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81. Taliban Stir Up Regional Instability the dominant group in the south and east significantly accentuated the differencesbetween regional forces, in is well established in Muslim history the Taliban http://mondediplo.com/1999/11/07taliban |
82. Untitled impact health care in south korea and the and diversified opportunity to explore korea,both in Subjects Areas history, Political Science, Politics, Economics http://www.studyabroad.com/simplehtml/whitesummer/Korea_summ.html | |
83. South Korea - Travel Information, Hotels, Transportation (Airlines), Travel Agen District of Inchon and regional Information; GuestHouseInkorea korea National TourismOrganization; Metro.Pusan; Metro south korea Land of morning calm; Space Seoul http://www.asianinfo.org/asianinfo/travel guide/travel-guide/south_korea.htm | |
84. World Cup Betting Note Life in korea is currently in the process of Although Europe and south Americaare rightly hailed as the force, Asia has a near 50year history in the http://allsportsnews.com/content/korea&japan.html | |
85. The Charleston Gazette - APNews News National Sports regional Sports Marines storm beach in USsouth koreanwar games By HANS GREIMEL Associated Press Writer TOKSOK-RI, south korea (AP http://www.wvgazette.com/section/APNews/News/ap0961n | |
86. Asian Studies WWW VL Asia-Pacific Global ResourcesCategory Society history By Region Asia...... ELists Register regional, country and subject-orientated mailing lists. E Chineseand Japanese Art history symposia, conferences, grants and other Chinese and http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-AsianStudies.html | |
87. Directory Vaionline: Siti_Mondiali/Regional/Asia/South_Korea/Society_and_Culture directory.vaionline.it vi permette di accedere al directory di siti italiani. E' organizzato per aree geografiche e aree temeatiche. Fa parte del portale Vaionline che ti offre molti altri servizi. http://directory.vaionline.it/Siti_Mondiali/Regional/Asia/South_Korea/Society_an | |
88. Hotels And Travel In Nairobi New York Oslo Ossaka Paris Perth Rio Singapore Travel GuideSingapore Although Singapore has a long history, its recent Southkorea Travel Hotel GuideSouth korea Though korea has become a modern http://www.asinah.net/ |
89. CBC News - Indepth Backgrounder: North Korea US Secretary of State Colin Powell says the North korean weapons issue needs a regionalsolution and calls on China, south korea, Japan and the United Nations. http://cbc.ca/news/features/north_korea_timeline.html | |
90. Inline Skater's Travel Guide To South Korea Information about inline skating and traveling with skates in south korea. Where to eat, sleep, and skate. http://inlineskating.about.com/library/bl-region-kr.htm | |
91. Regional Links regional Links Guide picks. in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, North korea, Southkorea, and Taiwan. http://inlineskating.about.com/cs/regionallinks/ | |
92. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = North Korea Culture south korea A Country Study Society under Park More links @ Travel Adventures -Top RegionalAsiaNorth koreaSociety and CultureHistory (5) Archaeology http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=North Korea Culture |
93. Korea, South - Countrywatch.com korea, south, korea, south Flag. Map of korea, south Click on map for larger image 5of 5340 articles for korea, south. News Archive/Search Engine. Largest Cities. http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vCOUNTRY=92 |
94. CNN.com - Rumsfeld: U.S. May Cut South Korea Forces - Feb. 13, 2003 Rumsfeld US may cut south korea forces. The US military has kept a militarypresence in south korea since the korean War a half century ago. http://europe.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/east/02/13/korea.usa.rumsfeld/ | |
95. Visiting Global Villages, Australia: World Regional Study 1 (Chiguchon Naduri, H http://www.dfat.gov.au/akf/program_activities/ed_teacherexchangeprogram.htm | |
96. FAN's Intl Regional Contacts Fluoride Action Network. regional Contacts, email fluoride@streetkids.org.za. SouthKorea JongChul Kim. E-mail jckim@greenreview.co.kr. Phone (053)742-0663. http://www.fluoridealert.org/FANintl-contacts.htm | |
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