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Rodents Endangered & Threatened: more detail |
61. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Protection The gnatcatcher was listed as a threatened species under the federal EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA mammal within a unique family of rodents, more closely http://sandiegole.fws.gov/pages/habitat.htm | |
62. OnlineAthens: Opinions Gibbons: We Have More And Fewer Rabbits Than We Think 11/ rather than the single pair characteristic of rats, mice, beavers and other rodents. statusof at least eight is considered to be endangered or threatened. http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/110899/opi_1108990026.shtml | |
63. Animal Redlist Capricornis sumatraensis sumatraensis, endangered. Rodentia rodents. Hylopetesbartelsi, Lower risk near threatened. Hylopetes sipora, endangered. http://users.bart.nl/~edcolijn/redlistm.html | |
64. SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Tuatara and continuing to make sure rodents do not get Tuatara endangered New Zealand WildlifeSeries by Don View threatened and endangered species reports from other http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/tuatara.html | |
65. CBS News | Endangered Species List Grows | October 9, 2002 03:44:25 1962 but a small population of the rodents was found on The number of endangered primatespecies rose from 120 to affect 89 percent of all threatened birds, 83 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/08/tech/main524740.shtml | |
66. Wildlife Status Reports - Alberta Sustainable Resource Development O'Farrell, MJ 1974. Seasonal activity patterns of rodents in a sagebrush community.J. Mammal. 1997. List of endangered and threatened wildlife. http://www3.gov.ab.ca/srd/fw/status/reports/krat/lit.html | |
67. Molecular Systematics And Conservation Genetics - ROM target species have included endangered Chinese giant one of the most threatenedregions of systematics, speciation, and biogeography of Neotropical rodents. http://www.rom.on.ca/biodiversity/cbcb/cbmolecu.html | |
68. AtlanticCape Community College It preys on rodents, birds, snakes, lizards, insects, and on the US list of threatenedspecies. ACCC's endangered Species Protection Plan Working closely with http://www.atlantic.edu/capemay/endangeredspecies.html | |
69. Raptor Center: Learn About Raptors and status as of June 26 , 2001U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service KEY E = EndangeredT = threatened XN = Experimental They will also eat small rodents and birds http://www.raptor.cvm.umn.edu/content.asp?page=2500 |
70. Helping Eagles Survive/2 Eagles eat mainly fish, but also feed on ducks, rodents, snakes and carrion. A threatenedlisting means a species could become endangered in the future http://www.army.mil/soldiers/july96/eagle1.html | |
71. The Action Plan For Australian Rodents - Contents Page priorities for action to conserve Australian rodents. Conservation Council List ofEndangered Vertebrates (April Plan Appendix 3 threatened Species Categories http://ea.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/action/rodents/ | |
72. WILDLIFE Another California endangered Species, the willow flycatcher that the Federally Threatenedvalley elderberry and other plants, various rodents, including mice http://www.gv.net/~rsthomas/wild/Wildlife.htm | |
73. INHS Staff | CBD | Joyce Hofmann threatened and rare mammals in Illinois; Summer habitat requirements of the federallyendangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis); Demography of microtine rodents; http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/staff/cbd/jhofmann.html | |
74. Wissenschaftliche Abteilungen: Abteilung Zoologie Continues to work on several research projects, ie taxonomy and ecology of Africanrodents as well A catalogue of threatened and endangered species within http://www.naturkundemuseum-bw.de/stuttgart/wissenschaft/zoologie/e_zoologie.htm | |
75. SPECIES NAME Including designation of state and federallylisted. endangered and threatenedspecies. ORDER RODENTIA - rodents Family Sciuridae - Squirrels http://www.bobpickett.org/SpeciesbyState.htm | |
76. Nat'l Academies Press, Animals For Research: (1979), 4 Nonhuman Primates guyana, scientific, papio, status, primate, baboon, tamarin, saguinus, gct, ateles,source, panama, endangered, threatened, tmf, marmoset http://www.nap.edu/books/0309029201/html/56.html | |
77. Untitled Document Ext.); Georgia Pest Control Handbook (Georgia Coop. Ext.); endangered and ThreatenedAnimals of Utah Ext.). Commensal rodents Mouse Management (Illinois Coop. http://www.berrymaninstitute.org/internetpubs.htm | |
78. Endangered Species Around The World: Animal And Plants Trends :: Green Nature :: wild cattle, wild goats and some rodents have been of listed reptiles, from 253 threatenedin 1996 to The number of Critically endangered species has increased http://greennature.com/article204.html | |
79. Untitled ORDER RODENTIARodents. to the Delta and bottomland areas in the southern partof the state; state endangered species; federal threatened species. http://www.msstate.edu/org/MAS/apriljournal/land.html | |
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