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81. Basic Russian Language Basic russian language. Mon., Jan. 27March 10, 7 pm. Location Indicatedon ticket. Basic russian language. Mon., Jan. 27March 10, 7 pm. http://residentassociates.si.edu/rap/russia/language.asp | |
82. Www.avenuerussia.com - Redirection Service Provided By Easyspace Illustrated russian language monthly on the arts and culture of the Western world. Includes contents, selected page images, and detailed information for advertisers. http://www.avenuerussia.com/ | |
83. Britannica Store russian language Instruction Travel Edition. $59.95 (USD) convert currency. Owner`sManual. Useful Russian phrase card. Language map of the world. 6 postcards. http://store.britannica.com/escalate/store/DetailPage?pls=britannica&bc=britanni |
84. Slavic: Undergraduate Program: Requirements Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree. russian language and Literature Thisconcentration literatures. russian language, Culture, and History This http://www.stanford.edu/dept/slavic/undergrad/requirements.html | |
85. Russian Language And Literature http://www.nd.edu/~grl/russfram.htm |
86. Russian Language Course In Moscow russian language courses and studies at Moscow State University. http://www.studyrussian.com | |
87. Russian Language Software And Russian Products russian language Products. Russian translation. russian languagedictionary. ESL English as Second Language for russians. http://www.russianlanguage.com/ | |
88. Ðóññêèé ÿçûê | Ïîðòàë "Ãðàìîòà.ðó" | Êóëüòóðà The summary for this russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.gramota.ru/ | |
89. Language Calendars: 2003 French, Spanish, Italian, German And Russian Desk Calen Foreign language calendars in French, Spanish, Italian, German, russian and Japanese. http://www.languagecalendars.com | |
90. Russian Election Laws - Democracy.Ru Englishlanguage of the most important russian laws on elections and political parties done by International Foundation for Election Systems. http://democracy.ru/english/library/laws/ | |
91. Russian Translation Made Easy Translation in English and russian, based in London, UK. http://www.language-resource.co.uk | |
92. Euro Index Page Translation and web site translation in russian, Irish, Japanese and Chinese. http://www.eurotranslate.ie | |
93. Arcus Swedish Language Service Translates from Czech, russian and English into Swedish. Authorized as a public translator from Czech into Swedish. http://www.algonet.se/~karcus/indexeng.htm |
94. The Russian Centre For Science And Culture In Malta Promotes cultural, scientific, educational, business, artistic, and humanitarian contacts between Russia and Malta. Services include exhibits, a language school, and special events. http://www.rcscmalta.org | |
95. AbcUni The Professional Distance Russian Course Begin learn russian with the distance learning by the native russian teachers. Direct support from a qualified language tutor and access to the complete range of our tutorial services personal syllabus, multimedia texts, grammatical explanations, grammatical and writing exercises, vocabulary, quizzes, pronunciation checks at the end of each fourth lesson, proficiency certificate. http://www.geocities.com/abcuni_school/1distance_learning/ |
96. Multilingual Translation Software Store - Offers Dictionary, Language And Transl Offers dictionary, language and translation software for English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese, russian, Ukrainian, Italian, and Portuguese. http://www.allvirtualware.com/ | |
97. LanguageAlliance.com - Translation Companies Foreign Language Translator russian, spanish, italian, chinese, japanese, and many more. Thank youfor giving All language Alliance, Inc. the opportunity to serve you. http://ra.nilenet.com/~translat/ | |
98. StudyAbroad.ru - ÎÁÓ×ÅÍÈÅ ÇÀ ÐÓÁÅÆÎÌ. Óíèâåðñèòåòû, Studyabroad.ru is dedicated to providing a russianlanguage forum for information on educational and language study opportunities throughout the world. (This site is a good resource for many countries, but is intended to serve russian viewers.) http://www.studyabroad.ru | |
99. XRCE CA : Content Analysis - (English) Perform tokenization, morphological analysis and partof-speech disambiguation on texts. http://www.xrce.xerox.com/research/mltt/demos/russian.en.html | |
100. Online Dictionary: Íîâûå ñîêðàùåíèÿ â ðóññêîì ÿçûêå The summary for this russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ets.ru/udict-abbrnew-r.htm | |
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