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Rhode Island School Media Centers: more detail |
81. Untitled First Name, school Granting MA, school Granting BA Technology *Russo, Patricia, MARhode island College, BS at UrbanaChampaign -Hypertext, media Studies and http://www.uri.edu/artsci/eng/GradStudents.html | |
82. Www.infomotions.com/serials/alawon/alawon-v3n58.txt to the congressional champions the sponsors of the original school Library MediaAct now leaders, whether or not you are in rhode island or Illinois http://www.infomotions.com/serials/alawon/alawon-v3n58.txt |
83. United Way Of Rhode Island - CSRI Learning Network media/public relations to built parent awareness and Stable funding for outof-schooltime programs. United Way of rhode island 229 Waterman Street, Providence http://www.unitedwaysene.org/csri_learnnetwork.cfm | |
84. The National Assembly On School-Based Health Care Don't blanket all the media with every release. news from the State SBHC AssociationsRhode island Senate Commission to Study schoolBased Health http://nasbhc.org/search.asp?Category=Advocacy |
85. Welcome To The Lifespan/Tufts/Brown Center For AIDS Research to its membership primarily through electronic media (email was held at Tufts UniversitySchool of Medicine fellows at both Boston and rhode island campuses. http://www.lifespan.org/cfar/ | |
86. School Libraries Highly recommended. The Chico HS Library One of the outstanding school librariesand media centers. An original and outstanding school library page. http://www.reference.com/Dir/Reference/Libraries/School_Libraries/ | |
87. The Rhode Island Foundation: What's New(s)? of the rhode island Training school and other at composers through a multimediarecording and to schools and community organizations throughout rhode island. http://www.rifoundation.org/pr_arts_grants.htm | |
88. Educational Pointers: MultiMedia rhode island Multimedia Links rhode island Multimedia Links of the Discovery ChannelSchool site. media Literacy Clearinghouse Numerous articles, background and http://www.wsbe.org/Education/Pointers/media.html | |
89. Health Director Recognized For Work With School-Based Health Centers HEALTHri media Releases. Health Director Recognized for Work with schoolBased Health RhodeIsland's Director of Health has received national recognition from http://www.healthri.org/media/010416b.htm | |
90. Vacation And Meeting Information For Providence, Warwick, & Rhode Island The Providence Warwick Convention Visitors Bureau provides travel information, events calendar, weather updates and destination news to those planning a leisure or business trip or meeting in Providence, Warwick, rhode island, or nearby http://www.goprovidence.com/ | |
92. Chronic Disease Prevention | Programs | Healthy Youth is supported by national media channels, public May 1998 through September 2000, RhodeIsland provided nutrition teachers in the public school district with the http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/bb_healthyyouth/ | |
93. ALISE Statistical Report 1998: Table III-39 Managing school Library media Programs. media Collections for Children and YA. RhodeIsland, Foundations of LIS, Research Evaluation for LIS, Nonfiction for http://www.ils.unc.edu/ALISE/1998/Curriculum/tb3-39.html | |
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