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Standards Of Learning Tests (sols) Teach: more detail |
41. Mrs. Wilborne's Third Grade completely on the Virginia standards of learning ((sols)). The (sols) are the curriculum.Please make yourself familiar with them and work to master each. http://web.dps.k12.va.us/ParkAve/wilborne.htm | |
42. PTA Opposes SOL As Primary Test of Education's regular review and revision of the standards of learning, but do students'achievement, will be determined primarily using tests based on http://www.veaweteach.org/pta2.html | |
43. New Page 1 schools on the bases of SOL tests scores alone all children receive the same opportunitiesfor learning and achievement by holding him or her to lower standards. http://davealbo.bigstep.com/generic.jhtml?pid=41 |
44. Fairfax County (VA) Council Of PTAs Further, standards for learning and performance and their experiences, interests,gifts, abilities, and learning styles. pass one of many tests and therefore http://www.fccpta.org/speeches/sp_sol.htm | |
45. Fairfax County (VA) Council Of PTAs skills, are also required to take comprehensive Social Science and History SOL tests. passingscores last week on each of the 27 standards of learning exams http://www.fccpta.org/positions/pos_holding_state_board.htm | |
46. SOL Web Links Brought to you by Poquoson Elementary School. Practice tests Raleigh Court ElementarySchool's Virginia standards of learning practice tests. http://www.cookees.vbcps.k12.va.us/TheTeacherResourcePage/sol/solWebLinks.htm |
47. Our Little Quad:Polyamory For The Practical Virginia has already proven this with the standards of learning tests. They are calledSOLs in Virginia educator parlance, and I cannot think of a more apt http://www.ourlittlequad.com/homeschoolrant.html | |
48. NewsHour Extra: SOL Testing - September 12, 1999 many students feel about the standards of learning well teachers are teaching andstudents are learning. and almost all states are instituting similar tests. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/july-dec99/sol.html | |
49. Paul Fleisher--standardized Testing Whatever doesn't fit within the standards gets eliminated the very activities thatexcite students about learning. to use more bubblein multiple choice tests. http://www.richmond.infi.net/~pfleishe/SOLessay.html | |
50. Untitled Document early October, and the standards of learning were making in particular, have beenambivalent about the new standards. who pass all the SOL tests, while giving http://www.broadrun.org/spartanonline/November/news-SOL.htm | |
51. The Green Tequila Archive - May 12, 2001 Maryland has the MSPAP; Virginia has its dear standards of learning tests. and focuson essentials the reading and math skills that the tests measure. . http://www.tjhsst.edu/~gteq/read.php?date=2001_05_12 |
52. MCEC: Assessment Resource Center Virginia SOL Assessments 2001 Released tests Download released test items for grades3, 5, 8, and EOC from the 2001 Virginia standards of learning tests. http://www.militarychild.org/assessment/searchresults.cfm?state=VA |
53. Ms. Shaw's Favorite Websites Teaching Virginia standards of learning VDOE site with numerous SOL Release of Spring2001 tests Great place Enchanted learning Great ideas for young students. http://www.hopewell.k12.va.us/techsol/favweb.htm | |
54. Sharon H of an education reform effort to increase student learning. changes to align courseswith the state standards. Moving the tests from April to May has relieved http://onlinelearning.tc.cc.va.us/faculty/tcmarim/publication/spr99_111-77-78/2s | |
55. Test Usage Information Links Research, articles, and information about high stakes tests and their misuse from group opposing Virginia Category Society Issues Standardized Testing State Testing...... HighStakes tests Ensuring Accurate Reflections of Student learning. Position Paperon the standards of learning prepared by the Faculty of the Graduate http://home.rica.net/airedale/test_usage_information_links.htm | |
56. University Of Virginia News Story investigated the schools early responses to the standards of learning in fourareas experience increased pressure to help students pass the SOL tests. http://www.virginia.edu/topnews/releases2000/solsurvey-may-25-2000.html | |
57. University Of Virginia News Story The standards of learning Project is changes needed to meet requirements of thestandards of Accreditation 70 percent of students pass the SOL tests by 2007 http://www.virginia.edu/topnews/releases/sol-sept-16-1999.html | |
58. NEA Today: Cover Story - March 1999 state says focus on these standards, but, in If these tests control curriculum,teachers are likely test undermines the achievement of highquality learning. http://www.nea.org/neatoday/9903/cover.html | |
59. Testing Tests -- The Washington Times go smoothly, because the system already has clear standards in place. They acknowledgestudents are learning more but say the pressure The tests are stressful http://www.washtimes.com/metro/20020310-14983352.htm |
60. Untitled has put into place the standards of learning test in say that they are not teachingto the tests, it is that teachers should look to the standards for guidance http://filebox.vt.edu/users/brmill10/portfolio/standardsreflection1.html | |
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