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41. Welfare Reform And Medicaid Retaining LowIncome Families and Children in health care Coverage (Note in TransitionA Guide to Expanding health Coverage in the Post-welfare reform World. http://cms.hhs.gov/medicaid/welfareref/default.asp | |
42. HSR Services: Policy Research And Analysis are the most effective ways of integrating services to meet the complex needs ofchildren with special health care needs? How has welfare reform affected states http://www.hsrnet.com/policy.htm | |
43. HSR Publication Category: Mental Health & Substance Abuse development of requests for proposals (RFPs) and contracts in managed behavioralhealth care. TIE Communique on Substance Abuse Treatment and welfare reform. http://www.hsrnet.com/pubs/pub06.htm | |
44. Care Issues and advocacy information from US organization committed to educating people about abortion Category Society Issues Abortion ProChoice Organizations...... engage coalition partners and local activists in a grassroots movement to provideeducation on the impact of health care access, welfare reform, and sexuality http://www.care2000.org/ | |
45. Hudson Institute > Welfare Policy Center > Community Health Care Reform Hudson Home welfare Policy Center Community health care reform. http://www.welfarereformer.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=healthcare |
46. Women In The Economy 2001 Characteristics Of An Ideal health care System. October 26, 2000 DefinedContribution health Insurance. June 24, 2002 welfare reform Reasons To Stay http://www.womenintheeconomy.org/pub/ | |
47. New Democrats Online: The Democratic Leadership Council's Online Community necessary tools to actually make welfare reform work. moving toward economic and politicalreform a chance Daily February 5, 2003 health care 'reforms' That http://www.ndol.org/index.cfm | |
48. Hudson Institute > Hudson Institute > Find An Expert health care reform, Phyllis Busansky, Senior Fellow, email. International health.International Security/Intelligence. welfare/welfare reform. Western Europe. http://www.hudson.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=find_an_expert&raid=Health |
49. American Civil Liberties Union education. Rights of the Poor Issues General Education health care HousingIndigent defense Reproductive rights welfare reform Other http://www.aclu.org/PoorRights/PoorRightsMain.cfm | |
50. American Civil Liberties Union : Rights Of The Poor : Health Care 2002). Rights of the Poor Issues General Education health care HousingIndigent defense Reproductive rights welfare reform Other http://www.aclu.org/PoorRights/PoorRightslist.cfm?c=150 |
51. Welfare Reform of 1996. Specific research topics include Analysis of welfare reformlegislation's impact on health care access;; Effect of welfare http://www.gwhealthpolicy.org/welfare_reform.htm | |
52. KSG Research Report - Search By Topic Area Do Medicare Rules Impede Good care? health Affairs, 20.3 of Formal Risk Adjustmentin health Plan Purchasing and the Crisis of welfare reform. The American http://ksgaccman.harvard.edu/publications/Search_Topic.asp?LookupID=66 |
53. JAMWA - Journal Of American Medical Women's Association Five Years Later Poor Women's health care Coverage After welfare reform CindyMann, JD; Julie Hudman, PhD; Alina Salganicoff, PhD; Amanda Folsom, MPH http://jamwa.amwa-doc.org/vol57/toc57_1.htm | |
54. Economics various issues flat tax, congressional privilege, capital gains tax, welfare reform. abstractavailable for this article National health care Kerby Anderson http://www.leaderu.com/menus/economics.html | |
55. Welfare Reform health care utilization, child care arrangements, child engagement, family routines,mental health, positive behaviors Go to welfare reform Created September 7 http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/welfare/appndxb.html | |
56. GOP.com - Republican National Committee - by building on the best features of American health care. will clean our skies, bringgreater health to our the success of the historic 1996 welfare reform law http://www.rnc.org/Issues | |
57. The Brookings Institution law, and provide some fiscal relief for states with health and child-care funds. tonew federal mandates that would actually end welfare reform as we've http://www.brook.edu/views/op-ed/waller/20030120.htm | |
58. The Brookings Institution up with the rising costs of housing, health care, child care, transportation and Thefundamental challenge in the aftermath of welfare reform is to make http://www.brook.edu/es/urban/workingfamilies.htm | |
59. United States Senator Dianne Feinstein to mitigate the effects of the welfare reform law on to 12 weeks of unpaid leaveto care for seriously children, or their own serious health problems without http://feinstein.senate.gov/children.html | |
60. Publications Making Managed care Work for Asian and Pacific Islanders Islander Americans and FoodStamps 1996 welfare reform Threatens Community health Updated 5 http://www.apiahf.org/publications/pubs5.html | |
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