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1. U.S. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION See news releases and information on hearings and investigations, from the us international trade Commission. http://www.usitc.gov/ | |
2. FTD - Foreign Trade Statistics From the Foreign Trade Division of the US Census Bureau. Contains statistics, feedback, and a search Category Business International Business and Trade Information...... The release schedule is available for the us international trade in Goods and Servicespress release and the Preliminary US Imports for Consumption of Steel http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/www/ | |
3. U. S. Business Advisor - International Trade Information from the Office of International Trade.Category Business International Business and Trade Information...... us international trade Commission (USITC) ITC provides objective trade expertise,determines the impact of imports on US industries, and directs actions http://www.business.gov/busadv/maincat.cfm?catid=22 |
4. USITC Trade Database Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the US Departmentof Commerce, the US Treasury, and the us international trade Commission. http://dataweb.usitc.gov/ | |
5. USITC: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW A monthly staff publication of the us international trade Commission Office of Economics. http://www.usitc.gov/ier.htm | |
6. Bureau Of Economic Analysis: International Accounts Data Including Trade, Transa Goods and services, us international trade in Goods and Services January 2003News release of March 12, 2003; the information section is also available http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/di1.htm | |
7. BEA News Releases 2002. March 12, us international trade in Goods and Services January2003 The information section is also available separately. This http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/rels.htm | |
8. SBA Office Of International Trade - General Export Information And Resources The United States Trade Representative is responsible for developing and coordinatingus international trade and commodity and traderelated investment policy. http://www.sba.gov/oit/info/links.html | |
9. Query The U.S. International Trade Commission 2002 Tariff Database Query the us international trade Commission 2002Tariff Database. close this browser window. http://ia.ita.doc.gov/tomato/hts/hts-tomatoes.htm | |
10. Electronic Subscription Service US. us international trade Statistics Commodity Groupings Submit ButtonCountry by Commodity Afghanistan. http://censtats.census.gov/sitc/sitc.shtml | |
11. BEA News Releases January 17, us international trade in Goods and Services November2002 The information section is also available separately. This http://www.bea.gov/bea/rels.htm | |
12. Annual Revision International Trade In Goods And Services News Larry Moran (202) 6062649 Bureau of Economic Analysis Technical Christopher Bach(202) 606-9545 Bureau of Economic Analysis us international trade IN GOODS http://www.bea.gov/bea/newsrel/tradannnewsrelease.htm |
13. Fish & Richardson P.C. - Practice Areas us international trade Commission Proceedings Companies that importgoods into or sell imported goods in the United States face http://www.fr.com/practice/trade.cfm?child=trade |
14. CRS Report: IB96038 - U.S. International Trade: Data And Forecasts - NLE IB96038 us international trade Data and Forecasts. Source US Bureau of the Census.us international trade in Goods and Services. FT900, issued monthly. http://www.cnie.org/nle/crsreports/economics/econ-40.cfm | |
15. AllAfrica.com -- PanAfrica: US International Trade Commission Releases Report On us international trade Commission Releases Report On US SubSaharan Trade Policy,Email This Page Print This Page Visit The Publisher's Site. This Day (Lagos). http://allafrica.com/stories/200301150138.html | |
16. Bernan - Publisher Index us international trade Commission. US Nautical Almanac Office. US InternationalTrade Commission. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 19 Customs Duties. http://www.bernan.com/Online_Catalog/Publisher_Index.asp?Alpha=U&AgencyID=99 |
17. U.S. International Trade Commission Trade Database us international trade Commission (ITC) Trade Database. The database is part ofthe us international trade Commission Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb. http://docs.lib.duke.edu/maps/guides/usitc.html | |
18. U.S. International Trade Statistics Database Description . Additional InformationAbout us international trade Statistics. Related Databases StatUSA....... us international trade Statistics Database http://www.library.pitt.edu/articles/database_info/int_trade_data.html | |
19. US International Trade Reference Desk from the following links National Trade Data Bank (150 international trade databases)National Economic, Social and Environmental Data Bank (US domestic info http://www.internet-prospector.org/us.html |
20. Federal Gateway To The U.S. International Trade Commission us international trade Commission The Commission furnishes studies KeyTopics us international trade Commission. US Department of Commerce http://www.fedgate.org/fg_usitc.htm | |
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