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41. "NYSUT Urges Time Off For Parent-teacher Conferences." Oct. 29, 2002. Media Rela NYSUT urges time off for parentteacher conferences October 29, 2002.ALBANY, NY October 29, 2002 - Stressing the importance of building http://www.nysut.org/media/releases/20021029parentteacher.html | |
42. Changes In The Ways Teachers Report To Parents to parents, teachers of young childrenespecially at preschool and kindergartenlevelstraditionally have relied on teacherparent conferences to enhance http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/earlycld/ea5lk20.htm | |
43. Parent-Teacher Conferences parentteacher conferences. Pathways Home. Chrispeels, Boruta, and Daugherty(1988) describe the purposes and goals of parent-teacher conferences http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/famncomm/pa4lk7.htm | |
44. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Home-School Connections) Looking for the best facts and sites on parentteacher conferences?This HomeworkCentral section focuses on 'Home-School Connections http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Teacher/Resourc | |
45. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Parent-Teacher Relations) Looking for the best facts and sites on parentteacher conferences? Questions toAsk During a Conference; Toward More Productive parent-teacher conferences. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Parent/Resource | |
46. Bobcat News : PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES UPCOMING 14, all day. parentteacher conferences UPCOMING. parent-teacher conferences. Thursday,Feb. Membership. Join Now. Login. parent-teacher conferences UPCOMING. http://www.usd458.k12.ks.us/blhsevents/stories/storyReader$54 | |
47. Dean: Bring The Students Into Parent-teacher Conferences Bring the students into parentteacher conferences. The concept of student-led parent-teacherconferences has 10 years of research and practice supporting it. http://www.purdue.edu/UNS/html4ever/9903.Haring.tcon.html | |
48. 2002-2003 Calendar 11/13/02. teacher/parent conferences ½ day for all students K12Elementary/Middle School Evening. 11/14/02. teacher/parent conferences http://www.melnap.k12.mi.us/district/02-03 Calendar.htm | |
49. Dublin Elementary | School parent/teacher conferences. parent and teacher conferences are just oneway the staff at Dublin communicates the progress of a student. http://walledlake.k12.mi.us/dublin/parent.html | |
50. Parent Conferences 2000-2001 parent teacher conferences. The staff of the BucklandShelburne School hasalways placed a great deal of emphasis on parent teacher conferences. http://www.bsr.k14.mass.edu/joannesp/parentconferences.html | |
51. ERIC/EECE. Publications. Digests. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Suggestions For Pa parentteacher conferences Suggestions for parents, This Digest outlinesways to improve communication during parent-teacher conferences. http://ericeece.org/pubs/digests/1999/clark99.html | |
52. NPIN Virtual Library. How Can Parent-Teacher Differences Be Prevented Or Resolve parents and teachers share responsibility for creating a working relationship that fosters children's Category Home Family parenting Child Education...... Elicit expressions of parents' concerns and interests in preparationfor parentteacher conferences. Early in the school year, ask http://npin.org/library/1998/n00043/n00043.html | |
53. Parent News: November-December 1998. Of Interest. Toward More Productive Parent parent News for NovemberDecember 1998. Of Interest. Toward More Productiveparent teacher conferences. by Ann-Marie Clark. parent teacher http://npin.org/pnews/1998/pnew1198/int1198c.html | |
54. School Handbook/Parent Teacher Conferences parentteacher conferences. conferences for all students are held oncea year. Each family may schedule ONE conference with the homeroom http://www.stjosephdg.org/school/handbook/8.html | |
55. Parent Conferences Be very prepared for your parentteacher conference (even drop-by meetings). experiencedwith parent communication, you will learn to enjoy parent conferences. http://www.gomea.com/parent conferences tips.htm | |
56. IHAD: PARENT CONFERENCES Each teacher should develop written documentation of each parent conference/communicationand the objectives discussed. parentschool personnel conferences/ http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Policies/IHAD-Parent_Conferences.htm | |
57. Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent Survey Schedule seems good. · I really look forward to parent conferences. My husbandand I enjoy and benefit from the oneon-one interaction with the teacher. http://www.bham.wednet.edu/staff/ptconfsurvcomment_elparent.htm | |
58. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Working As A Team parentteacher conferences Working as a Team, parent-teacher conferences are anopportunity to establish better communication between parents and teachers. http://www.aboutourkids.org/articles/parent-teacher.html | |
59. Benson Student/Parent Handbook parent Notification of Rights under FERPA Entrance Age to School Asbestos District 10 Voice Mail Extensions, parent/teacher conferences http://www.itasca.com/school/benson/benhandbook/stdnt40.htm | |
60. Parent Teacher Conf parent teacher conferences. parentteacher conferences are held at the end ofthe first reporting period. parent teacher conferences. Working Together. http://www.a-cats.com/PTAPennekamp/handbook/parent_teacher_conf.htm | |
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