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61. RPPI Executive Summary Policy Study. Alternative teacher organizations Evolution of ProfessionalAssociations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Policy Study No. 231 September 1997. http://www.rppi.org/es231.html | |
62. LESSON 29: Becoming A Teacher Today/Teacher Organizations And Collective Bargain Lesson 29 Becoming a Teacher Today/teacher organizations and CollectiveBargaining. Textbook Reading. What Do You Think? Thoughtfully http://educ.southern.edu/profgreen/EDUC135/lesson29/lesson.html | |
63. Virtual Business Education Resource Center-Teacher Organizations PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR TEACHERS, NATIONAL BUSINESS EDUCATIONASSOCIATION 1914 Association Drive Reston,VA 22091 Phone (703 http://home.columbus.rr.com/businessed/org-tchr.html | |
64. Professional Organizations For Teachers Grow your career or simply find some helpful tips to use in the classroomwith our comprehensive list of professional teacher organizations. http://teachersplanet.com/orgs.shtml | |
65. NCATE: Constituent Members NCATEs constituent coalition represents over 3 million individuals committed tohighquality teaching. Teacher Education Organizations. teacher organizations. http://www.ncate.org/ncate/conslist.htm | |
66. BCSD Board Polic 903.1(A) - Parent/Teacher Organizations (PTA/ Code No. 903.1(A). PARENT teacher organizations (PTA/PTO). Parent-teacher organizationsmay be established for each attendance center in the school district. http://www.bettendorf.k12.ia.us/board/bd_policies/bp_900/903.1A.htm |
67. Teacher Education - Professional Organizations Back to Resources. Teacher Education Organizations. teacher organizations. AmericanFederation of Teachers (AFT) National Education Association (NEA). http://msed.byu.edu/ted/professional.html | |
68. Education World® : Professional Development Center AACTE). teacher organizations. American Federation of Teachers (AFT);National Education Association (NEA). SUBJECT ORGANIZATIONS. American http://www.education-world.com/pro_dev/ed_orgs.shtml | |
69. Orange County Arts Commission - Grants Education Grant funds up to $1,000.00 available to public or private schools, orparent and teacher organizations in Orange County coordinating arts programs. http://artsorange.org/grants.htm | |
70. Policy 1015 Parent-Teacher Organizations Code 1015 School Community Organizations. Policy Title Parent - TeacherOrganizations, Policy No. 1015. Parent-teacher organizations http://www.ballard.k12.ia.us/BoardofEducation/BoardPolicies/Code1000/Policies 10 | |
71. Jacksonville, Texas - Organizations: Parent/Teacher (By School) City of Jacksonville, Texas Parent/teacher organizations. http://www.jacksonville-texas.com/pta.htm | |
72. Teacher Organizations teacher organizations. NSTA Home Page The National Science TeachersAssociation (NSTA), founded in 1944 and headquartered in Arlington http://www.iit.edu/~tams/ms/ms3.htm | |
73. Teacher Organizations teacher organizations. International Society for Technology in Education(ISTE), ComputerUsing Educators (CUE). National Council of http://www.etsd.org/fms/edlinks/using_tech_elem/teacher_organizations.htm | |
74. New Page . teacher organizations. US Department of Education, National Councilfor Social Studies. National Science Teachers Association, National http://www.bv229.k12.ks.us/lke/links/linksorganizations.htm | |
75. IEEE PEERS: Pre-College Educator/Engineer Resources math, science and technology education. How to Locate Mathematicsand Science teacher organizations. The two main organizations at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/eab/precollege/peers/engineers/help/conf.htm | |
76. PTO Parent teacher organizations (PTO). Our district believes that educationis a cooperative relationship between home and school and http://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/boe/Parent Orgs/pto.htm | |
77. Lake Champlain.com: Your Information Resource For The Champlain Valley Home Education Learning teacher organizations. General Listings. CentralVT Teachers Credit Union 265 South Main St, Barre VT 05602, (802)479-9411; http://www.lakechamplain.com/services/directory/browsecategory.cfm?subcategory=1 |
78. Effective Practices resources for contacts in the local region. Other good resources includedlocal AAPT and other professional teacher organizations. http://quarknet.fnal.gov/resources/eff_pract.shtml | |
79. NYSAIS | School Resources for Trustees and Officers Tuition Payments On Company Checks Subject To RecoveryBy Trustee In Bankruptcy, Links to teacher organizations Association for http://www.nysais.org/resources/ | |
80. Local Partnerships entities, eligible proprietary institutions of higher education, local governmentagencies, parent organizations, teacher organizations, vocational student http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/stw/sw0local.htm | |
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