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81. DiscoverySchool.com studies Homework Many good solid Social studies facts here us State DepartmentCountries of the World Wow! any country Back to Top general History My http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjhistory.html | |
82. Tunisia Page general information and links for this North African country from the African studies Center, University of Pennsylvania. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Country_Specific/Tunisia.html | |
83. Ohio State Student Information Programs Fellowships Fin. Aid general inquiries and requests for application materials should be In addition, GraduateStudies Committees in individual are candidates for a us nonimmigrant http://www.gradsch.ohio-state.edu/html/gn_00.html | |
84. Office Of Advocacy - U.S. Small Business Administration - Economic Statistics An general Small Business SBA) Article written in the Office of Advocacy and publishedas a us Census Bureau, Center for Economic studies working paper http://www.sba.gov/advo/stats/ | |
85. Census Bureau: Statistical Agencies (International) de Statistiques; Andorra Department of studies and Statistics (In Iceland StatisticsIceland; India Registrar general (Census information); Department of http://www.census.gov/main/www/stat_int.html | |
86. Hawaiian This website offers general background on the Center for Hawaiian studies, degree programs and their curricula, course lists and contact information. http://www.hawaii.edu/shaps/enter/hawaiian.html |
87. Contact Send us an email and we will make general information. http://www.uottawa.ca/contactus.html | |
88. Hawaiian Studies general background on the program, degrees and their curricula, course lists and contact information for the Hilo campus program. http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu/academics/hawn/hawst.php | |
89. African Studies - US Organizations IRC Home Page (general); Foreign Policy In Focus with the Institute for Policy studies,Washington, DC) reports and progressive commentaries on us foreign policy http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/USorgs.html | |
90. FOIA Information general information. HOW TO FILE AN INITIAL APPEAL. information on seeking reviewof a final MSPB decision in the us Court of Appeals for the Federal http://www.mspb.gov/foia/foia_info.html | |
91. US Army Command And General Staff College School for Advanced Military studies. Marine Corps Detachment. Navy Element. us ArmyHome Page. Contact the Command and general Staff College, Updated 5 Feb 2003. http://www-cgsc.army.mil/index.asp | |
92. Boston University | African Studies Center general information about the center, as well as its programs, language studies, publications, outreach efforts, and research resources. http://www.bu.edu/africa/ | |
93. Simple Redirect A charity which seeks to advance the Cooperative Movement and co-operative forms of ownership in general through education and the publication of research. information on the society and on its conferences, contents of its thrice-yearly journal and research papers. http://www.co-opstudies.org/ |
94. MEDLINEplus Health Information From The National Library Of Medicine and pictures ClinicalTrials.gov studies for new Privacy Accessibility Freedomof information Act Selection Guidelines us National Library of http://medlineplus.gov/ | |
95. Christian Studies (by Distance Learning) An adult Christian education programme admnistered through Oxford Brookes University at Westminster Institute of Education. Contains information on degrees offered, course structure, fees, module program, opportunities for travel, financial assistance, general entry requirements, and credit transfers. http://www.brookes.ac.uk/courses/2001/ugcourses/cert_dip_christ_stds.html | |
96. AHA Information: General Information About The AHA AHA) is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1884 and incorporated byCongress in 1889 for the promotion of historical studies, the collection and http://www.theaha.org/info/ | |
97. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species A central repository for spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of nonindigenous aquatic species Category Science Environment Biodiversity Invasive Species Aquatic...... at the Center for Aquatic Resource studies, this site by biologists, interagency groups,and the general public Report for usFWS Region 4 (Southeastern us) (5/01 http://nas.er.usgs.gov/ | |
98. Yet Another Webmail Offers a 'onestop-shop' service for its members and general public, particularly the industrial/business sectors. information data available to include case studies, hand/textbook, field reports, seminar/conference materials, manual procedures, regulation books/paper, newsletters, magazines, slides and videos/VCDs. http://infocenter.dml.or.id | |
99. QHC - Quality Health Care Apply health services research on quality to physician behavior and patient care. A division of the Department of Internal Medicine. Includes general information, research and studies, faculty and staff. http://views.vcu.edu/qhc/ | |
100. REALVIZ.com - Request Info REQUEST information. general information about REALVIZ. Your contact information.Please provide us with the following contact information. * required fields http://www.realviz.com/company/contact/general_info.php | |
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