/2000 words. http//home.att.net/~night_writer/index.html.Are you looking for fellow writers to chat with? http://www.awriterslife.net/newsletter_101600.html | |
36. AWritersLife.net Duties and responsibilities include * researching and reviewing stating your interestto webeditor@kola.net. in Walnut Creek, Calif., seeks freelance writers. http://www.awriterslife.net/newsletter_102400.html | |
37. Biographies - Collections Biography collections for researching notable women in history. famous women in historyfrom various net sources and A Celebration of Women writers Simple yet http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/biographiesmulti/ | |
38. Popular Magazines Writing Resources Page everything on and off the net that you could possiblyneed in writing or researching a paper. InkSpot writers' Resources, MacAddict http://home.mchsi.com/~albeej/pages/Popular.html | |
39. Researching And Marketing Biographies In Cyberspace researching and Marketing Biographies in Cyberspace to online history resources;Hnet provides reviews Victorian Women writers Project a growing database of http://www.cnr.edu/home/bmcmanus/wwwl-links.html | |
40. Online Toolkit - Introduction The web allows you to meet other writers and share your thoughts, views and frustrations.I cannot stress enough the importance of researching on the net. http://trace.ntu.ac.uk/transition/toolkit/advice.htm | |
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