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Suku Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail |
21. 1Up Info > Zaire > Peoples Between The Kwango And The Kasai | Zaire Information in this area the Yaka cluster includes, among others, the suku. The Kongo peoples;The Significance of Ethnic Identification. indigenous SOCIAL SYSTEMS; http://www.1upinfo.com/country-guide-study/zaire/zaire67.html | |
22. Carnelian International Risks Angola's remaining indigenous peoples fell into two disparate categories. gatheringbands of southern africa sometimes referred Thus the Sukumost of them in http://www.carnelian-international.com/angola/ethnic_groups_and_languages.htm | |
23. Past Professional Development Projects Since 1990 - ASIA for Public Interest Law in South africa, which provides legal works to help the OrangSuku Laut fulfill as these relate to the rights of indigenous peoples. http://www.iie.org/Website/WPreview.cfm?cwid=419&WID=171 |
24. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: History And Prehistory Of Mentawai around 4000 BCE a migration of indigenous peoples began out Batak language (spokenby the indigenous inhabitants of Coronese, S. (1986) Kebudayaan suku Mentawai http://www.mentawai.org/histbackgr.htm | |
25. Untitled LIOBA LENHART Orang suku Laut Communities at Risk Milk Consumption, Diet and Healthin Herding peoples. Museum of the Centre for indigenous Cultures Aims http://www.wm.edu/ICAES/program/mondayam.html | |
26. SE546 - The Anthropology Of Kinship hold of this, try (1965) The suku of southwestern Congo, in Gibbs (ed) Peoplesof africa must begin with the anaysis of indigenous concepts. http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/Courses/SE546/outline.html | |
27. Bibliography On African Traditional Religion Scriptures of African peoples The Sacred Rituals and medicines indigenous healingin of Conflict as a Method of Conflict Resolution among the suku of the http://www.afrikaworld.net/afrel/atr_bibliography.htm | |
28. IndonesiaHome the position that the backward tribal peoples must be suku terasing (isolated tribes)to suku yang sedang of tongues in Indonesia (200 indigenous speech forms http://www.indonesia2001.com/guide/IndonesiaHome.htm | |
29. HOME TEST PAGE There is a peoples Database which includes the Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, Pende,suku, Tabwa, Woyo story architecture, Islam and indigenous African cultures http://www.msu.edu/~metzler/matrix/dream/humanities.html | |
30. Orilonise: The Hermeneutics Of The Head And Hairstyles Among The Yoruba 3) and the suku hairstyle worn by some òrìsà priests, emphasizing now exist sideby-sidewith the indigenous ones-all The peoples of Southern Nigeria, vol. http://www.tribalarts.com/feature/lawal/ | |
31. THE WEST PAPUA ARCHIVES 1997 YAYASAN LEMBAGA MUSYAWARAH ADAT suku AMUNGME (LEMASA). omitted payments to the Amungmeand Komoro peoples who are Six indigenous people have died in recent days http://www.converge.org.nz/wpapua/The-archives-1997.html | |
32. Untitled with the observation that indigenous conceptions of this category of 'marginal peoples'(suku terasing), to for depicting marginality are of peoples who frame http://home.gwu.edu/~kuipers/langident.html | |
33. The Yali If literate peoples overvalue literary skills, it is also true It allows for continuationof indigenous patterns of local men as chiefs (kepala suku) in the http://www.info-indo.com/papua/yali.htm | |
34. Sanaa Gallery - Tribal Information centralization among the Igbospeaking peoples has been category that groups togetherthe indigenous dark-skinned their neighbors the Yaka and suku, can trace http://www.sanaagallery.com/tribalinfo.html | |
35. 1Up Info > Indonesia > Minangkabau | Indonesian Information Resource As the suku declines in importance relative to the outwardly directed male The traditionsof sharia and indigenous femaleoriented adat are often depicted as http://www.1upinfo.com/country-guide-study/indonesia/indonesia66.html | |
36. 1juillet Translate this page et Douglas Newton, « Islands and Ancestors - indigenous Styles of Art of PrimitivePeoples », Berkeley Galleries Art of the Yaka and suku », Editions Alain http://www.dericqles.com/31juin2001/presentation/-94.html | |
37. AGNET FEBRUARY 1 Rio+10 Conference in South africa in the to ensure that governments and IndigenousPeoples are the INFORMATION CONTACT By mail suku Oonnithan, Registration | |
38. Content Maria FernándezGiménez Orang suku Laut Communities and Short Notices Tibetan Peoplesand Landscapes Importance of Pastoralists` indigenous Coping Strategies http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/voelkerkunde/nomadic_peoples/html/Issues/recent | |
39. PreventConflict.org - Regions The Forum for Friends of peoples Close to Dulu Pemekaran Papua dengan Kepala Sukudan Gereja Cannibal to Terrorist State Violence, indigenous Resistance and http://www.preventconflict.org/portal/main/maps_wpapua_resources.php | |
40. Conflict And Violence: A Working Bibliography With Special Reference To Indonesi 1992. War in the Tribal Zone Expanding States and indigenous Warfare. The Peoplesof Borneo. 2001. Negara Etnik Beberapa Gagasan Pemberdayaan suku Dayak. http://www.geocities.com/bouviersmith/ref/conflict.htm | |
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