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81. Related Readings on this page or know of a resource that should be included and is not, please sendus a note. American studies Colonial Period/The revolutionary war; The Civil http://www.iath.virginia.edu/cgi-bin/readings.pl | |
82. U.S. History Research Links Links to sites that cover a broad range of topics from the revolutionary war to Reconstruction. Includes Category Society History By Region North America United States...... of the Library of Congress us Historical Document Archive United States HistoryVietnam war www.revwar.com (revolutionary war) American Revolution http://members.tripod.com/~Mark1212/ | |
83. History Links: Revolutionary America [ushistory.org] including the French and Indian war through the revolutionary war http//www TheOn Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist studies Extensive information on the http://www.ushistory.org/links/history_revolutionary.htm | |
84. Afghanistan And The US: Selected Internet Resources A guide to online resources on Afghanistan, the Taliban, and the us compiled by the South/Southeast Category Regional Asia Afghanistan Society and Culture Politics...... Report on Afghanistan by the us Committee for The war In Afghanistan, by Noam Chomsky(excerpts Tyranny of Fundamentalism, by the revolutionary Association of http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/SouthAsia/afghan_US.html | |
85. Curriculum 1 course have the opportunity to take us History AP in 1 CREDIT 70120I SOCIAL STUDIESThis course is the United States from the revolutionary war through Desert http://jmhs.mars.k12.wv.us/courses/SocialStudies/SocialStudies.html | |
86. Revolutionary War Sites This site is filled with link to revolutionary war sites that you can use in your classroom http://www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/resources/revolutionarywar.cfm | |
87. Revolutionary War Created by Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson, 1/99 Updated, 8/00 http://eduscapes.com/42explore/revolt.htm | |
88. Michigan Teacher Network--Social Studies Presidents, us; Psychology; Recent Additions to Social studies; RevolutionaryWar, us; Social studies, General Lesson Collections; Social http://mtn.merit.edu/social.html | |
89. FREE -- Federal Resources For Educational Excellence - Home Page American revolutionary war Morristown National Historic Park describes the mansionand environs that served as a nerve center during the revolutionary war. http://www.ed.gov/free/ | |
90. United States History Social studies. the site of the winter camp of the Colonial army during the RevolutionaryWar. Betsy Ross Homepage Information on the history of the us flag. http://www.sldirectory.com/studf/research3.html | |
91. Theme Units & Online Activities - Greentown Elementary School Ohio studies Unit. Olympics 2000 Unit. Optical Illusions Unit. Our Fifty StatesUnit. Pig Unit. Planets and Space Unit. Presidents First Ladies. RevolutionaryWar http://viking.stark.k12.oh.us/~greentown/grtheme.htm | |
92. Spring Hill Elementary: Colt Links - Social Studies Social studies. army.mil/FSA01.HTM; Virtual Tour of the us Supreme Court The RevolutionaryWar library.advanced.org/10966 A Journey Towards Freedom; The History http://www.usd230.k12.ks.us/usd230/es/COLT/socialstudies.html | |
93. Fort Delaware Delaware, describing the brick and concrete fortifications, and the Revolutionaryand Civil war history of MacConnell, sent to assist us during our visit. http://civilwarstudies.org/fortdelaware/fort_delaware.htm | |
94. Social Studies Teacher Resources For Tuba City High School Pages especially designed for high school Social studies courses at Tuba City High School on the Navajo and Hopi reservations. Topics include American http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/6882/sstudies/ushist.html | |
95. History, Social Studies, Current Events Links Page--Page 2 Contains http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/3446/history2.html | |
96. Latin American Studies http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~delacova/home2.htm | |
97. The Integration Of Technology Across The Middle School Curriculum Pine River Webmail webmail.pineriver.k12.mi.us. Lesson Plans and Projects. Questionsor Comments? Contact cchoponis@pineriver.k12.mi.us. http://www.pineriver.k12.mi.us/ms/lessonplans/lessonplans.html | |
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