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61. Biography Personal Names Math biographies; Mathematicians see specific mathematicians on our Mathematicspage; Medieval scientists, Physicians Mathematicians; Women in Math. http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/dpl/reference/ref_desk/desk_topics/biograph.htm |
62. Biology Occupations and Academic Options for BS and MS scientists. Individual work biographies, includesdaily activities and a file of specific career information from the DOT http://www.science.purdue.edu/Undergraduate/CareerDev/biologyoccupations.htm | |
63. Scientists Biotech Chronicles. Homework Centerbiographies. Homework Central.com. Inventors. PhysicsWeb - Web links of famous scientists. specific Biography Sites. http://www.windsorct.org/sagelmc/GRADE 6/Scientists/scientists team2.htm |
64. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY: PREMIER LIBRARY SOURCES Pictures of scientists. (see Figure 1B); Click on biographies, Student Center orAccessScience Q A in the righthand column to bring up topic-specific information http://www.slpl.lib.mo.us/libsrc/accessscience.htm | |
65. AccessScience @ McGraw-Hill for maintaining the authority of their specific subject area This section will includeApproximately 2,000 biographies of important scientists, all reviewed http://books.mcgraw-hill.com/accessscience/about.html | |
66. Launch Event Speaker Biographies networking between scientists and industrialists. technical and commercial excellenceof industry, both of which would be focused on specific industrial issues http://www.foodandhealthnetwork.com/events/Launch/lester.html | |
67. Hot Links from history small squares in the mathematicians names are specific Polishletters Muslim Mathematicians and scientists biographies of some http://www.windsor.k12.co.us/wms/wniccoli/HotLinks.htm | |
68. Subject Guide: Social Sciences List of Subject Guides. Use the links below to specific sections of the guide. Usethe top links to come back here. 300.9. Social scientists biographies. 303. http://lisweb.curtin.edu.au/finding/subjects/subjectsocsci.html | |
69. Reference Sources - Biography Research Guide - STCC Library African American biographies, E 185.96 .H38 1992 Ref. back to the top. By SpecificField. Notable scientists from 1900 to the Present, Q141 N728 2001 V. 15 Ref. http://library.stcc.edu/guides/biography/refsources.htm | |
70. Workshops IACUCs, composed of a veterinarian, a community member, scientists and nonscientists Theformat will let small groups discuss specific, complex topics that are http://www.scaw.com/iacuc-advanced.htm | |
71. Mathematician/Scientist Links scientists. The names below are possible candidates for research for the secondquarter interdisciplinary project for Team 81. Select one from the specific http://www.rialto.k12.ca.us/frisbie/mathematicians.html | |
72. Biographies Ohioans Ohioana Library Database Muslim scientists NASA Astronaut biographies (NASA) astronauts, cosmonauts,ayload specialists alphabetical listing. Primatologist http://community.lib.oh.us/Working_SCL/TOP FRAME/WEBLINKS/Biography/bio.htm | |
73. Gender IN Science And Medicine scientists, and science in specific countries/regions of Women in Science Containsbiographies, photographs, and International Encyclopedia of Women scientists. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/crsweb/arts/humanities/history/mywebs/gender_in_sci |
74. Women In Science Women of Achievement CT3235.T94 STX The World Who's Who of Women HQ1123.W65 REFSPECIFIC biographies To find information about women scientists in particular http://www.eiu.edu/~booth/resources/research/specTopics/womeninscience2.html | |
75. LSU Libraries--Chemistry Library-- Chemical Biography: Guide To Selected Resourc Prominent scientists. volumes dealing with the history of chemistry and biographiesof significant Each volume has a specific topic and separate record in LOLA http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/chem/guides/srs113.html | |
76. Biographical Sketches Type in a specific author's name in the box hhmbioaz.html Over 75 brief biographiesof Hispanic political leaders, musicians, artists, scientists, and writers. http://www.tds.lib.mn.us/Biography.htm | |
77. Biographies ranging from brief entries in biographic dictionaries to complete books on specificindividuals. That is, a dictionary of biographies of scientists would be http://www-lib.nearnorth.edu.on.ca/biographies.htm | |
78. Scientists And Inventors Use the searchable index or alphabetical listing to find biographies on specificpeople. This site from A Es Biography series. 5. Hispanic scientists. http://www.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/saxeintra/scientists_and_inventors.htm | |
79. Famous Canadians Theme Page there are links to information about specific works from There are over 50 biographiesof famous Canadian Profiles of 20 Canadian scientists including pictures http://www.cln.org/themes/famous.html | |
80. The MacTutor History Of Mathematics http//www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm. Mathematics in SpecificCulture, Periods, or Places. biographies The scientists. http://www.ejhs.rbbcsc.k12.in.us/teacher_links/mrsamartin.html | |
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