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41. 12.03.2003: Indigenous Peoples Of The North And The Parliamentary System Of The Participation of the indigenous peoples of the russian North in national politicsis indeed highly relevant to the work of the Arctic Council and to the Arctic http://www.mfa.is/embassy/mfa.nsf/pages/wpp2323 | |
42. Meeting Of Frontiers: For More Items -- Indigenous Peoples Of Alaska The summary for this russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://memory.loc.gov/intldl/mtfhtml/mfak/fmiaindig.html | |
43. ExploreNorth - Indigenous Peoples Of Northern Russia Nenets Oxana Kharuchi, who works for the russian Association of the indigenous Peoplesof the North, has posted a beautiful photo album showing her people and http://www.explorenorth.com/native-ru.html | |
44. Choike : Indigenous Peoples russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North RAIPON The vast expanseof the russian Federation, from the Kola Peninsula in the northwest to the http://www.choike.org/links/4/34/info_util6.html | |
45. Links - Fourth World indigenous peoples of the russian North, Siberia and Far East. Oxana Kharuchi's Nenetspage. USA Northern Plains Indian Law Center. University of North Dakota. http://www.uit.no/ssweb/links/4ww3.htm | |
46. The World Bank - Indigenous Peoples groups of representatives of indigenous peoples associations, NGOs Approach Paperfrom indigenous organizations and Africa, and the russian Federation, where http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/essd/essd.nsf/28354584d9d97c29852567cc00780e2a/8596 |
47. E_13 It is a partnership project of Lauravetlan Foundation, Saami Council and RAIPON(Association of indigenous peoples of russian North, Siberia and Far East http://www.indigenous.ru/english/bulletin/e_13.htm | |
48. E_info L'auravetl'an . The idea came as result of the dire situations ofindigenous peoples of russian Federation. While living on huge http://www.indigenous.ru/english/e_info.html | |
49. NATIVE-L Mailing List: UN - Indigenous Peoples - Russia Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has expressed concern at the situationof indigenous peoples living in the russian North, Siberia and the Far http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9706/0065.html | |
50. [NEWW/NR] RFE/RL On Russian Policies Towards Small Indigenous Peoples NEWW/NR RFE/RL on russian policies towards small indigenous peoples.NEWW neww@neww.org Fri, 20 Apr 2001 090236 0400 Previous http://lists.partners-intl.net/pipermail/neww-rights/2001-April/000505.html | |
51. Arctic Council Called Forum For Cooperation With Indigenous Peoples 020403 russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North (RAIPON) is the umbrellaorganization of 40 indigenous peoples of the russian North with a total http://www.uspolicy.be/Issues/Environment/arcticpeople.020403.htm | |
52. Permanent Forum 2002 Membership - Indigenous Peoples - OHCHR indigenous experts Mr. Antonio JACANAMIJOY (Colombia) Mr. Ayitégau KOUEVI (Togo OleHenrik MAGGA (Norway) Ms. Zinaida STROGALSCHIKOVA (russian Federation) Mr | |
53. Aboriginal Connections - An Indigenous Peoples Web Directory: What's New L'auravetl'an . The idea came as result of the dire situations ofindigenous peoples of russian Federation. (Last Modified 28Nov http://www.aboriginalconnections.com/links/New/28-Nov-2002.html | |
54. Rangifer.net: Human Role In Reindeer/Caribou Systems - Caribou And Reindeer Even We, the leaders of the Aleut International Association, the Inuit Circumpolar Conference,the russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North, and the http://www.dartmouth.edu/~arctic/rangifer/news/aldeclaration.html | |
55. NATIVE-L (December 1995): Re: Siberian Indigenous Peoples experience in terms of relations with the russian, Soviet and Sakha Republic's governmentsof the Small peoples of the North (minority indigenous groups and http://aises.uthscsa.edu/natnet/archive/nl/9512/0082.html | |
56. NATIVE-L (May 1996): Indigenous People Of The North Protest In Russia housing, food and education, demand the start of a negotiation process between theGovernment of the russian Federation and indigenous peoples of the north as http://aises.uthscsa.edu/natnet/archive/nl/9605/0155.html | |
57. THE SAAMI COUNCIL: Indigenous Peoples: Land Environment And Sustainable Developm three other States encompassing the Saami, where the Saami are the only indigenouspeople, within the russian borders there are many other indigenous peoples. http://www.suri.ee/doc/saamide.html | |
58. Some Finno-Ugrian Links russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North (RAIPON). TraditionalCulture of the European NorthEast of Russia (Encyclopaedia in russian). http://www.suri.ee/link.html | |
59. Bio: Stefan Bauer on Methods and Approaches to Ethnography in the russian North , Max NGOs, Vienna,Austria 1998 (28-30 October) Conference on indigenous peoples and Ecology http://www.sub-arctic.ac.at/bauer.htm | |
60. HEADQUARTERS PRESS BRIEFING BY FORUM ON INDIGENOUS ISSUES also clearer at the regional level for the 95 groups with a right to claim a placeon the official List of indigenous peoples of the russian Federation, though http://www.un.org/rights/indigenous/may23.htm | |
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