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1. BRITAIN'S ECONOMY: Latest British/UK Economic Data/Statistics, United Kingdom/U. united kingdom (UK) Economy. European economic Union. British (U.K.) economic statistics Agriculture. business Investment. business Inventories (PDF). Capital Expenditures http://www.geoinvestor.com/statistics/unitedkingdom/economicdata.htm |
2. Search Solutions: Business Statistics, How To Find Economic Indicators, Market I united kingdom, GBP, 1986, MF8134, 1961. business Week (File 623) Production Indexes,Leading Indicators Quest economics Database (QUES) - economic Indicators and http://training.dialog.com/quick/solutions/4202.html | |
3. Journals Starting With 'U' Unit, Briefing; UNIDO International Yearbook of Industrial statistics; united Bankfor Africa, UBA Monthly business and economic Digest; united kingdom Balance of http://www.econ.cam.ac.uk/marshlib/journals/alpha/u.html | |
4. Statistics Finland - IBS - Main Economic Indicators MAIN economic INDICATORS, updated 26.11.2001. united kingdom, 1.6/Oct, 5.1/JulSep,-2.4/Aug. Inquiries International business statistics e-mail ibs.tilastokeskus http://www.stat.fi/tk/tt/ibs/mei.html | |
5. Chapter 2, "Comparative Economic Statistics" united kingdom 11. Outlook Food and Agriculture Organization of the united NationsUN economic Data (Galileo) Links to economic Data Statistical Data Locators http://business.baylor.edu/Steve_Gardner/CESCH02.HTM | |
6. Databases (reference Works & Indexes): Resource Type: Numeric Databases National statistics the Official UK statistics Site official statistics fromthe united kingdom. STATUSA business and economic information and http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indexes/resource_type_13.html | |
7. Canadian Business Map: Foreign Statistical Sources Interactive business Tools. National Institute of statistics and economic Studies(INSEE); Turkey State Institute of statistics; united kingdom Office for http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/scdt/businessmap/engdoc/3.4.html | |
8. Romania Factbook 2000 - Economic Statistics For Romania Air Pollution Equipment Market, business Travel. Dental Market, economic Trends Outlook. Homecare/Medical Market, FDI from united kingdom up to 2001. http://www.factbook.net/Sitemap.htm |
9. Seminar On Business Registers (28-29 June 2001) existing and future classification systems (statistics united kingdom), the organisationand economic activities of a quality strategy for business registers, a http://www.unece.org/stats/documents/2001.06.busreg.htm | |
10. Handbook Of Official Statistics Service (GSS) provides the united kingdom with most of accounts, measures of inflation,business statistics, labour market of social and economic trends, to http://www.unece.org/stats/handbook/legal/gbr.htm | |
11. Canadian Economic Statistics - Business - University Of Alberta Libraries ie Japan, OECD, European Union, the united States and the united kingdom. Noteinformation under heading Prime business. Canadian economic Observer. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/business/canadianstatistics/index.cfm | |
12. Edmonton Information - Business - University Of Alberta Libraries Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the united kingdom, Canada, the united States,and Metro Edmonton Employment statistics (economic Development Edmonton http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/business/edmontoninfo/index.cfm | |
13. IPL General/Reference Collection: Statistics selection of the latest economic indicators Author united kingdom National statisticsLibrary (info@statistics.gov.uk) Subjects business economics http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/bus82.00.00.html | |
14. Countries Economic Statistics Agencies At EconoFinance.com Links to 360 economic statistics websites listed by country, economic indicators, statistical agencies, Category News Current Events economic Trends and Data...... composition of individuals, business taxpayers, tax of statistics and economic StudiesMacau united kingdom Statistical Agencies General Register Office for http://www.econofinance.com/diario.htm | |
15. The Graduate Market the social sciences and humanities in the united kingdom. and disseminates social,health, economic, demographic, labour market and business statistics. http://www.prospects.ac.uk/employers/lmi/links.stm | |
16. Site-By-Site! The International Investment Portal & Research Center Global capital markets sorted by country and category to make your investment research easy. Stocks, Category business Investing Investment Guides...... united kingdom Bank of England Monetary Financial statistics. economic Analysis Commentary. edition here translation courtesy of Mexican business Forum) http://www.site-by-site.com/ | |
17. Bernan - Subject Index business statistics of the united States. Handbook of International economic statistics1998. UK The Official Yearbook of the united kingdom of Great Britain http://www.bernan.com/Online_Catalog/Subject_Index.asp?SubjectID=16 |
18. Statistics And Economic Data *, Time Series Data Library. *, united kingdom Standard GeographicBase (UKSGB). *, World economic Outlook Database. *, business statistics. http://catalogue.bized.ac.uk/roads/cat/statecon.html | |
19. Economics Department - EconWeb Europages The European business Directory (economic of Foreign Affairs economicInformation statistics; united kingdom Central Statistical Office CSO http://www.econ.unt.edu/EconEducation/EconomicsLinks.htm | |
20. World News And Statistics - News Business Career Jobs Education World Books High once quipped, The only purpose of economic forecasting is to use becomes more integralto business' world wide in Australia, Canada, the united kingdom and the http://www.galtglobalreview.com/world/world.html | |
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