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41. Sierra Leone Breaking News culture. http://www.einnews.com/sierraleone/topsites/index.php3?cat=5012 |
42. Sierra Leone Breaking News Society culture. http://www.einnews.com/sierraleone/topsites/index.php3?cat=5045 |
43. USAID /Sierra Leone/Transition Initiatives: 2002 Elections Peaceful, Considered democratic culture. USAIDsponsored International Foundation for Electoral Systems(IFES) played an important role in helping the Government of sierra leone http://www.usaid.gov/gn/sierraleone/news/020620_elections/ | |
44. Untitled-3 D., University of Toronto, 1986. BYERS, Albert M. « A sierra leone Communityin Crisis A Study of culture Organization » MA, McGill University, 1969. http://www.caas.umontreal.ca/htm/pays/sierra.htm |
45. IDRC COUNTRY PROFILES: Le CRDI En Sierra Leone Translate this page à l'abri des insectes Le riz est la culture vivrière la plus importante en SierraLeone, entrant pour 82 % dans la nourriture consommée par la population. http://www.idrc.ca/reports/read_cntryprof.cfm?ovr_id=55&lang=f |
46. IDRC COUNTRY PROFILES: Le CRDI En Sierra Leone Translate this page Le riz est la culture vivrière la plus importante en sierra leone, entrantpour 82 % dans la nourriture consommée par la population. http://www.idrc.ca/cntryprof/prn_cntryprof.cfm?ovr_id=55&lang=f |
47. ArtsNet Minnesota: Identity: Africa, Sierra Leone mask? Africa, sierra leone, Sande Society Mask. What individual? Why? Whatkinds of initiation ceremonies are a part of your own culture? In http://www.artsconnected.org/artsnetmn/identity/africa3.html | |
48. Sierra Leone Vision 2025 Website therefore welcome your various contributions on the following areas visà-vis SierraLeone- Economy, Social, Political, Environment, culture, Technology, etc http://aith.org/vision2025/ | |
49. African Language Culture sierra leone/Spain, 1998, 52 minutes. Available at Californis Newsreel (www.newsreel.org)*Karin Barber (ed) (1997) Readings in African Popular culture. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/afl/afst225.html | |
50. Letter To Kofi Annan (Human Rights Watch Letter, New York, August 16, 2000) Justice and the ending of the culture of impunity in sierra leone are of paramountimportance for the peace process and the country's overall future. http://www.hrw.org/press/2000/08/anan-ltr-0816.htm | |
51. TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents sierra leone. culture. Visit the isierra leone website for informationon sierra leone's culture and cuisine. To Country Main Page http://www.traveldocs.com/sl/culture.htm | |
52. AfricaOnline.com - SIERRA LEONE UN Helicopter Crash Kills 7 Kenyan firms win top prizes in London fair sierra leone New election system gets Achronological look at the culture and politics behind the ever changing http://www.africaonline.com/site/Articles/1,3,42869.jsp |
53. Christianity In 19th Century Sierra Leone boisterous Christianity with them back to Africa, defining their new culture inChristian terms, and spreading its message to all in sierra leone who would http://www.bethel.edu/~letnie/AfricanChristianity/SSASierraLeone.html | |
54. Gullah Culture By Cecile McHardy Independent Scholar Gullah culture by Cecile McHardy Independent Scholar. by the end of the 17th C Englishprivateers settled on off shore islands around sierra leone, their Afro http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/Linguistics/gullah.html | |
55. UNESCO Thesaurus: Alphabetical List Shelter USE Housing Shifting cultivation MT 6.35 Agriculture FR culture itinéranteSP Temples Sick leave USE Leave Sickness USE Diseases sierra leone MT 7.05 http://www.ulcc.ac.uk/unesco/terms/list139.htm | |
56. Sierra Leone: War Rape And Sexual Assault Thorpe, is that there has been a breakthrough in the culture of silence on and theatregroups to discuss the sexual exploitation of sierra leone's girls and http://www.rnw.nl/humanrights/html/rape.html | |
57. Sierra Leone: Dr. Edward Nahim, The Country's Only Psychiatrist But most of these groups don't understand the culture or what is happening. Over80% of all health facilities in sierra leone have been destroyed. http://www.rnw.nl/humanrights/html/nahim.html | |
58. World Press Review - Africa - Congo - Sudan - Angola - Sierra Leone Unlike in Angola and sierra leone, the wars in Sudan and Congo are not In reality,southerners, black Africans who have a different culture and aspirations http://www.worldpress.org/Africa/691.cfm | |
59. World Press Review - Journalism - Sierra Leone Paul Kamara Freetown sierra leone For di People was established as an independent AllPeoplesCongress) monolithic system had created a culture of silence http://www.worldpress.org/Africa/476.cfm | |
60. Browsing Regional Africa Sierra Leone Society And Culture Category Free email. yourname@uksprite.com Login or Create An Address Webmasters Add YourSite Account Login. Browse Regional Africa sierra leone Society and culture http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Regional/Africa/Sierra_Leone/Society_and_C | |
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