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121. Reise Rat Kurze Einf¼hrung und Landesinformationen. http://www.reiserat.de/reisen_welt/gus/turkmenistan/ |
122. The Eurasia Foundation Funds programs that build democratic and free market institutions in the twelve New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. http://www.eurasia.org/ |
123. Index Of Turkmenistan Images Index page of assorted photographs from J Kelley. http://home.xnet.com/~jkelley/Turmenistan.fldr/Turkmenistan.Images/ |
124. Turkmenistan Chaihana Links Page Collection of turkmenistan resources on the internet. http://www.chaihana.com/links.html |
125. Pierre Flener's Turkmenistan Trip Report 1994 turkmenistan travelogue http://www.csd.uu.se/~pierref/travel/turkmenistan.trip/ |
126. Turkmen/English Dictionary Downloadable dictionary, prepared by the Peace Corps turkmenistan (MS Word format). http://www.chaihana.com/dict.doc |
127. Zentralasienreise - Turkmenistan [Kölbl, Franz] Reiseerlebnisse und zahlreiche Fotos aus vielen Teilen des Turkmenistans als Etappe einer Reise durch Zentralasien. http://www-ang.uni-graz.at/~koelblf/zentralasien/turkmenistan.html |
128. Minerals Of The Cupp-Coutunn Karst Cave System An article originally printed in the World of Stones Journal describing the Karst massif of South East turkmenistan, Russia. http://fadr.msu.ru/caves/maltop_e.html |
129. Ochag Company Turkmenistan Software, services and consulting company operating in turkmenistan. http://www.ochag.webprovider.com |
130. Map Of Turkmenistan Political, jpg 167Kb. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/commonwealth/turkmenistan.jpg |
131. WorldSkip Guide To Turkmenistan Links to news, information, products and services. http://www.worldskip.com/region.asp?RegionID=tm |
132. Small English - Turkmen Glossary Prepared by the Peace Corps turkmenistan. http://www.chaihana.com/dicet.txt |
133. Im Land Des Turkmenbashi [Ziegler, Marco] Kurzer Reisebericht mit diversen Fotos aus turkmenistan, Aschchabad und Nisa mit einer abenteuerlichen Zugfahrt nach Buchara. http://www.studyrussian.com/seidenstrasse/reisebericht/Turkmenistan.htm |
134. Corax Around The World By Bicycle Cycling in over 50 countries, off beat places like Tajikistan, turkmenistan, Tibet, Colombia, Bermuda, Belize, Bosnia and Laos. http://www3.utsidan.se/corax-e/ |
135. Sailings To Turkmenistan Listings of freight forwarders, shipping agents and NVOCCs. http://sailings.to/turkmenistan/freight-forwarders-directory.html |
136. Doug's Turkmenistan Adventure Many pictures with descriptions. http://www.nwlink.com/~douglasm/turkmenistan/index.html |
137. The Times Of Central Asia - Turkmenistan Good singlepage guide to turkmenistan http://www.times.kg/?D=cg&c=5&d=&m=&dt= |
138. Small Turkmen - English Glossary Prepared by the Peace Corps turkmenistan. http://www.chaihana.com/dicte.txt |
139. Tæppemarked - Kjeld Ottosen Antikke, ¦ldre og nye ¦gte orientalske t¦pper fra Iran, Kaukasus og turkmenistan. http://www.taeppemarked.dk/ |
140. Environmental Solutions International, LLC (ESI) Offers various consulting services in turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. Expertise and services including compliance, engineering, impact assessment, environmental monitoring, meteorology, hydrogeology, waste management, training, and petroleum geology and drilling. http://envirosolutionsintl.com |
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