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41. Smoking And Your Digestive System Clearly, this question needs more study. For More Information. Informationabout smoking and health is available from. Office on smoking http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/digest/pubs/smoke/smoking.htm | |
42. Light And Health Home Page E Netherlands service applies a laser to your meridian points which is claimed to help quit smoking. http://www.lightandhealth.nl/engels/index.htm | |
43. Keep Smilin.com Offers Essential Oils, Missouri Meerschaum Corncob Pipes, Garden Offering essential oils to meet your nutritional, physical fitness, and health needs; Missouri meerschaum cool, sweet smoking corncob pipes; garden and organic herb seeds. http://www.keepsmilin.com/ | |
44. Healthy Living : Smoking Or Your Health Choice : Hopkins Vascular : smoking or your health Choice. Every puff of a cigarette, cigar or pipe, every dipand chew Has an impact on you and those around you. It affects Good health. http://www.hopkinsvascular.com/healthyliving/smoking.cfm | |
45. CNN - Why Cigarettes Can Be A Woman's Worst Enemy - November 8, 1999 smoking increases your risk of cervical and rectal cancer; worsens your period; damages your fertility; hurts your unborn baby; ages you; attacks your heart. http://cnn.com/HEALTH/women/9911/08/women.smoking.2.wmd/index.html | |
46. Logo What Can We Help You Find? your health smoking and Tobacco. The dawn ofa new day the promise of a new direction, http://www.crha-health.ab.ca/hlthconn/topics/smoking.htm | |
47. Healthy Families: Smoking And Your Kids Keep Learning The more you learn the easier it will be to parent your children tobetter health. For more information on smoking risks and cessation you can http://www.fepblue.org/toyourhealth/tyhhlthfamilies/tyhhfkidssmoking.html | |
48. Smoking And Diabetes -- Discovery Health -- Smoking, Diabetes smoking Hurts your health The bestknown effect of smoking is thatit causes cancer. smoking can also aggravate many problems that http://health.discovery.com/centers/diabetes/ada/heart/smoking.html | |
49. Action On Smoking And Health ASH Nation's oldest and largest antismoking organization takes legal action and provides information about Category health Addictions Substance Abuse Tobacco Activism...... save your life, or help you protect your health. It could also help to save the lifeof a friend or a loved one who still smokes. ACTION ON smoking and health http://ash.org/ | |
50. St. Louis Women's Healthcare - Smoking And Your Reproductive Health smoking and your Reproductive health Most people are aware that smokingcigarettes is bad for your health. smoking causes heart http://stlobgyn.com/smoking.html | |
51. Welcome To QuitSmokingSupport.com today on QuitsmokingSupport.com Tobacco Information In The News get the latesttobacco news and information Questions About smoking your health some very http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/intro.htm | |
52. How Does Smoking Effect Your Health How Does smoking Affect your health. A cigarette is made of tobaccoand after a few months you won't be able to run and do exercise http://www.fairfax.bham.sch.uk/projects/pcg/99chrbeg/howdoessmokingeffectyourhea | |
53. Herbs 2 Stop Smoking - Good Health - Index upto-date intelligent resource of alternative medicine herbal health informationand We look forward to serving you, and genuinely welcome your comments and http://www.herbs2stopsmoking.com/health/health.htm | |
54. Giving Up Smoking - Homepage Official site produced by the NHS health Education Authority. Useful advice on how to give up and Category health Addictions Substance Abuse Tobacco Quitting...... Why not find out where your local NHS Stop smoking Service is They are some of the9 companies involved in the Department of health Tackling Tobacco in the http://www.givingupsmoking.co.uk/ | |
55. Concerning Your Health health Benefits Within 8 hours. your chances of having a heart attack start to godown sense of smell and taste begin to improve. risk of smoking-related heart http://www.sma.org.sg/concern_health/ | |
56. YOUR HEALTH AND SMOKING your health and smoking (menu = smoking) http://www-scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us/menus/production/smoking.html | |
57. Contraception Online: Contraception And Reproductive Health Info For OB/GYN Prof VOLUME 9, JULY 1998, ISSUE 3. Patient Update. smoking and your Reproductivehealth. Most people are aware that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health. http://www.contraceptiononline.org/contrareport/article01.cfm?art=128 |
58. Capital Health - Smoking And Your Heart heart, placing an unnecessary burden on your heart and High blood pressure and smokingboth accelerate the 20, 2002 Legal Disclaimer © Capital health 2002. http://www.cha.ab.ca/Health Services/Health Topics/Body Location Systems/Heart a | |
59. Capital Health - Smoking And Your Heart heart, placing an unnecessary burden on your heart and High blood pressure and smokingboth accelerate the 26, 2002 Legal Disclaimer © Capital health 2002. http://www.cha.ab.ca/Health Services/Health Topics/Body Location Systems/Substan | |
60. Check Your Smoking I.Q. If you have smoked for most of your life, it's For more information on stopping smoking,write US DEPARTMENT OF health and HUMAN SERVICES Public health Services http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/lung/other/smoking.html | |
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