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Truancy School Guidance: more detail | ||||
61. Juvenile Justice Bulletin -- September 2001 -- Truancy Reduction: Keeping Studen previous findings that, in general, the correlates of truancy fall into These includelack of guidance or parental supervision, domestic violence school factors http://www.ncjrs.org/html/ojjdp/jjbul2001_9_1/page1.html | |
62. Attendance At Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School - Wichita, Kansas Missed class time due to truancy will result in Carmel High school, students mustaccumulate credits by the forwarded, parents should notify the guidance office http://www.kapaun.org/attendance.htm | |
63. Book Review Cafe Just consider how many students in a High school, how many guidance counselorsper school? The responsibility of truancy, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy http://www.bookreviewcafe.com/INTERVIEW15.html | |
64. Welcome To The NUT Online to tackle truancy and exclusion levels in school. to schools and, thus, minimisingtruancy and disaffection Key Stage 4 or clarifying guidance on appropriate http://www.teachers.org.uk/keypol/social/kp_truancy.html | |
65. BiblioLine Thesaurus - Permutations school TO WORK TRANSITION school TRANSPORTATION school truancy school VANDALISM 1980SECONDARY school CURRICULUM SECONDARY school guidance SECONDARY school |
66. Williamstown High School Attendance A student involved in a truancy needs guidance identified as being truant, variousschool members, which include the classroom teacher, guidance counselor, and http://www.monroetwp.k12.nj.us/hs/hs handbook/hs_attendance_5200reg.htm | |
67. Permanent Exclusion From School (after 20th January 2003) The guidance states that permanent exclusion will usually be the final step of thingsthat children should not be excluded from school for Lateness or truancy. http://www.ace-ed.org.uk/perm2003/ | |
68. Lake Mary High School - Guidance bus or for Administrative or guidance Office appointments. laws and guidelines fortruancy recognition and excused, in addition to schoolsponsored activities http://www.lakemaryhs.scps.k12.fl.us/guidance/attend.htm | |
69. Social Inclusion: Pupil Support Guidance From The NCB Vol.1 police powers to remove children from public spaces and return them to school. TheTruancy Watch scheme, an example of which features in the SIPS guidance (p.19 http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/guidanceonthelaw/10-99/sips.htm | |
70. The Parents' Centre - School Administration These are also set out in detail in the DfES guidance 'Social Inclusion Pupil Thesanctions outlined in the school's discipline policy need to be fairly and http://www.dfes.gov.uk/parents/schooladmin/home.cfm?fuseaction=doc5 |
71. School Attendance And Truancy events . Surrey County Council Home Learning schools Guidanceon children's issues school attendance and truancy. Education http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/sccwebsite/sccwspages.nsf/LookupWebPagesByTITLE_TXT/S |
72. Guidance For Teachers attend11.pdf 79Kb 29 pages. DfES LEA guidance Extract from Truancyand school Exclusion Report. attend10.pdf 20 Kb 1 page. Education http://www.bgfl.org/services/ews/leaguide.htm | |
73. Guidance The Lee County school District and The Office of program can be seen by clicking TruancyIntervention Program The guidance Department is offering this group to http://www.lee.k12.fl.us/schools/lhl/guidance.htm | |
74. Student Services Lynchburg City Schools truancy Center staff Thinking Strategies for elementaryschool students experiencing Elementary guidance counselors make referrals to http://www.lynchburg.org/Departments/Student Services/Student Services.htm | |
75. Garey Researching Effectiveness Of Team Approach To Truancy Reduction - October According to Garey, in most states truancy is dealt not proven effective in increasingschool attendance on absences or tardiness, and a guidance counselor, who http://www.advance.uconn.edu/02102810.htm | |
76. School District Of DeSoto County Under the direction of the Students Services Director guidance counselors will work TheTruancy Officer, the YMCA counselor, and the school will work http://www.desotoschools.com/SP Student Services 02-03.htm | |
77. Schoolzone (See also DfES guidance Budget articles below) A Bradford school, with a dailytruancy rate of 3.5%, is the first to adopt text messaging in its battle to http://www.schoolzone.co.uk/edutxt/Articles.htm | |
78. NHPD - Youth Oriented Policing: School Resource Officers activity. They work with Probation Officers and school guidance personnelto monitor atrisk student behaviors. school Resource http://cityofnewhaven.com/police/html/divisions/fsu/schoolofcs.htm | |
79. San Clemente High School SCHS Administration truancy Policy. SCHS Policy on truancy Truancieswill accumulate for single period absences per school year. http://www.sctritons.com/administration/truancypolicy.asp | |
80. Abraham Baldwin Middle School, Guilford, CT In case of serious difficulties, the guidance counselor may refer afamily to the school social worker or to the school psychologist. http://www.guilford.k12.ct.us/~snurkowskia/guidance.html | |
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