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41. Transportation Related Acronyms transportation Related acronyms. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. A. http://www.dot.state.tx.us/aus/mis/i35mis/i35acro.htm | |
42. Ficus-Documents Help for the acronym disadvantaged. This reference explainsthe meaning of the acronyms used when discussing transportation issues....... http://www.ficus.usf.edu/documents.cfm?Section.Section_Section=Architecture and |
43. Transportation In Canada 1996 Annual Report Acronyms And acronyms/ABBREVIATIONS. AAC average annual change. AAG average annual growth. ATMair traffic management. ATT air transportation tax. BPX bus parcel express. http://www.tc.gc.ca/pol/en/anre1996/tc96_acronyms_abbreviations.htm |
44. DVRPC/ Public Affairs/ Public Participation/ Glossary Of Acronyms GLOSSARY OF acronyms. AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic. AASHTO AmericanAssociation of State and Highway transportation Officials. http://www.dvrpc.org/press/PubParticipation/Acronyms.htm | |
45. Transportation Reference Shelf - Wisconsin Department Of Transportation CART Collection of acronyms Relating to Transport (transportation ResearchGroup). Port Industry acronyms (49 KB) (Washington Public Ports Association). http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/library/services/ref/shelf.htm | |
46. Acronyms acronyms. acronyms. ADA Americans With Disabilities Act. ADT - Average DailyTraffic. ATS - Austin transportation Study. BOTA - Bridge of the Americas. http://www.elpasompo.org/acronyms.htm | |
47. Glossary - Acronyms acronyms. 3C, Continuing, Comprehensive and Cooperative Planning Process.AASHTO, American Association of State Highway transportation Officials. http://www.mcb.fhwa.dot.gov/acronyms.htm | |
48. Acronyms ADT Average Daily Traffic. ATP Area transportation Partnership. CSAHCounty State Aid Highway. CTPP Census transportation Planning Package. http://www.stcloudapo.org/Acronyms.htm | |
49. Acronyms For a List of the acronyms with definitions click on this link. AASHTO AmericanAssociation of State Highway and transportation Officials. AB - Assembly Bill. http://www.countyofkings.com/kcag/acronyms.htm |
50. Acronyms acronyms. A AB 2766. Assembly Bill 2766. AHRP. C. Caltrans. California Departmentof transportation. CEQA. California Environmental Quality Act. CMAQ. http://www.octa.net/funding/acronyms.html | |
51. U.S. Department Of Transportation - NHTSA - Measuring The Burden Of Injury - 3rd acronyms and Abbreviations. ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder;ADL - Activities Of Daily Living; AHRQ - Agency for Health http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/economic/BurdenInjury/acronyms.htm | |
52. Space Shuttle News Reference Manual ORBIT INSERTION. ON ORBIT. ONORBIT CHECKOUT. DEORBIT. ENTRY. DISPLAYS AND CONTROLS.SPACE transportation SYSTEM PAYLOADS. CONTRACTORS. acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. http://science.ksc.nasa.gov/shuttle/technology/sts-newsref/stsref-toc.html | |
53. Transportation Equipment Cleaning Industry Acronyms/EPA Office Of Compliance Sec List of acronyms. AFS AIRS Facility Subsystem (CAA database). TCRIS - Toxic ChemicalRelease Inventory System. TECI - transportation Equipment Cleaning Industry. http://www.csa.com/routenet/epan/transeqpAB.html | |
54. ACRONYMS OL acronyms. OL PARTNERS AND FRIENDS, AAR, Association of American Railroads.AASHTO, American Association of State Highway and transportation Officials. http://www.azol.org/acronyms.htm | |
55. Acronyms LIST OF acronyms. A MRTS Arcata and Mad River Transit System ADT - Average DailyTraffic ATS - Advanced transportation System BMP - Bikeways Master Plan BLA http://www.hcaog.net/acronyms.htm | |
56. BTS - NTL - MARINE/WATERWAYS TRANSPORTATION - Marine Laws And Regulations Volume X Interagency Agreements and acronyms Memorandum of Understanding Betweenthe Departments of the Interior and transportation Concerning Respective http://ntl.bts.gov/display.cfm?sub=b3&cat=2 |
57. SCI Knowlege Management Exchange Acronyms T acronyms Please Contact Us to recommend an addition to our Acronym list. A B C DE F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z T TAC, transportation Account Code. http://www.acq.osd.mil/log/logistics_materiel_readiness/organizations/sci/html/k | |
58. MVRPC Acronyms S-Z acronyms and Definitions decoding the jargon SR State Route. SSA- Sole Source Aquifer. STA - Surface transportation Act. STAPPA http://www.mvrpc.org/admin/mvacronym_s-z.htm | |
59. Martin County Government Acronyms acronyms AADT. Average Annual Daily Traffic. AASHTO. American Association of StateHighway transportation Officials. ACLF. Assisted Congregate Living Facility. AC. http://www.martin.fl.us/GOVT/acronyms.html |
60. Acronyms List of acronyms. AAR Association of American Railroads. AASHTO AmericanAssociation of State Highway and transportation Officials. http://www.fra.dot.gov/rdv30/plan5yr/acronyms.htm | |
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