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21. Brief Presentation Of The Romanian Speleological Federation secretary general, secretary, treasurer, technical director and federal trainer.The RSF is affiliated to the IUS (International Union of speleology). http://www.uib.no/People/nglbn/brief.htm | |
22. BCRA Publications: Speleology If you have any comments or contributions to make, please send them to speleologyatbcra.org.uk.If you have any general comments about BCRA's plans, Im sure http://www.bcra.org.uk/nnb/speleology.html | |
23. Studies In Speleology (Subjects) British Isles general Topics -. Paul's Grotto, Malta, Vol 3 (1) pp 29 -32. Dublyansky VN Ilyukhin VV, speleology in the USSR, Vol 7 pp 5 - 15 (F). http://www.bcra.org.uk/pub/search/sub_sis.htm | |
24. Ah! Mexico : Mexico : Recreation And Sports : Speleology Mexico / Recreation and Sports / speleology Home Business Travel Education Real Estate Culture News general Information Contact Us. http://www.ahmexico.com/Recreation_and_Sports/Speleology/ | |
25. IGCP/IGCP299/1993/93.46.htm general KARSTOLOGY. and lakes of karst regions, karst of chalk, hydrothermal karst,529pages, by GA.Maksimovich, Perm Institute of karstology and speleology. http://www.karst.edu.cn/igcp/igcp299/1993/93.46.htm | |
26. GIRC-Links Other sites of general interest. About Bats International Union of speleology SpeleologicalAbstracts Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL LIPU Lega Italiana http://fauna.dipbsf.uninsubria.it/chiroptera/links.html | |
27. Sibios Links To Speleology - Liens Spéléologie Translate this page This page open links to societies, institutions, general topics related to SPELEOLOGYCette page ouvre des liens en direction de sociétés, associations http://www.fi.cnr.it/sibios/speleo.htm | |
28. Pengelly Trust, Newsletters Page. Part 2 Volunteers Sought; Grants Received; Studies in speleology;Third Annual general Meeting; Publications for Sale; More News of http://www.pengelly.org/publications/newslets/1960S.htm | |
29. SSJ Speleo Link general Speleo Information in Japan Japan Speleo Page The contents of the widerange are handled from Museum in Japan ( It relates to speleology, karst etc http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~ssj/en/e_link.html | |
30. Speleology (Cave Science) Publications By J.D. Wilcock 10 (2), 7398. general speleology/Caving/Potholing - locating new cavesetc. 2001. Wilcock, JD 2001. Some further hypotheses concerning http://www.soc.staffs.ac.uk/~cmtjdw/cspubs.htm | |
31. AKAKOR GEOGRAPHICAL EXPLORING Onlus - English - Publications 1997) Proceedings of the 12 th International Congress of speleology, (vol. Createdby Soraya Ayub (general Coordinator), Willian Sallum Filho, Nilson Bernardi http://www.akakor.com/english/pubbli-uk.html | |
32. AKAKOR GEOGRAPHICAL EXPLORING Onlus - English - Bonito '95 Expedition's Members José Sabino, Biologyst Brazilian team of underwater speleology. Lorenzo Epis,Bonito '95 Expedition general coordinator STL Speleosub Team Lecco. http://www.akakor.com/english/bonicur-uk.html | |
33. Recreation/Outdoors/Speleology cave.html mySpeleo mySpeleo.com is a search engine for speleology scientific discipline willerup.com/caving/Ozark Caving Ozark Caving is a general caving web http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Recreation/Outdoors/Speleology/ | |
34. Recreation/Outdoors/Speleology/Cave_Rescue Recreation / Outdoors / speleology / Cave Rescue. URL http//www.techrescue.org/general/cashandquiz.htmlModern Cave Rescue Practice Article outlining modern http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Recreation/Outdoors/Speleology/Cave | |
35. Nearctica - Organizations - Adventure - Caving And Speleology Adventure Caving and speleology. Return to Organizations Main Page. Returnto Family - Caving. Return to Ecology - Habitats - Caves and Karst. general. http://www.nearctica.com/organize/adventure/caving.htm | |
36. Nearctica - Family - Caving - General Links You'll find a general introduction to caves and their formation, commercial cavesin the Ozarks, general maps of caves speleology in the National Park Service. http://www.nearctica.com/family/caving/gcaves.htm | |
37. General Travel Links Tips Netscape The Cave Page - Caves, Caving and speleology World Wide Web Everythingabout the Skyscrapers in Frankfurt and about Skyscrapers in general http://gugus.com/links/e-gen-li.htm | |
38. PSC General Information general Information. Club, (PSC) is an independent, nonprofit, incorporated organizationdedicated to caving, conservation and the science of speleology. http://www.psc-cavers.org/psc/generalinfo.html |
39. Section: 38 Earth Sciences organizations 38.09 Physical geography 38.10 Geology general 38.20 Palaeontologygeneral 38.30 Mineralogy 38.46 Karst phenomena, speleology 38.47 Glacial http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/38/ | |
40. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Recreation > Outdoors > Speleology Alexa Home. Search Browse Choose a subject in Recreation. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=8178&mode=general |
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