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81. Suriname Resources Directory AHKCO. Anton de Kom Universiteit van suriname. Books and Articles on suriname. IDOS.SWI. People and culture. ANDA TICA. Background Notes. Brief History. EscapeArtist. http://www.123plaza.com/lazycat/countries_search.htmx/Suriname | |
82. Remarks Of H.E. Runaldo Venetiaan, President Of Suriname, At The Launch Of Com This will inevitably require an adjustment of our Caribbean culture and our economy countryTrinidad and Tobago, up to Guyana and to my own country, suriname. http://www.caricom.org/30anniversary-venetiaan.htm | |
83. South America Lonely PlanetFacts at a Glance, Environment, History, Economy, culture, and factsfor travelers. Map and Information about suriname. History of suriname. http://intergate.goshenschools.org/~jfought/South America/ |
84. Agenda 21 - Suriname Last update June 1997. BIOTECHNOLOGY. Research and Technologies. Biotechnologyin suriname is limited to the tissue culture of bananas. http://www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/countr/suriname/eco.htm | |
85. Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Suriname August 2000. back to top. culture. suriname's ethnic mix is reflectedin the religious allegiances of its people. The most important http://www.statraveluk.lonelyplanet.com/south_america/suriname/ | |
86. Oceanic Society - Natural History Expeditions: Suriname In addition to the diversity of its wildlife, suriname also has a rich human culture,consisting of Amerindians, Maroons, Creoles, East Indians, Javanese and http://www.oceanic-society.org/pages/alltrips/trip23.html | |
87. UNESCO Sector For Culture: Links (Window To Culture) Top Ministries of culture suriname, Ministry of Education Community DevelopmentTitle suriname, Ministry of Education Community Development. http://www.unesco.org/culture/links/Detailed/169.shtml | |
88. Search 20,000 Saramaka Maroons live in 61 villages along the upper suriname River, where ofthe Saramakas forest would mean the end of Saramaka culture which is http://www.lapress.org/Summ.asp?lanCode=1&couCode=23 |
89. Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Suriname | Introduction suriname view enlargement. Lonely Planet guides to suriname and the world.order now, Roundthe-World Tickets Connect the dots, find a fare. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/south_america/suriname/ | |
90. WEPA!® Search Suriname! : Culture:Religion Search Puerto Rico For CultureReligion, http://www.wepa.com/sr/categories/B/R/index-en.html | |
91. South America Vacations South America Hotels And Resorts, South suriname Overview. suriname suriname is reachable of Paramaribo. surinameis reachable by car from Guyana and French Guiana only. No roads http://www.southamericavacationguide.com/Suriname_Overview.html | |
92. Suriname - LANIC http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/sa/suriname/ | |
93. CaribSurf.com | Net_guide On the Northeast coast of South America, the Republic of suriname is borderedby Guyana in the West, French Guyana in the East, and Brazil in the South. http://www.caribsurf.com/net_guide/Regional/South_America/Suriname/ | |
94. President Al-Bashir, Umar Hasan Ahmad, Lt. Gen. First Vice of Communications Roads, Eila, Mohamed Tahir. Min. of culture, Maged, Abdel BassetAbdel. Min. State Min. of culture, alMugtaba, Siddiq. State Min. of Defense, http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/chiefs/chiefs166.html | |
95. Travelguides4u.com http://www.travelguides4u.com/TravelGuides.asp?LocationID=178 |
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