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41. Probert Encyclopaedia: Celtic Mythology CERRIDWEN. In welsh mythology, Cerridwen is the goddess of dark prophetic powers. CORDELIA.In Welsh celtic mythology, Cordelia was the daughter of Llyr. http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/D3.HTM | |
42. Myth@Bungie.org -> Legends And Lore -> Relics Celtic and welsh mythology, Ghölsbane found a whole freaking lot ofstuff connecting Myth to Celtic mytholology, and sent it all to us. http://myth.bungie.org/legends/relics/mythology.html | |
43. Welsh Mythology - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All acapedia.org home acapedia feedback. Friends of Acapedia welsh mythology. FromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (There is currently no text in this page). http://acapedia.org/aca/Welsh_mythology | |
44. Llew LLaw Gyffes And Cerridwen In welsh mythology her dwelling place was said to be in the middleof lake Tegid, which is also called lake Bala in Gwynedd Wales. http://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/gods&goddesses/celtic/llew_cerridwen.html | |
45. Religion And Mythology and methods of worship. Animal Symbolism How animals are portrayedand used in Celtic and welsh mythology. Bard Do ancient stories http://atheism.about.com/cs/religionandmytho/ | |
46. Book Review #10 By Eric Weeks Several key characters (but not Taran) are taken directly from welsh mythology,although I don't know anything about welsh mythology so I can't comment. http://glinda.lrsm.upenn.edu/~weeks/if/review10.html | |
47. Cwmniau/Companies Keltic Designs Original and traditional Celtic designs by artist Jen Delyth.Jen specializes in Celtic art with a focus on welsh mythology. http://www.madog.org/dolenni/dolen08.html | |
48. Reading Middle Welsh -- 30 Bibliography 30.6 For less academic moments, Evangeline Walton has published four adventurestories from old welsh mythology dramatically retold and matching the four http://www.flash.net/~joanmorg/rmw/chap30.html | |
49. Hollow Hills: Celtic Traditions This is the premier book of welsh mythology....... Author Jeffrey Gantz. The Mabinogion. The Mabinogion. Author JeffreyGantz, trans. http://members.tripod.com/~hollowhills/celtic.html | |
50. Introduction To NLW They are the Black Book of Carmarthen which includes the earliest Welsh poetry, LlyfrTaliesin (which includes the welsh mythology, the Mabinogi), the Laws of http://www.llgc.org.uk/gwyb/gwyb_s001.htm | |
51. Meaning Of Some Specific Animals In Celtic Art same way as the crow was linked to death Goddesses. In welsh mythology,Llew was turned into an eagle at the moment of his murder. http://www.joellessacredgrove.com/Celtic/animals.html | |
52. Welsh Royal Crystal - Products A special Celtic range which will represent scenes from welsh mythologyfeaturing Welsh heroes and heroines. Point of sale literature http://www.welshcrystal.demon.co.uk/products.htm | |
53. Welsh Royal Crystal - About Us a full listing. New for 1999 Special Celtic designs based on theMabinogion, featuring heroes and heroines of welsh mythology. http://www.welshcrystal.demon.co.uk/about.htm | |
54. A Welsh Myth Concordance myths, represent the most comprehensive synthesis of variant sources (both publishedand oral) ever attempted as a continuous narrative of welsh mythology. http://www.taliesin.clara.net/arcana/welsh/main.htm | |
55. Animal Symbolism In Celtic MythologyAnimal Symbolism In Celtic 375 at the University of Michigan by Lars Noodén, 22 November 1992 Animals in Celticand welsh mythology are tied in with fertility and vitality, because they http://www.the-sacredgrove.com/Animal_Symbolism_in_Celtic_Mythology.html | |
56. Castlevania. Animal Symbolism 1992. Animals in Celtic and welsh mythology are tied in with fertilityand vitality, because they are living, moving, and growing. http://castle.kulichki.net/myth/animals.shtml | |
57. SSB Recommended Readings -- British Traditions Invaluable to students of welsh mythology or Arthurian legends. (SR). Ford,Patrick (ed. and trans.). The Mabinogi, and Other Medieval Welsh Tales. http://www.silver-branch.org/ssbbibbr.html | |
58. The Probert Encyclopaedia - Celtic Mythology Cerridwen In welsh mythology, Cerridwen is the goddess of dark propheticpowers. Llyr In Welsh celtic mythology, Llyr is the god of the sea. http://sesic.sep.gob.mx/basemin/biblioteca/enciclop/D3.HTM | |
59. Resources to the Prydain chronicles, a series of five young adult fantasies including TheBlack Cauldron and The High King, which are heavily based on welsh mythology. http://www.wfu.edu/users/jamejr2/resources.htm | |
60. Children's Literature: Meet Authors & Illustrators work includes the Prydain Chronicles (The Book of Three, The Black Cauldron, Castleof Llyr, Taran Wanderer, and The High King) all based on welsh mythology. http://www.childrenslit.com/f_lloydalexander.html | |
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