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81. ANIMAL TRACKS & WINTER WILDLIFE HABITAT USE All one needs to proceed with a study of winter habitat use by wildlife is a knowledgeof animal tracks and a simple method of measuring their Least weasel. http://www.colorado.edu/epob/epob4630estone/EPOB2050/LabPages/Lab12/Lab12.html | |
82. Fish And Wildlife Service Petitioned To List The Wolverine As Threatened Or Enda Foundation (BLF), the Predator Conservation Alliance, Defenders of wildlife, NorthwestEcosystem largest land species of the mustelid or weasel family, and http://mountain-prairie.fws.gov/pressrel/00-22.htm | |
83. Maine Department Of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife - Maine Mammal Info. Table LONGTAIL weasel, Long tail with black tip. Nocturnal; tree climber. SHORT-TAIL weasel,Small, short, brown fur, white in winter, black tipped tail year round. http://www.state.me.us/ifw/wildlife/mamtable.htm | |
84. Kenyan Wildlife Home Main Intro Maps wildlife Swahili PG Guests All content is MongooseNguchiro / Kicheche, weasellike creatures, typically with long tails and http://www.masai-mara.com/mman.htm | |
85. Utah Division Of Wildlife Resources Badger, weasel and spotted skunk; Bobcat; Beaver. Questionnaire; Trespass;Military installations, federal wildlife refuges and tribal trust lands; http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/proclamations/2002-03_furbearer/ | |
86. Alberta's Watchable Wildlife - Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Alberta is blessed with an immense and varied landscape that provides habitatsfor a wide variety of wildlife. Are you developing a wildlife viewing site? http://www3.gov.ab.ca/srd/fw/watch/ | |
87. Devils Tower National Monument Raccoon (Procyon lotor) C. weasel ALLIES (MUSTELIDAE) Short-tailed weasel(ermine) (Mustela erminea) R; Long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) U; http://www.nps.gov/deto/animal_list.htm | |
88. Keyword Titles of the world. Keyword Titles. Titles for keyword weasel weaselWILDLIFEADVOCATE (new). Schools Research Centre. The School Environmental http://www.parklane.com.au/scripts/public/title.oci?code=WEASEL&context=schools |
89. Long-tailed Weasel - Mustela Frenata - Long-tailed Weasels Longtailed weasel, http://weaselhead.org/learn/mammals_long-tailed_weasel.asp | |
90. Ermine And Least Weasel - Mammals - Department Of Environment - Government Of Yu Government of Yukon Departments Environment Fish WildlifeInformation Mammals Ermine and Least weasel http://www.environmentyukon.gov.yk.ca/fishwild/weasel.shtml | |
91. Weasels, Badgers, Otters, Skunk Genus Lyncodon Patagonian weasel Lyncodon patagonicus. Genus PoecilictisNorth African Striped weasel - Poecilictis libyca. Genus Poecilogale http://www.animalomnibus.com/weasel.htm | |
92. Wildlife Management - Carnivores Quick Facts American Badger. Badgers. Prevention and Control of wildlife Damage. ASafety Guide to Bears at Your Home. British Columbia wildlife Publications. http://www.wildlifemanagement.info/carnivores.htm | |
93. Weasels - UK Safari eggs. Special features The weasel is our smallest native carnivore. tail.the weasel also has a brown patch of fur around its throat. http://www.uksafari.com/weasels.htm | |
94. 6 NYCRR Chapter1, Part 2, Section 2.20 (1) Raccoon, red fox, gray fox, opossum and weasel Open season, WildlifeManagement Units. November 1 to February 25, 1A, 1C and 2A. http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/regs/sect220.htm | |
95. Species Maps - Weasel a page to visit. Trapping is unlikely to have any long term effect since weasel populationsare http://enquire.hertscc.gov.uk/hbrc/speciesmaps/weasel.htm | |
96. Nebraska Wildlife - Minks The common name mink comes from the Swedish word maenk. Mink are members of theweasel family which includes skunks, otters, fishers, martens and wolverines. http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/mink.html | |
97. Essex Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve: Langdon The plotland ruins are used by snakes, lizards and weasels. Along with was designatedas an open space for recreation, acknowledging the wildlife interest of http://www.essexwt.org.uk/Sites/Langdon.htm | |
98. BISON Species Account 050858 12 US FOREST SERVICE. wildlife AND FISH HABITAT RELATIONSHIPS SHORT-TAILEDWEASEL. 13 ERRINGTON, PL, F. HAMMERSTROM, AND FN HAMMERSTROM JR. 1940. http://www.cnr.vt.edu/fishex/nmex_main/species/050858.htm | |
99. Coal Creek Wildlife-Marten It travels up to 10 miles a night for food. The marten is part of the weaselfamily. The resource I used is MOUNTAIN wildlife by Marj Dumire. http://www.bvsd.k12.co.us/schools/coalcreek/wildlife/marten.html | |
100. Long-tailed Weasel (Mustela Frenata) Longtailed weasel (Mustela frenata). Discover Life Photo, description, anatomical geographicdistribution, habitat, natural history. Long-tailed weasel. http://www.nenature.com/LongTailedWeasel.htm | |
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