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41. Tools Of The Spirit - Meta-Programming Peter Shepard offers analytical procedures which are self applied, with the aid of biofeedback monitoring Category Society Religion and Spirituality Practitioners...... By means of a selfstudy program, Meta-programming delivers the most advancedgains available, all for a fraction of the cost and time of other methods. http://www.trans4mind.com/spiritual/ | |
42. Meta-Programming: Discovering The Higher Self Metaprogramming works to realise and integrate the Higher self, the true spiritualBeing. We can be at rest in this awareness, like the eye of a storm. http://www.trans4mind.com/spiritual/meta.html | |
43. [MC2] Self-Programming MC2 selfprogramming. Koldychev mc2@securitywire.comFri, 15 Jun 2001 230825 -0400 http://www.securitywire.com/pipermail/mc2/20010616/004057.html | |
44. Self-Study Computer Programming School selfStudy Computer programming School CSIC. Figure 2. Pattern match of importanceand achievement for conduct 1 of the self-study programming course. http://www.conceptsystems.com/papers/cases/programming_school/Self.html | |
45. Adaptive Optimization For Self: Reconciling High Performance With Exploratory Pr hlzle94adaptive, author = U. Hlzle , title = Adaptive Optimization for self ReconcilingHigh Performance with Exploratory programming , text = Urs Hlzle. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/hlzle94adaptive.html | |
46. Citations: An Evolutionary Programming Approach To Self-adaptation On Finite Sta An evolutionary programming approach to selfadaptation on finite state machines. Anevolutionary programming approach to self-adaption on nite state machines. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/335181/1583 | |
47. Self Paced IT Training - Programming Courses programming Courses. C and C++ programming. Microsoft Visual Studio. MicrosoftVisual C++ 6.0. Java 2.0 programming. CIW Web programming. XML programming. http://www.selfpacedit.co.uk/Programming/prog.htm | |
48. ATechCoach.com ECommerce - ELearning Services include online courses and selfstudy programs, website hosting and promotion, script and Flash programming, PDA presentations, and credit card processing. Portfolio and service descriptions. http://www.atechcoach.com/ |
49. Self Paced IT Training - Java 2.0 Programming Java 2 programming. This implementation. Identify the classesin the java.net package that are used for network programming. http://www.selfpacedit.co.uk/Programming/java2.htm | |
50. Enigma Web Development Ltd Offering web design, programming, ecommerce and hosting solutions. Other services include a website builder, self management applications and CD-Roms. Details of pricing, company profile, portfolio and contact information. http://www.enigmawebdev.com/ |
51. Self-Hypnosis & Subliminal Programming selfHypnosis Subliminal programming Guide picks. Articles, reviewsand web pages on self-hypnosis and subliminal techniques. FAQs http://psychology.about.com/cs/selfhypnosublim/ | |
52. Multi-type, Self-adaptive Genetic Programming For Complex Applications Multitype, self-adaptive Genetic programming for Complex Applications. 2002.Multi-type, self-adaptive Genetic programming as an Agent Creation Tool. http://hampshire.edu/lspector/darpa-selfadapt.html | |
53. Welcome To St. Joseph High School Catholic high school (1012) in central Edmonton, with individualized self-paced learning (ISPL) and integrated occupations programming (IOP). http://stjoseph.ecsd.net/ | |
54. SuSE Mailinglist: [suse-programming-e] Post Increment And Self suseprogramming-e post increment and self assignment problem. Next message JohnLamb Re suse-programming-e post increment and self assignment problem http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-programming-e/2002-Jul/0000.html | |
55. Wired News: Cable TV Gurus Band Together On Targeted Ads Merging selfstyled network and cable TV programming with the Internet, Your Choice TV wants to give viewers and advertisers an offer they can't refuse. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,9688,00.html | |
56. Barnegat Books: ../special_pages/missing Boulder CareerTrack Publications, 1987, Very Good....... Author Miller, Lee Title SUCCESS selfprogramming Audio Program http://www.barnegatbooks.com/cgi-bin/barnegat455.cgi/7909.html | |
57. A Biologically Inspired Programming Model For Self-Healing Systems A Biologically Inspired programming Model for selfHealing Systems. KeywordsBiological programming; self-healing systems; amorphous computing. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/pubs/woss-abstract.html | |
58. Programming: How To Create Self-extracting Archives Under Linux How to create selfextracting archives under Linux. c o d i n g. Aclever idea. Linux provides all the commands necessary to create http://librenix.com/?inode=1810 |
59. Designing And Programming Java In The Database (Self-assessment) This selfassessment has been created to help you determine whether you have sufficientJava knowledge to benefit fully from the Designing and programming http://www.sybase.com/detail/1,6904,1003249,00.html | |
60. Designing And Programming Java In The Database (Self-Assessment JDBC Requirement This selfassessment has been created to help you determine whether you have sufficientJDBC knowledge to benefit fully from the Designing and programming http://www.sybase.com/detail/1,6904,1003258,00.html | |
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