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81. Grist | Do Good | Animals & Plants Action by Earthroots. Save gray wolves Thanks to the US endangered SpeciesAct, gray wolves have made it back from the brink of extinction. http://www.gristmagazine.com/dogood/species.asp | |
82. Children: Grades 4-6, Wolves, Juvenile Literature, Endangered Species, Children' Children Grades 46, wolves, Juvenile literature, endangered species, Children's9-12 - Nature / Guide Books, Juvenile Nonfiction, Animals - Foxes wolves http://www.hot-bestsellersdepartment.com/Laura-Evert-Wolves-Our-Wild-Wo-15597174 | |
83. Endangered Species Genetics 3. The preeminent male 1. Lessons from the wolves They don't see the relevance ofthe strategies for saving endangered species or populations, and maintain http://www.lhasa-apso.org/health/wolves.htm | |
84. Breaking News About Wolves And Wolf Conservation Gray wolves Move Toward Recovery; US Fish and Wildlife Service Reclassifies Somewolves from endangered to Threatened Note The reclassification does not http://www.wolfhaven.org/breaking_news.htm | |
85. Dog-eared Publishers - Wisconsin Wolves the state recovery plan calls for the wolf to be reclassified from endangered tothreatened, the process of reclassifying wolves from endangered to threatened http://www.dog-eared.com/wild/wolves/wolves.html | |
86. Wolves Gray Wolf (Canis Lupus) Gray wolves are listed under the endangered Species Act as threatened speciesin Minnesota and as endangered species elsewhere in the lower 48 states. http://www.angelfire.com/realm/shades/wolves/graywolf.htm | |
87. MSNBC Cover over the downlisting from endangered to threatened will impede theirgoal of totally removing wolves from coverage of the endangered Species Act. http://www.msnbc.com/news/886918.asp | |
88. Wolves And Other Endangered Animals wolves and Other endangered Animals. All you need to know about tenof your favorite endangered animals. wolves,. Other Places to go http://thinkers.net/poet/animals.html | |
89. Marilee's Endangered Animals Links lists, causes, conservation efforts, classroom help SchoolWorld endangered SpeciesProject Room, links Bonus.com bears, tigers, wolves, crocodiles, turtles http://www.ameritech.net/users/macler/endangered.html | |
90. North Cascades National Park: Threatened And Endangered Species howl. Status in North Cascades ecosystem wolves are rarely seen inthe ecosystem. Listings Federal endangered State endangered. http://www.nps.gov/noca/treas4-5.htm | |
91. Endangered Species Web Site The wolf became endangered due to the hunting of their pray. When the pray wouldnot be there for the wolves, they would feed on live stock or cattle. http://www.d230.org/vja/info/tkearney/student3/ | |
92. Endangered-Species Gray Wolves-pack At Edge Of Snowy Forest Gray wolvespack at edge of snowy forest. Go to gallery index. All photographson this site are Copyright WildlifeWebsite.com or its associated lessors. http://www.wildlifewebsite.com/endangered-species/gray-wolves-pack-at-edge-of-sn | |
93. Firsthand Look At Endangered Wolves permission of the Daily Egyptian. Firsthand look at endangered wolvesKatie Klemaier. Daily Egyptian Reporter. wolves who were believed http://www.dailyegyptian.com/fall98/11-19-98/Wolves.html | |
94. CNN.com - Feds Consider Easing Protection For Wolves - Feb. 4, wolf's classification under the endangered Species Act from endangered, the highest would,among other things, allow ranchers to kill wolves caught attacking http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/Central/02/04/return.of.wolves.ap/ |
95. Defenders Of Wildlife USbased action group involved in conservation and preservation of endangered species worldwide features an e-zine and updates on its programs. http://www.defenders.org/ | |
96. Endangered Species: Northern Rocky Mountains In 1926 Yellowstone's last wolf was killed, and by that time wolveswere seriously endangered throughout the Western United States. http://www.colby.edu/personal/thtieten/end-mt.html | |
97. Wolf Recovery Foundation - Wolves were designated as nonessential experimental under protection of the EndangeredSpecies Act, including provisions allowing control of wolves under certain http://www.forwolves.org/wolves.html | |
98. Red Wolf (Endangered Species), Wildlife Species Information: U.S. Fish And Wildl population. There are currently 33 facilities nationwide where red wolvesare captively bred. Keywords animals, endangered, species, wolf. http://species.fws.gov/species_accounts/bio_rwol.html | |
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