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21. Dynamic Directory - Regional - Africa - Seychelles - Society And Culture Top RegionalAfricaSeychellesSociety and culture (2). Categories. Web Pages http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Regional/Africa/Seychelles/Society_ | |
22. Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Seychelles back to top. culture. There is no indigenous culture in the seychelles,but aspects of African origin have survived. The government http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/africa/seychelles/printable.htm | |
23. Seychelles Activities - Culture - Art, Museums, Festivals culture, A festival to celebrate seychelles' underwater world, it is held over3 weeks in November and attracts worldwide recognized underwater experts in http://www.sey.net/act_cul.htm | |
24. Les Seychelles : Culture Translate this page Les structures nationales vous permettent d'en savoir un peu plus sur cetteculture métissée. MUSEE NATIONAL Anse Royale. © OT.seychelles. http://www.exoti.com/zne01/dest04/cult.htm | |
25. C.T.C. Country Pages: Seychelles seychelles provides information to tourists planning on taking their next vacation in seychelles. Inforamtion includes travel, books, caribbean, tourism, culture, cuisine, hotels, beach, events, clubs, sightseeing, sports http://www.netcarib.com/seychelles/seychelles.html | |
26. Les Seychelles : Culture Translate this page Les quelques sites historiques vous feront comprendre l'évolutiondes seychelles. CHATEAU ST. CLOUD La Digue LA PLANTATION HOUSE http://www.exoti.com/zne01/dest04/cult02.htm | |
27. Collectif Asah : Ressources : ASAH > RESSOURCES PAR PAYS > Afrique > Seychelles PAR PAYS Afrique seychelles culture générale . Niveau Supérieur. http://www.collectif-asah.org/ressources.php?node=2675& |
28. Wealth24's Information Directory For Seychelles seychelles Categories. Banking. Companies. culture. Dining. Entertainment. Finance.Government. Hotels. Insurance. Jobs. Map. Media. News. Other. Real Estate. Relocation. http://www.wealth24.com/seychelles/seychelles.htm | |
29. MapZones.com : Seychelles seychelles, Map, History, culture, People, Population, Climate, Economy, Animaland plants, Languages,capital, island, major city, province, Communications http://atlas.freegk.com/world/africa/seychelles/seychelles.php | |
30. 1Up Travel > History And Culture Of Seychelles. HISTORY culture. History The original name of seychelles is SevenSisters , given by the Portugese. The beautiful archipelago, was http://www.1uptravel.com/international/africa/seychelles/history-culture.html | |
31. Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Seychelles | Culture Translate this page seychelles Art Les seychelles ne possèdent pas de culture traditionnelleindigène, mais certains aspects de la culture africaine ont survécu. http://www.lonelyplanet.fr/destinations/africa/seychelles/culture.htm | |
32. Seychelle Islands Vacations: Romantic Getaways, Cruises, Honeymoons. seychelles Islands culture. http://www.indianoceanvacationguide.com/travel/SeychellesIsland_Culture.html | |
33. TradeXport - Africa - Seychelles - Culture 36,736 sites/1,913 categories /63 visitors this month, |
34. Bits Of Culture - Seychelles Language Map. Bits of culture. PointTo-Talk Booklets. Additional Resources.BITS OF culture - seychelles. Languages. Geography. Cultural Values. http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/interpreters/b_sey.asp | |
35. IWon - Travel Guide - History & Culture iWon Travel. 5 iWon 6 Travel 3 Africa 3 seychelles History culture, Powered by. HISTORY and culture History culture. History. http://www.iwon.com/travel/travelguide/history/0,20310,Africa-516,00.html | |
36. Stayfinder.com - Seychelles - Art & Culture Home Travel Guide seychelles Art culture. seychelles. General Info. Sights/Attractions. TravelInfo. Booking Info. Major Islands. seychelles Art culture. http://www.stayfinder.com/travelguide/seychelles/sights_and_attractions/seychell | |
37. Citydigest.net - Welcome To The World 12 times until 1814, when Britain took charge of the seychelles after the politicalprisoners French remained the main language and French culture lived on. | |
38. Air Seychelles: Flying The Creole Spirit Air seychelles is one of the main sponsors of the creole culture, especially thecreole gastronomy (a wide choice of creole meals are served all the year round http://www.airseychelles.net/creole/kreol.html | |
39. Air Seychelles: Flights To The Seychelles From London Rome Paris Munich Frankfur Airline serving this Indian Ocean country; flight information and reservations available.Category Recreation Travel Transportation Air Airlines A...... Air seychelles promotes the Creole culture and sponsors the music and the cuisineof the seychelles. Some delicious creole recipes easy to cook at home. http://www.airseychelles.net/ | |
40. Réseau International De La Jeunesse Translate this page La peinture est définitivement un art à la mode aux seychelles. Il existe quelquespeintres incontournables de la culture créole, mais n'hésitez pas à http://www.lereseau.org/pays/seychelles/culture/culture.html | |
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