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41. South African Government Department Of Environmental Affairs And Tourism government has recognised the need for a consolidated position on asbestos related matters that will take south africa http://www.environment.gov.za/ |
42. Home Page Local government branch of the Department of Provincial and Local government (formerly Consitutional Category Regional africa south africa government...... http://www.local.gov.za/ |
43. South Africa Online - Government south africa Online government http://www.southafrica.co.za/govt | |
44. Statistics South Africa Statistical releases from the south African government http://www.statssa.gov.za/ | |
45. SA Overview SA An Overview This information has been sourced from south africa Yearbook 2002/03,except where indicated with *, Agriculture and Land. government system. http://www.gov.za/sa_overview/ | |
46. Home An extensive record of south african legislation and policy documents. Almost as comprehensive as Category Regional africa south africa government...... the Heads of State and government Implementation Committee of the New Partnershipfor africas Development One of the elements of south africas peaceful http://www.polity.org.za/ | |
47. Council For Geoscience (Geological Survey), South Africa Geological, geophysical and palaeontological research supplying geological information to the government and the public. http://www.geoscience.org.za/ | |
48. SA Government Internet Sites government Services. Development Bank of south africa (DBSA); governmentCommunication and Information System (GCIS); National State http://www.polity.org.za/html/lists/govsites.html | |
49. Flags Of South Africa - Geography; South African Flags, South Africa Map, South National flag GIFs suitable for web pages, with links to map, government, economy, population and other country facts. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/south_africa/south_africa_flags.html | |
50. The Tourism Business Council Of South Africa Representing travel, accommodation and other tourism enterprises in south africa. Training, education, entrepreneurial opportunities, liaison with role players and government. http://www.tbcsa.org.za/ |
51. Governments On The WWW: South Africa Secretariat for Safety and Security; south african Police Service (SAPS); Statisticssouth africa (Stats SA); government Communication and Information System (GCIS http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/za.html | |
52. Parliament Of South Africa Provides information on developments at the Parliament of the Republic of south africa for the purpose Category Regional africa south africa government......Joint Sitting of the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces,Parliament of south africa. . Parliament of the Republic of south africa. http://www.parliament.gov.za/ |
53. SAUFOR - SOUTH AFRiCa`s UFO RESOURCe!! Collection of information related to UFO`s, for example top secret files, implicated officials, downed and/or recovered craft, military and government involvement, specifically in south africa http://www.geocities.com/saufor/ | |
54. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - Overview Of South Africa Includes statistics, history, economy and government. http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/countryintro.asp?CountryID=134 |
55. CDRA Home The CDRA is a nonprofit, non-government organization which assists in development and social transformation. Based in Cape Town, south africa, we focus on how learning organisations and leadership can best be supported. http://www.cdra.org.za | |
56. Local Government Project, Community Law Centre The project researches and publishes in the field of local government law in south africa. Site includes free publications, links to relevant sites and extracts of the Local government Law Bulletin. http://communitylawcentre.org.za/localgov/ |
57. CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- South Africa Features map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and peopleCategory Regional africa south africa...... government, south africa, Top of Page. Country name Definition FieldListing conventional long form Republic of south africa conventional http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sf.html | |
58. South African Department Of Health - The Department - National Centre For Occupa This government centre, based in Johannesburg, is primarily concerned with the prevention of workrelated illness in south africa. | |
59. DoE Internet Home Page south african government Department of Education. Tirisano working togetherCategory Regional africa south africa government...... Reader. Please click here to download. Working Together to Build asouth african Education and Training System for the 21st Century. http://education.pwv.gov.za/ | |
60. SOUTH AFRICA - ON THE ROAD TO FASCISM Online version of a 1948 south African Communist Party pamphlet arguing against the policies of the apartheid policies of the Afrikaner nationalist Malan government. http://www.sacp.org.za/docs/history/jadwatda.html | |
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