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Utah Coop Ext Service: more detail |
41. 2003 ESP Chapter Presidents Fax 970491-5108 E-Mail daleleid@coop.ext.colostate.edu Mail n-granovsky@tamu.eduW IOTA - utah ADRIAN HINTON 801-370-8460 Fax E-Mail adrianh@ext.usu.edu http://espnational.org/chptpres.htm | |
42. State Coordinators Agent/CEDH Rutgers coop. ext., Bergen Cty. utah. Debbie Amundsen 28 E StateStreet Farmington, UT 84025. VERMONT. Neil Pelsue Univ. Of Vermont ext. http://hcs.osu.edu/mg/img/coordinators.html | |
43. Extension Water Quality Quality Program at utah State University offers information and assistance to utahcitizens about the 435797-2465 Fax 435-797-4048 E-mail nancym@ext.usu.edu http://extension.usu.edu/coop/natres/wq/ | |
44. Sources Extension Resource Materials edu http//www.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/html/publist catalog/index.html Universityextension utah State University Blacksburg, VA 24060 http//www.ext.vt.edu http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modtd/33629843.html | |
45. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Lee, Thomas R. Professor extension Specialist, utah State University. Miller, Jacque,Area extension Agent, San Luis Valley, Colorado State University coop. ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
46. Cooperative Extension Sponsored Or Co-sponsored Volunteer Water Quality Monitori Mitch Fram (2000) Oklahoma Statewide Blue Thumb Program Oklahoma coop. Box 202E DonohoeRoad Greensburg PA 15601 Phone (724) 8371402 ext 170 Fax utah, Vermont. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/csreesvolmon/VolunteerMonPrograms/ | |
47. USDA - NRCS - NWMC - CSREES Contacts New Hampshire, John Porter, UNH coop. ext. utah, John D. Harrison, utah State Universityextension ASTE 2300 Old Mail Hill Logan, UT 843222300, jdh@cc.usu.edu. http://wmc.ar.nrcs.usda.gov/partner.dir/afos.dir/contacts/csrees.html | |
48. CPDMP Address List Ag. ext. Serv. Va. Milk Producers coop. Glenn, Marcia, Kraft Foods. Gobbée,José, MegaAgro. Godfrey, E. Bruce, utah State University. http://cpdmp.cornell.edu/CPDMP/Pages/Data/Address.html | |
49. Resume - John M. Beck Management skills include project leader and program manager for the VIP AffiliateProgram with utah State University. Mar 94 Dec 95. Ala. coop. ext. http://www.aces.edu/waterquality/portfolio/resume_beck.htm | |
50. State Resource Directory rsparks@utah.gov Web site ag.utah.gov/mktcons Stevens Point, WI 54481 Phone (715)3457600, ext. kedberg@co-developmentservices.com Web site www.cdsus.coop/. http://www.agmrc.org/directories/resdirr_z.html | |
51. Adventure GPS Products - Customer List Pennsylvania College of Technology; Pennsylvania State University (coop.ext. utah State University; utah State University Biology Dept. http://www.gps4fun.com/contact_customer_list.html | |
52. State Contacts-CRED 805234040 970-491-5579 Fax 970-491-5108 sknop@coop.ext.colostate.edu. R. Wade AssistantAdministrator Prairie View A M University PO Box 3059 1890 ext. utah. http://srdc.msstate.edu/cred/contacts/statecontacts.htm | |
53. STATE MASTER GARDENER COORDINATORS 970) 4917745 E-mail dwhiting@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Kelly Koop Master GardenerCoordinator utah State University 325-8742 E-mail sskelly@ext.msstate.edu. http://www.themastergardenershow.com/State_coordinator/ | |
54. LVD State Contact List coop. Lugo PO Box 5000College Station Mayaguez, PR 00681 Tel (787) 832-4040 ext. utahRebecca S. Mitchell USU extension, UMC 4900 utah State University Logan http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/lvd/contacts.htm | |
55. BSPM Staff Listing By Position Groups Cynthia B. Cynthia.Walker@ColoState.EDU, coop extension Prowers entm008@unlvm.unl.edu,Panhandle Research ext. Biology Systematics Lab Logan, utah 843225305 http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/bspm/Faculty_Pages/Directory_Pages/position.shtml | |
56. Untitled Document www.uaf.edu/coopext/faculty/seifert/energy.html. utah Leona K. Hawks utah State University- CES College of Family Fax 435-797-3845 E-mail leonah@ext.usu.edu, http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
57. Publications And Videos From Other States Alaska, Catalog only, http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/vid_toc.html. NorthDakota, Some in HTML, catalog, http//www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs utah, HTML, PDF, http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/library/other_st/other_st.htm | |
58. Composting Programs In U.S.A., Selected States Mr. John Bartok coop ext Specialist University of Connecticut utah State UniversityAnalytical Lab (the abbreviation USUAL is the web at http//www.ext.usu.edu http://www.mastercomposter.com/local/otherus.html | |
59. PNWFWC Members coop. ext. Siskiyou County 1655 S. Main Street Yreka, CA 96097 Phone 916842-2711Fax 916-842-6931 Email cesiskiyou@ucdavis.edu. utah. RD Horrocks Dept. http://www.forages.css.orst.edu/Organizations/Forage/PNWFW/Frames/Home/People/Pe | |
60. Directory Of Entomology Departments And Institutes: USA uaa.alaska.edu (Tony Nakazawa, Director) Website http//zorba.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/index.htmlForest Health Protection USDA Forest service 2770 Sherwood http://www.sciref.org/links/EntDept/UA.htm | |
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