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101. Pre/Sub/Urban Sprawl PRE/SUB/urban sprawl The 19th Century Parisian Passage as Failed Urban Mall Carina Yervasi Passage , n. 1. The act or process http://proxy.arts.uci.edu/~nideffer/_SPEED_/1.3/product/yervasi/yervasi.html |
102. Urban Sprawl Curbs Food Production, Study Shows - 2/28/2000 - ENN urban sprawl limits the ability of the land to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphereand convert it to biomass, researchers conclude from an analysis of http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2000/02/02282000/sprawl_10459.asp |
103. ZPG, Young Writers Home In On Urban Sprawl - 5/2/2000 - ENN News ZPG, young writers home in on urban sprawl Tuesday, May 2, 2000 ByLucy Chubb Urban and suburban sprawl was the theme of a writing http://www.enn.com/enn-news-archive/2000/05/05022000/zpgcontest_12571.asp |
104. Urban Sprawl urban sprawl. PRK Online. Do you enjoy sitting stranded in trafficjams, breathing in gasoline fumes and wasting time that could be http://www.potomacriverkeeper.org/sprawl.htm |
105. Protect FairfieldUrban Sprawl Home urban sprawl Elected Officials Calendar Sunrise Development RatnerDevelopment About Us Help Us Contact Us Gallery Flyers. urban sprawl. http://www.protectfairfield.org/urban_sprawl.htm |
106. The Public Purpose Mythical Underpinnings The Crusade Against Number 27 . February 1999. Mythical Underpinnings The New Urbanism,Smart Growth and the Crusade Against urban sprawl. The Problem http://www.publicpurpose.com/pp-newurban.htm |
107. 10 New Neighborhoods Can Combat Urban Sprawl an industrybacked organization. Making a real dent in urban sprawlis an enormous challenge. ''Americans are accustomed to cheap http://www.businessweek.com/1999/99_35/b3644017.htm |
108. Book Review The Big City Urban Sprawl As A Way To Save Trees The Big City urban sprawl As a Way To Save Trees January 22, 2000.By JOHN TIERNEY. IF you are a lover of wilderness, you may have http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/_nyt-a_big_city_urban.htm |
109. Urban Sprawl Environmental Justice Disparities urban sprawl Environmental Justice Disparities. Ironically, the environmentalconcerns over the growing impacts from urban sprawl http://www.eeeee.net/sd03018.htm |
110. Architectural Philosophy Controlling Urban Sprawl By designing the structure and location of buildings in certain ways we can reduceurban sprawl while improving the quality of life for people. urban sprawl. http://www.geocities.com/athens/forum/7119/architecture.html |
111. Urban Sprawl - UrbanSprawl - Urbansprawl.org Information and resources for urban sprawl, urbansprawl, urban, sprawl, urban sprawl,animal,beast,child labor,child labor law,child support,child support law http://www.urbansprawl.org/ |
112. The Cost Of Urban Sprawl A Jurisdictional Context The Cost of urban sprawl A Jurisdictional Context. urban sprawl, however,has been regarded as a negative phenomenon by most scholars. http://www.asu.edu/caed/proceedings97/dekel.html |
113. Politalk Urban Sprawl Resources And Links urban sprawl Links Politalk Home Hot Topics Submit A link Or Article. Mr.Kunstler also participated in a Politalk discussion on urban sprawl. http://www.politalk.com/topics/sprawl/sprawl.html |
114. Urban Sprawl urban sprawl. http://www.flatheadresource.org/urbansprawl.html |
115. Land Agriculture And Urban Sprawl According to the American Farmland Trust, the United States is losing as much topsoilto urban sprawl as it is saving through programs like the Conservation http://www.texasep.org/html/lnd/lnd_2agr_sprawl.html |
116. GeoStats.com - urban sprawl April 14,2002. The initiative is part of a new approach to studyingsprawl as both an urban planning issue and a public health issue. http://www.geostats.com/news_5.php |
117. Online NewsHour Battling Sprawl May 30, 2000 BATTLING SPRAWL. May 30 , 2000. Lee Hochberg of Oregon Public Broadcasting has ourstory on drawing the lines on urban sprawl. realaudio. May 3 , 2000 Clean cars. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/environment/jan-june00/sprawl_5-30.html |
118. Sprawl Main - Sierra Club The Sierra Club challenge to sprawl campaign.Category Science Social Sciences urban and Regional Planning...... But runaway growth is not inevitable. Hundreds of urban, suburban and ruralneighborhoods are choosing to manage sprawl with smart growth solutions. http://www.sierraclub.org/sprawl/ |
119. Books By Jane Holtz Kay Book summaries and articles concerning urban affairs, planning, transportation, and coping with pollution, sprawl, and other environmental challenges. Includes Asphalt Nation How the Automobile Took Over America and How We Can Take It Back. By the architecture/planning critic of The Nation. http://www.janeholtzkay.com |
120. Washingtonpost.com Growing Pains Changing Landscapes Part 4 urban Core Fights Decay. DC's urban areas, hurt by the exodus to the suburbs,seek to reinvent themselves. Everyone has an idea for controlling sprawl. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/local/longterm/library/growth/front.htm |
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