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81. Coastwatch For Kids sea lions are entertaining to watch. From a distance they look like fat black snakescoming out of the sea; but of course, it's only sea lions treading water. http://hmsc.oregonstate.edu/education/coastwatch/coastwatch.html | |
82. Baranof Lodge - Photo Gallery Photo Gallery Whales sea lions Bears Wildlife Viewing Fish Fishing SceneryLodge. Previous, Next. Home Lodge and Accomodations Fishing http://www.flyfishalaska.com/gallerySealions.asp | |
83. SLEWTH Whale-Watching Sea Lions! WhaleWatching sea lions! SLEWTH sea lions Exploring Whales and Their Habitat. sealions like Beaver here to eventually film and tag whales which http://www.mlml.calstate.edu/slewth/ | |
84. Fisherman's Wharf Sea Lions San Francisco California sea lions. Best of San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. Our favorite thing about ourleast favorite place, Fisherman's Wharf, are the sea lions that own Pier 39. http://www.sftravel.com/sealionsfishermanswharf.html | |
85. Seals And Walrus Top of Page. sea lions. California Sea Lion California sea lions, likeother sea lions, are quick and agile swimmers. They use their http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/seamam.htm | |
86. Sea Lion Cam On PIER 39 In San Francisco PIER 39 View Cam ! This is our Fabulous View of San Francisco Bay The Golden GateBridge, and the World Famous California sea lions on K Dock at PIER 39. http://www.pier39restaurants.com/cam.htm | |
87. Suffern Sea Lions Swim Club Suffernsealions.orgThe Suffern sea lions is a comprehensive yearround UnitedStates Swimming (USS) Empire State Swim League (ESSL) swim program. http://www.suffernsealions.org/ | |
88. Bow. James Bow.: Terrorists Chased By Sea Lions! Oh, God, Let There Be Film! Terrorists Chased by sea lions! sea lions are preferred because, unlike dolphins,they can continue their pursuit of an enemy diver onto dry land. . http://www.sitehouse.net/jamesbow/000628.shtml | |
89. WhaleNet Archive From VMSVAX: Case Study: Sea Lions And Fish Case Study sea lions and Fish. It must also try to capture and find temporaryholding facilities for sea lions identified as munching on steelhead. http://whale.wheelock.edu/archives/vmsvax/0180.html | |
90. Steller Sea Lion the Endangered Species Act. Survival The average life span of Stellersea lions is about 20 to 23 years. Steller sea lions are http://npca.org/marine_and_coastal/marine_wildlife/sealion.asp | |
91. PhotoJo: Featured Events : 25 Galapagos Sea Lions View Shopping Cart. Album 25 Galapagos sea lions Message Boards(0) Page 1 2 3 4, Help. Featured Events 25 Galapagos sea lions http://photojo.com/galleries/SharedAlbumPage.asp?album_id=4054 |
92. Marine Ecological Studies Steller's sea lions. The Steller sea imaging. Visual observations providecounts of sea lions, whales, and sea birds. The digital http://www.etl.noaa.gov/programs/marine/ | |
93. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Sea Lions (Marine Mammals) of Pinnipeds; Difference Between Seals sea lions;......Looking for the best facts and sites on sea lions? GENERAL Basic Facts; Cognitionin sea lions; http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
94. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Sea Lions (Marine Mammals) Looking for the best facts and sites on sea lions? ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Science LifeScience Animals Animals by Familiar Name Marine Mammals sea lions. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Elementary/Scie | |
95. California Sea Lions Venture North: Arctic Science Journeys Radio California sea lions Venture North Alaska Sea Grant's Arctic Science Journeysradio script. California sea lions Venture North . http://www.uaf.edu/seagrant/NewsMedia/02ASJ/01.25.02calif-sealions.html | |
96. Alaska Steller Sea Lion Video Steller sea lions In Jeopardy Video no. MAPV35 Year 1998 Length 27 min. Price$15.00 US. (See video clip below). Alaska's Steller sea lions are in trouble. http://www.uaf.edu/seagrant/Pubs_Videos/pubs/MAPV-35.html | |
97. Anchorage Daily News | Few Orcas Found To Eat Sea Lions Alaska Few orcas found to eat sea lions RESEARCH Biologists findlittle reason to blame whales for ebbing sea lion numbers. By http://www.adn.com/alaska/story/2464422p-2512011c.html | |
98. Virtual Whale Watching Tour :: Stellar Sea Lions :: Prince Of Whales View high quality photos and learn about Killer Whales, Gray Whales,Eagles, Seals and sea lions. Join us the Internet. sea lions. http://www.whalewatch.ca/tour/sealions.htm | |
99. Kenai Peninsula Online - Alaska Newspaper - Kids Page Stellar sea lions. Stellar Sea Lion (Eumetopias 2m, 300kg. Physical AppearanceSteller sea lions are the largest of the sea lions. They are http://www.peninsulaclarion.com/kids/stellarsealion.shtml | |
100. Sea Lions sea lions at Pier 39. Index, Parade. sea lions at Pier 39, Where the WildThings Are, Foggy Alcatraz, Twin Peaks, Exploratorium, Downtown Frisco. http://www.mutable.co.uk/pictures_2002/250302_ca/san_francisco/sea_lions.html | |
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