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1. Council For Agricultural Science And Technology Learn about current projects, view the publications catalog, and print out a membership application for this nonprofit organization. Web Site Guide. acronyms Directory. Friday Notes from Washington, DC are e-mailed to members each week. The Council for Agricultural science and technology (CAST) has a short-term http://www.cast-science.org/ |
2. ACRO.IT: Science & Technology Acronyms 2/9/2003 60527 PM. http://www.acro.it/dyn/Class.asp?PK=1267 |
3. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Concepts and technology ACTS Advanced Communications technology Satellite ACTD Office BST Biomedical science and technology B/T Boost S T science and technology SAM Surfaceto-Air http://www.jcte.jcs.mil/htdocs/dodinfo/acronyms/acronyms.html | |
4. International Encyclopedia Of Abbreviations And Acronyms In International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and acronyms in science and technology.Compiled by Michael Peschke 1995ff. 17 vols. c. 400 pages per volume. http://www.saur.de/Titel/inencab.htm | |
5. Acronym Finder: Look Up 288,000+ Acronyms/abbreviations & Their Definitions The Acronym Finder is the web's largest searchable database of acronyms and abbreviations, containing over 280 000 definitions. Covers common acronyms, computers, science, technology, government, telecommunications, military acronyms. ©19882003 http://acronymfinder.com/ | |
6. APS International Affairs - Acronyms acronyms. AAAS, American Association for the Advancement of science. CSTP,Committee for science and technology Policy of DSTI in OECD. http://www.aps.org/intaff/acronym.html | |
7. Information Science And Technology Links American Society for Information science and technology Bulletin. American Society for Atlas of Cyberspaces. ATXTA acronyms, Text, Abbreviations, Slang, Messages, Jargon http://www.yorku.ca/sasit/links/information.html | |
8. UNDP Viet Nam acronyms AGI. Agricultural Genetics Institute. AIDRECEP. Hanoi University of CivilEngineering. IBST. Institute of Building science and technology. ICE. http://www.undp.org.vn/undp/docs/2002/dir02/pt11.htm | |
9. Space Studies Board CHAPTER 3. CHAPTER 4. acronyms. BIOGRAPHIES. BIBLIOGRAPHY. APPENDIX A Committee on Space science technology Planning. Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board http://www.nationalacademies.org/ssb/nasatechmenu.htm | |
10. SIRTF Site Map About SIRTF Team; About SIRTF Great Observatories; About SIRTF TSSG Report; acronyms(PDF File SIRTF science Universe; SIRTF science Glossary. SIRTF technology. http://sirtf.caltech.edu/search/sitemap.shtml | |
11. Space Studies Board Improving NASA's technology for Space science acronyms and Abbreviations. ASEB,Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board. CSTI, Civil Space technology Initiative. http://www.nas.edu/ssb/nasatechacronyms.htm | |
12. Space Studies Board acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. APPENDICES Study Origin and Statement of Task; WorkshopParticipants; Estimating NASA Funding for technology for Space science; http://www.nas.edu/ssb/nasatechmenu.htm | |
13. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. Command and Control System ATD Advanced technology DemonstrationATP Missile Defense Office BST Biomedical science and technology B http://jcs.mil/htdocs/dodinfo/acronyms/acronyms.html | |
14. Space Shuttle News Reference Manual PAYLOAD OPERATIONS CONTROL CENTER. SPACELAB TRAINING FACILITIES. NATIONAL SPACETECHNOLOGY LABORATORIES. GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER. acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/shuttle/technology/sts-newsref/stsref-toc.html | |
15. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS GLOSSARY OF acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network. OASTOffice of Aeronautics Space technology. OSS Office of Space science. http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/shuttle/technology/sts-newsref/stsover-acronyms.html | |
16. Technology Proposals Acronyms Here are a few acronyms commonly used in funding opportunity announcements CETDP,CrossEnterprise technology Development Program. ESE, Earth science Enterprise. http://isc.gsfc.nasa.gov/Technology/TechAcronyms.htm | |
17. Organisation For Economic Cooperation And Development Here's a list of some of the most commonly used OECD acronyms. STD StatisticsDirectorate. STI science, technology and Industry Directorate. SGE http://www.oecd.org/EN/glossary/0,,EN-glossary-0-nodirectorate-no-no-160-0,00.ht | |
18. Grant-related Acronyms And Abbreviations acronyms and Abbreviations. An online search system of the National science FoundationNSP Not Separately Priced NSTC National science technology Council NTIS http://www.fdp3.org/acronyms.html |
19. Acronyms For Information Technology And Computer Science AITCS (acronyms for Information technology and Comptuer science).I decided to start a list of acronyms since there are a million http://faculty.juniata.edu/fusco/pgaitcs.html | |
20. Allocating Federal Funds For Science And Technology Allocating Federal Funds for science and technology. Appendix E acronyms.AAAS, American Association for the Advancement of science. http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/fedfunds/appendix/appe.html | |
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