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Sandawe Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail |
21. Hadza Bibliography Hadza and sandawe genetic relations. Nomadic peoples 18 1726 indigenous discriminationthe ideological basis for local discrimination against hunter-gatherer http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~gray/bibliography.html | |
22. IPGRI's Bibliography: Letter N Pp. 397420 in peoples of Nepal Himalaya (H. Kihara, ed.). Fauna and Dimensions ofthe sandawe diet The preservation of foods indigenous to the Ecuadorian Andes http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/nus/biblio/biblion.htm | |
23. Conference Center of the outlying Hadza and sandawe peoples of northern are quite possibly the moststudied indigenous people on USA THE FUTURE OF SUBJECT peoples William Esuman http://www.spring.net/yapp-bin/public/read/cultures/29 | |
24. EBALL ON-LINE - BETA VERSION More on the indigenous languages of SWA. context of initiation ceremonies among twosouthern African peoples. sandawe and Hadza; and Die WuleSprachen Ubangi http://www.african.gu.se/eball/sample-khskhw.html | |
25. Yale University Library - Anthropology Box Bibliography Human Problems in British Central africa XI. Bayard, DT An Early indigenous BronzeTechnology in North Classification of the KruSpeaking peoples. 6th Annual http://www.library.yale.edu/socsci/subjguides/anthropology/offprints.html | |
26. Sources For The Numbers List Nauk SSSR, Jazyki Narodov SSSR Languages of the peoples of the R. The Harris volume(The indigenous Lgs of the Caucasus) also has R. sandawe Ryohei Kagaya 1993 http://www.zompist.com/sources.htm | |
27. The People with more than 120 different indigenous African peoples The sandawe hunters of northernTanzania are thought to be Nilotic peoples are represented by the Masai http://www.severnbaptist.org/missions/tanzania/people1.html | |
28. Africana.com: Gateway To The Black World.Screen Name Service one of the two most common indigenous languages of sub by the Khoikhoi and San peoplesof southern possible representatives of this family sandawe, with about http://www.africana.com/Articles/tt_162.htm | |
29. Engaruka The Hadzapi and sandawe tribes who lived in that List of Ancient and Modern IndigenousStone Structures with southern Cushites who preceded peoples related to http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00162.html |
30. Kilwa settlers, missionaries, planters, villages, indigenous people and The Hadzapi andSandawe tribes who lived in that Gorowa, Iraqw and Mbugu peoples moved from http://www.ntz.info/gen/n00298.html |
31. Research Assistants S. Steeman, A grammar of sandawe. practices on the historiography of indigenouspeoples, based on Culture and Development in africa PoliticalEconomic http://www.cnws.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3?c=21 |
32. LONG RANGER 33 (part 1) The East african 'Bushmen' (Hadza and sandawe) and the unclassified Kado also are suspectedoriginal home of Homo Sapiens before the migration out of africa. http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~witzel/LR33.htm | |
33. Lecture: Kalahari Ecology & Politics Tanz; Hadza best known but also sandawe (mainly foragers eg, 70s80s SW Afr PeoplesOrg (SWAPO) pushes actually Khomani San won only indigenous land claim in http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~anthro/courses/306/kalahari.html | |
34. Tanzania. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Bantuspeaking peoples include the Sukuma (the speak a Nilotic language; theSandawe speak a Frederick Lugard), Tanganyika had few indigenous large-scale http://www.bartleby.com/65/ta/Tanzania.html | |
35. Landru.i-link-2.net/jtrees/text/Nations_of_old-world.txt as generic name for several peoples) Dompago Dyerma Rusha Rwa Rwanda Safwa SagalaSandawe Sangu Shambala Chinese (15%) see CHINA indigenous (6%) Cambodia http://landru.i-link-2.net/jtrees/text/Nations_of_old-world.txt | |
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