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41. IRAQ Konrad Raiser, general Secretary of the World Council of churches responded to theOct 10 resoltion by the us Congress by asserting that numerous Christians http://www.ecumenismnow.org/IRAQ.html | |
42. History In 1952, WCC general secretary WA Visser't Hooft asked Secretary of the World Councilof churches in New York and Executive Secretary of the us Conference. http://www.ecumenismnow.org/history.html | |
43. Clubs And Organizations In Keene churches RELIGIOus ORGANIZATIONS. CLUBS general. to the list, please contact JenniferBone at the Keene Public Library (603) 352-0157 (jbone@ci.keene.nh.us) http://www.ci.keene.nh.us/community/clubs.htm | |
44. Home Page Official web site of this denomination's administrative offices and local church in Jeffersonville, Category Society Religion and Spirituality...... Email us Rev Hicks or general Inquiries Administration Offices Print and TapeRequests Questions 19992003 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Christ Gospel churches Int'l http://www.christgospel.org/ | |
45. Contact Us churches Uniting in Christ Pastor, Rush County United Methodist Parish LaCrosse,Kansas 67556 (785) 2222544. The Reverend Dr. Michael Kinnamon Former general http://www.eden.edu/cuic/contactus/contactus.htm | |
46. CUIC And Racism We believe that God is calling us to this vision faith, proclaim the good news, uniteour churches and heal The Rev Dr. Richard L. Hamm general Minister and http://www.eden.edu/cuic/racism/appeal.htm | |
47. 2002 Report From The GCCUIC General Secretary We are looking toward general Conference and are pursuing Relations and the materialsof churches Uniting in Christ. to the need to press the us government on http://www.gccuic-umc.org/web/gensecreport.htm | |
48. Panama, Nebraska USA Provides general information about city services and government, recreation facilities in the area, and a directory of local businesses, churches, and organizations. http://www.ci.lincoln.ne.us/towns/panama/ | |
49. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Statement On Global Climate Change agencies, industries, educational institutions, churches, and community Similarly,the us government should adopt necessary for the general improvement of http://www.webofcreation.org/ncc/statements/pcusa.html | |
50. Adherents.com: Religion Statistics Geography, Church Statistics Resources for research into world religions, large and (very) small. Includes links to websites, research Category Society Religion and Spirituality Sociology of Religion...... the 2nd most frequently visited general religion site latest polling data on us religiousaffiliation. World Religions; World's Largest churches (Religious Bodies http://www.adherents.com/ | |
51. Baptist General Conference 875 of them) who cooperate to help people in the us and other which form the coreof belief and practice within Baptist general Conference churches. http://www.bgcworld.org/intro/bgcintro.htm | |
52. The General Fundamentals Of New Plimouth or Equity of some express Law of the general Court of and Order of the Gospel, wherebythere are many churches gathered amongst us, walking according http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/users/deetz/Plymouth/fund.html | |
53. The General Commission On The Status And Role Of Women Charged with working to achieve the full and equal participation and responsibility of women in the church.Category Society Religion and Spirituality...... Decade letter urges accountability; us churchwomen press in fulfilling mandates ofGeneral Conference; Shower of Stoles available for conferences, local churches; http://gcsrw.org/ | |
54. About Charities Search - Charitable Trusts - California Dept. Of Justice - Offic Since 1965 the California Legislature has exempted nonprofit schools, hospitalsand churches from filing any reports with the Attorney general. http://caag.state.ca.us/charities/disclaimer.htm | |
55. General Audience - January 22, 2003 general AUDIENCE OF JOHN PAUL II Wednesday 22 January 2003. back to this basic taskand offers us the chance gather for prayer in our own churches and ecclesial http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/audiences/2003/documents/hf_jp-ii | |
56. SACC Home Page Contact us. Letter from the general Secretary Suggested Activities for 916 DecemberFrequently Asked Questions about Worship Ideas for churches Sermon Outlines. http://www.sacc.org.za/ | |
57. Official Denominational Web Sites general Church of the New Jerusalem; Gnosticism S. Salvation Army us; Scientology;Separate Baptists in Day Adventists; Seventh Day Baptist churches; Shamash, Judaism; http://hirr.hartsem.edu/org/faith_denominations_homepages.html | |
58. September 11th - The Churches Respond Church of England. general Synod Debate on the International Situation. Pastoralletter to us churches urges discernment in response to attacks. Church Times. http://www.ctbi.org.uk/010911/ |
59. Beliefnet: Why I Went To Baghdad In closing, we affirm the words shared with us by the Metropolitan of Signed Dr.Bob Edgar, general Secretary, National Council of churches (usA) Dr http://www.beliefnet.com/story/119/story_11954.html | |
60. The Kentucky Council Of Churches Sixteen Christian traditions one family of faith in the Commonwealth of Kentucky since 1865.Category Regional North America Society and Culture Religion...... review legislation pending before the Kentucky general Assembly, to of the KentuckyCouncil of churches, meeting in The resolution calls the us to restraint in http://www.kycouncilofchurches.org/ | |
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