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41. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Europe:United_Kingdom:Scotland:Government Executive scotland.gov.uk/ Scottish politics, reports, consultations and governmentoffice publications from the devolved government of scotland, plus the http://www.travel.com/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Scotland/Government/ | |
42. Scottish Executive - What We Do - Procurement Information on opportunities for providing goods, services and works to central government in scotland. Participating buying organisations include the Scottish Executive and a number of Executive Agencies. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/procurement/ | |
43. TRAVEL.com ® ... Regional:Europe:United_Kingdom:Scotland:Government:Local_Counc Oultwood Local government Index oultwood.com/localgov/scotland.htm Localcouncil site links for scotland, using clickable maps and lists. http://www.travel.com/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Scotland/Government/Local_C | |
44. Scotland On Sunday - UK - Ruddy Duck Faces UK Wipe-out In £5m Cull DEFRA wildlife minister Elliot Morley announced the ruddy duck is set to be wiped out in Britain after the government agreed in principle to eradicate it to protect other endangered species. http://www.scotlandonsunday.com/uk.cfm?id=258052003 |
45. Homes For Scotland - Government government. These documents give details of recent submissions andreports initiated by Homes for scotland. It is our intention to http://www.homesforscotland.co.uk/getpage.asp?did=41 |
46. The Campaign For An English Parliament Homepage Argues that now that scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have devolved government, England needs its own Parliament. http://www.englishpm.demon.co.uk/ | |
47. Scotland : Government And Politics Web Sites scotland government and Politics Web Sites. Other Useful Scottish Links. Localgovernment in scotland page created by the University of Edinburgh. http://www.lib.gla.ac.uk/mops/Offpub/scotgovt.html | |
48. JNCC - Nature Conservation Adviser To UK Government The JNCC is the UK government's wildlife adviser, undertaking national and international conservation work on behalf of the nature conservation agencies of England, scotland, and Wales. http://www.jncc.gov.uk/ | |
49. BBC News | UK | The Section 28 Battle Examines the debate in 2000 about the attempted repeal of Section 28 of the Local government Act 1988 which forbids the promotion of homosexuality in schools. Explains what it is, key stories about England and Wales, scotland, personal views and public forum. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/613023.stm | |
50. Funding Of HEIs In Scotland - Government's Priorities by different social groups in higher education in scotland and monitoring it The government'saim is to see greater participation in higher education from the http://www.shefc.ac.uk/content/library/circs/97/guidelet/guide98.htm | |
51. Faclair Na Pàrlamaid:Dictionary Of Terms GaelicEnglish and English-Gaelic dictionaries of words and phrases useful in discussing government and politics. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/dictionary/gedt-00.asp | |
52. Hi Pakistan Farmers, hunters, landowners and rural residents and workers flocked from every corner of England, scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to bring London to a standstill and demand Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labour government must do more to protect their traditional way of life. Pakistan. http://www.hipakistan.com/en/detail.php?newsId=en11413&F_catID=&f_type=s |
53. Open Scotland 21st Century government Unit General Research Findings No. 8. The newly revisedInformation Age government Framework for scotland has now been published. http://www.openscotland.gov.uk/ | |
54. Board Of Agriculture For Scotland | Government Department | Scotland Board of Agriculture for scotland government department scotland.Correspondence (18751904); Letter to Frederick Orpen Bower http://www.nahste.ac.uk/corp/b/GB_0237_NAHSTE_C1294/ | |
55. Harding, Keith Biography, recent press releases, and details of how to contact him. Harding is an MSP for Midscotland and Fife, and is Tory spokesman on Local government and Housing. http://www.keithharding.msp.org.uk/ |
56. Scotland : Government scotland government. http://www.scotland-pages.me.uk/Business_and_Economy/Government/ | |
57. CIS : Dumfries And Galloway Council Information Service Public access to Local government information for the Dumfries and Galloway Region of South West scotland http://www.dumgal.gov.uk/ | |
58. BBC NEWS | Scotland | Government 'misses' Crime Target After the 1999 election, responsibility for law and order was devolved to the coalitiongovernment in scotland created by Labour and the Liberal Democrats. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/2266853.stm | |
59. Listings Of The World Regional Europe United Kingdom Scotland Scottish Executive Post Review Scottish politics, reports, consultations and governmentoffice publications from the devolved government of scotland, plus the http://listingsworld.com/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Scotland/Government/ |
60. Government - Links To Legal Resources: Countries: United Kingdom: Scotland: Gove A comprehensive guide to the running of scotland and information on the ScottishParliament, post devolution, in the context of UK government and Europe. http://mishpat.net/law/Countries/United_Kingdom/Scotland/Government/index.shtml | |
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