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62. Geography geography OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND slovakia. Located in the landlockedheart of Europe, the Czech and Slovak Republics together http://www.jobmonkey.com/teaching/europe/html/geography.html | |
63. Czech Republic Factbook 2000 Geography geography. 1, 1993, when the union with slovakia, dating from 1918, was dissolved;the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia controlled the federal government from http://www.factbook.net/czech_republic/geography.php | |
64. Geography And Basic Information geography and basic information slovakia is situated in the geographic center ofEurope, surrounded by the Czech republic, Austria, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary http://www.folklor.sk/geographyandbasicinformation.html | |
65. San Antonio Public Library: Geography: Countries (Slovakia - Tanzania) Online Countries A to Z gives basic information about slovakia, such as square kilometers,estimated population in 1997, location geography, climate, people http://www.sat.lib.tx.us/html/geoslov_tanz.htm | |
66. Study In Slovakia AntarcticEnvironmental Protocol, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol geography - notelandlocked. slovakia has experienced more difficulty than the Czech Republic http://www.studyoverseas.com/europe/slovakia1.htm | |
67. Slovakia: WORLD FACTBOOK slovakia + slovakia + slovakia + geography +- Location Central Europe, south of Poland Geographic http://www.tradeport.org/ts/countries/slovakrep/wofact.html | |
68. GEOGRAPHY Regional geography of slovakia and Europe, fundamentals of physical and human geographyof larger regions, and the up to date information on environmental http://www.science.upjs.sk/English/inter/studprog/course_geogr.htm | |
69. GEODOK - Search For Slovakia/HG Kultur als Bestimmungsfaktor der Transformation im Osten Europas, Page 274292 CountryCode sk Keywords slovakia/HG , Social geography , Political geography http://www.geodok.uni-erlangen.de/cgi-bin/geodok/_geodok.pl?s1=Slovakia/HG |
70. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Slovakia usa Last checked 19991215 CIA World Factbook 2000 slovakia Basic referenceinformation about slovakia, including details of geography, people, economy http://bubl.ac.uk/link/s/slovakia.htm | |
71. Population.com - Country Information geography, slovakia is located in central Europe. The land has rugged mountains,rich in mineral resources, with vast forests and pastures. http://populations.com/country.asp?ID=151 |
72. European Dynamic Geography Search Regions Available A Query Of 77 hits since 12 July 2000. Regions present in the gazetteer for slovakia. Region,Feature, Entries. slovakia (general), Administrative Boundary Features, 53. http://data-dist.jrc.it/cgi-bin/tl1.pl?tl1.pl gazetregions LO |
73. SLOVAK REPUBLIC Address Department of Physical geography and Geoecology Faculty of Natural Sciences,Comenius University Mlynska dolina B2, 842 15 Bratislava, slovakia. http://www.met.fu-berlin.de/dmg/dmg_home/slovakia.html | |
74. Welcome To Slovakia Middle East News World Report. www.MiddleEastLink.com. Welcome to slovakia. geography.Top of Page. Location Central Europe, south of Poland. http://www.middleeastnews.com/Slovakia.html | |
75. Geography Country geography and Climate. ALBANIA. total 2,496 km, Czech Republic 362 km, Germany784 km,Hungary 366 km, Italy 430 km, Liechtenstein 37 km, slovakia 91 km http://www.civnet.org/civitas/country/geograph.htm | |
76. SLOVAKIA.ORG - Culture Information about cultural resources related to slovakia.Category Regional Europe slovakia Society and Culture...... Cerveny Kamen Museum; Eastern slovakia Museum; Liptov Museum; Little CarpathianMuseum; Museum of Mining; Museum of History and geography Zvolen; Museum of History http://www.slovakia.org/culture1.htm | |
77. Atlas: Czech Republic & Slovakia Czech Republic and slovakia Profiles More Geographic Information Country Profiles;Flags; World geography; World Statistics. US State Profiles; US Cities; http://www.infoplease.com/atlas/country/slovakia.html | |
78. AN ONLINE INTERACTIVE GEOGRAPHY GAME AND QUIZ SITE ON EUROPE? world, web, online, interactive, internet, geography, geographic, country, countries,education the Czech Republic, while the eastern section became slovakia. http://www.standard.net.au/~garyradley/games/GREurope.htm |
79. Slovakia Instrumental anthem Mp3 download slovakia Real player stream slovakia (moreinfo here). geography, slovakia. Location Central Europe, south of Poland. http://www.national-anthems.net/countries/main/lo.shtml | |
80. Geography Of Europe geography of Europe. FLORA NORWAY'S RIVERS Paris Piza's Tower Poland Portugal PraguaRivers in Europe Romania Rome San Marino slovakia slovakia's buildings http://www.ipc.lt/wg/php/wg0.php?zs=26 |
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