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Tele-mentoring Volunteers: more detail |
21. Tomorrows Professor Listserve 16 telementoring Catching on with College Students - What About Faculty? We are alwayslooking for volunteers to help manage the division and help in planning http://cis.stanford.edu/structure/tomprof/tomproflistserve4.html | |
22. Internetworking And Educational Reform: Are These Different Subjects? k) telementoring e-mail exchanges between students and adult mentors. e) Internetaccessibility supplied to parent or community volunteers in exchange for http://www.gse.uci.edu/Ravitz/cosn98_hunter/ | |
23. Toward Systemic Educational Change: Questions From A Complex Systems Perspective utilizing new technologies (eg crossage tutoring, or tele-mentoring)? to older students,retired professionals, workplace specialists, community volunteers? http://necsi.org/events/cxedk16/cxedk16_3.html | |
24. TECHNOLOGY PLAN projects in the district, one of which involved Literacy volunteers. presentationdesktop publishing email, computer conferencing, tele-mentoring drawing and http://www.pcsd.k12.ny.us/techplan/original.html | |
25. School-to-Work: Leading Practices around the country included student visits to IT industry sites, telementoring programs,an is a one-on-one experience, but sometimes the volunteers will work http://www.itaa.org/workforce/programs/stw6.htm | |
26. Using The World Wide Web To Build Learning Communities In K-12 This site provides a list of hundreds of volunteers who will provide their the opportunityfor students to ask questions of experts via telementoring, and a http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol2/issue3/gordin.html | |
27. CILT - Document Sans Titre Our staff and volunteers from the community help organization leaders quickly and 8Dobson (1996) reports on US telementoring activities; Ashton Levy (1998 http://www.cilt.org/resources/online_Learning.html | |
28. The Daily Star - Online Edition volunteers would provide online mentoring through email or chat rooms to help youngpeople with homework questions or offer support through tele-mentoring. . http://www.thedailystar.com/news/stories/2000/10/25/brite.html | |
29. Headlines Extra: Digital Divide] To Maine volunteers Maine_volunteers@xxxxxxxxxxx , Maine OnLine Week Listserv thatraise childhood immunization rates in innercities, tele-mentoring for at http://www.ptfolkschool.org/list-archive/msg00330.html | |
30. Federal Focus, Inc. FIRST ANNUAL FEDERAL FOCUS EDMENTOR SYMPOSIUM Dr. Muller is the founder and Executive Director of MentorNet at the College of Engineering, San Jose State University. She has 22 years in higher education. She holds a B.A. E-mentoring ("tele mentoring " "cybermentoring " or "virtual mentoring") mentoring which uses the tools of that an organization has wonderful volunteers that can step up to the http://www.fedfocus.org/children/m_speaker-muller.html | |
31. Untitled FAQs about the ATA Mentoring Program What is mentoring? MENTORING IS the process in which successful individuals go out of their way to help others establish goals and develop the skills to reach them. time and energy by the many volunteers. involved in this from mentors and. mentees. volunteers were required to take the and new trainers will be culled from volunteers from the http://www.catiweb.org/downloads/mentoring.pdf |
32. Directory Of Regional Consortia program for Basic/Advanced Internet, HTML and Sensitivity Skills for the volunteersof N2R Lab in Del Paso Heights and World Wide Web telementoring Program FYBR http://www.ctcnet.org/consortiadirectory/region9/n2r.htm | |
33. Building The Virtual Reference Desk Virtual Reference Desk will provide the needed infrastructure for telementoringservices, as Here, mentors/volunteers (see table 1) are matched via the match http://www.vrd.org/TelEd.shtml | |
34. Longwoods Publishing Corporation scientific directors to run them, selected over 215 volunteers to guide Additionaltelementoring sites will be established in Chicoutimi, Quebec and North Bay http://www.longwoods.com/hq/spring02/HQ53qchange.html | |
35. Washington State Community Education WSCEA Lacey, WA Electronic Emissary Project A tele mentoring project that helps teachers withaccess to the Internet locate other Internet account volunteers of America. http://www.wscea.org/resource.htm | |
36. St. Josephs Hospital, Hamilton, Hospital News a successful campaign, raising $30 million and our volunteers offered $20 Additionaltelementoring sites will be established in Chicoutimi, Quebec and North http://www.stjosham.on.ca/articles.htm | |
37. Mississippi Teacher Exchange Web Site guestbook. Ask Our Experts . Email our experts with your questionsand our TeachNett volunteers will get back to you with an answer. http://teacherexchange.mde.k12.ms.us/new/mentors/mentors.htm | |
38. LINKS TABLE San Francisco Mentoring Coalition Goals are to recruit adult volunteers and promote TeleMentoringover the Net This comprehensive guide is arranged in three http://www.wit.org.au/projects/mentoring/mentorkit/MentoringLinks.htm | |
39. [ I ] help. ? if any Will other support staff or volunteers be needed?What, if any, materials will the mentors or students need? Will http://my.reset.jp/~terabook/cet100i.html | |
40. Comm590x Each small group team member reacts individually to the messages and volunteerswhat they know about how to 4) telementoring, accessing online experts; and. http://www.dwave.net/~jgestner/Comm590x.html | |
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