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21. SSB 2000 Operating Plan: Acronyms acronyms. AASC, Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee. OSS, Office of Spacescience (NASA). OSTP, Office of science and technology Policy. http://www.nap.edu/ssb/opacronyms.htm | |
22. Science & Technology Polymer Chemistry (Key centre for Polymer Colloids), US Global Change RIO acronyms Abbreviations. KernenergieGlossar. science technology Resources. http://www.trans-link.com/science.html | |
23. Acronyms Frequently Used Education acronyms. AACTE, American Association of Collegesfor Teacher Education. HOST, Health Occupations science technology. http://wvde.state.wv.us/tt/2001/acronyms.html | |
24. Agricultural Science And Policy Acronyms The current list may be found at www.castscience.org/acronyms/acronyms.htm. Councilfor Agricultural science and technology, 4420 West Lincoln Way, Ames http://www.cast-science.org/acronyms/acronyms.htm |
25. Acronyms acronyms. To find an acronym, use the Find function on your browser. SCWIST= Society of Canadian Women in science and technology. http://fas.sfu.ca/fas/pages/acronyms.html | |
26. Computing Acronyms Comments are welcome. For general or Edinburghspecific acronyms. NAHSTE, NavigationalAids for the History of science, technology and the Environment. http://www.ucs.ed.ac.uk/ucsinfo/acronyms.html | |
27. Legend To Acronyms And Abbreviations Legend to acronyms and abbreviations. Agreement CTAA Committee on technology AccreditationActivities DME Chair FESAC Fusion Energy science Advisory Committee http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/nps/abreviations.html | |
28. Listings Of The World Science Technology Television and reception Post Review Definition of abbreviations, acronyms and TLAs Post ReviewSite features excellent papers covering current technology throughout the http://listingsworld.com/Science/Technology/Television/ |
29. Technology For Network-Based Education - Reoirt Content NC State Fujitsu Partnership technology for Support of Network-Based EducationWorkflows 7. acronyms, Names and BSE Bachelor of science in Engineering. http://www3.ncsu.edu/dox/NBE/Reports/Report1/FUJITSU.7.HTML | |
30. ING Annual Report 1999 - Appendix J. Acronyms And Abbreviations Appendix J. acronyms and Abbreviations AAO, AngloAustralian Observatory. ICS, InstrumentControl System. ICSTM, Imperial College of science, technology and Medicine. http://www.ing.iac.es/PR/AR1999/appj99.html | |
31. Stardust Acronyms Stardust acronyms. at High Altitude SCI SCI Systems, Inc. SCI science SD Stardust MMA)SSR Solid State Recorder SSTI Small Spacecraft technology Iniative STB http://stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/acronyms.html | |
32. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Subseries: Lecture Notes In Artificial Intell Publishes workshop and conference proceedings as well as monographs in computer science and its subfields.Category Computers Computer science Publications Journals...... Then subcribe to Lecture Notes in Computer science at SpringerLink Alert. SpringerAlert. Information technology Encyclopedia and acronyms. Kajan. http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/ | |
33. Springer Computer Science, Computer Science, Books, Journals Springer books and journals in computing for scientists and students in computer science, as well Category Computers Computer science Publications...... Information technology Encyclopedia and acronyms. Software Pioneers SoftwarePioneers. Find all computer science books! Register now and win a book! http://www.springer.de/comp/ | |
34. ASEE Directory Of Engineering Colleges Engineering and Engineering technology Degree acronyms BA Bachelor's of ArtsBE - Bachelor's of Engineering BS - Bachelor's of science DE - Doctor of http://www.asee.org/publications/colleges/acronyms.cfm | |
35. F&P Glossaries Of Networking Terms And Acronyms the Russian description for English networking related terms and acronyms. scienceFoundation and the Ministry for Industry, science and technology of the http://www.friends-partners.org/friends/naukanet/ngi/glossary/index.html(opt,moz | |
36. Dictionaries Academic Press Dictionary of science and technology acronyms, ABBREVIATIONS ANDREFERENCE INDEX Alternative Dictionaries American Sign Language Dictionary http://multimedia.tamu-commerce.edu/Library/dict.htm | |
37. Alphabetical Index Of Acronyms (M) INIS Web Services. Index of acronyms. please select a b c d e f g h i j k l m no p r s t u v w y MASTIC, Malaysian science and technology Information Centre http://www.iaea.or.at/inis/ws/acronyms/letter_m.html | |
38. Alphabetical Index Of Acronyms (A) Index of acronyms. AIST, National Institute of of Advanced Industrial science technology (Japan) http//www.aist.go.jp/ (more info). http://www.iaea.or.at/inis/ws/acronyms/letter_a.html | |
39. Acronyms. From Strategic Plan Of The US Climate Change Science acronyms. ADEOS. The CENR is one of the 9 committees organized under theNational science and technology Council (NSTC). AmeriFlux. http://climatescience.gov/Library/stratplan2003/acronyms.htm |
40. Ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/aux/acronyms List of acronyms If you think Questions FARNET - Federal CoordinatingCouncil for science, Engineering, and technology FCC - Federal http://ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/aux/acronyms | |
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