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21. Womens Studies Collection Books choices an introduction to women's studies, New York Hunter, Anne E., On peace,war, and gender Johnson, Claudia L., Equivocal beings politics, gender, and http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/books/wmstbks.htm | |
22. Philippines Womens Studies Studies Bibliography politics female power in postwar Philippines / Mina index of Southeast Asian Studiesavailable for a thorough listing of international womens organizations. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/SoutheastAsia/seaphil.html | |
23. Womens Studies Sacred Pleasure Sex, Myth, and the politics of the Body New Paths to Power and Yetsexual violence is commonplace and the war of the sexes continues to http://www.geocities.com/crossroads_us/womens.htm | |
24. Welcome To FIRE's Online Bookstore: Feminist Books An Ideological Assessment (Contributions in womens studies No 106 A Research Annual Women and politics Activism, Attitudes Activism in World war I Barbara http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5883/feministbooks.html | |
25. International Politics Peace, War And Militarism B. International politics Peace, war and Militarism 2 and Bases Making FeministSense of International politics. Journal of International studies 18.2 (1989 http://womens-studies.rutgers.edu/research/2b1.html |
26. Women, War And The Military the Ship of State Towards a Feminist Peace politics. war, Nationalism, and RapeWomen Respond by in Belgrade, Serbia. Women's studies International Forum http://womens-studies.rutgers.edu/research/2b2.html |
27. Thursday, February 06, 2003 Advanced Search CokesburyTexts.Com womens studies. History politics. Jewish Arts. Sacred Writings. Prayerbooks Meditations. US Government, Historical, Military World war II. http://www.cokesburytexts.com/ctext_bisac.asp?group=169&Area=U |
28. American University Library - Womens' Studies Mediagraphy Frida Kahlo's work, her interest in politics and her She emphasizes the importanceof peace studies in the bear children after the ravages of war caused wide http://www.library.american.edu/subject/media/women.html | |
29. Project MUSE Journal Title List PQ) Civil war History Cold war studies Common Knowledge PQ) Journal of Health politics,Policy and LRC) Narrative National womens studies Association Journal http://library.pbac.edu/project_muse_journal_title_list.htm | |
30. Project MUSE Publisher Packages of Women's History National womens studies Association Journal politics MIT PRESSCold war studies Harvard International Journal of Press/politics Journal of http://www.press.jhu.edu/proj_descrip/listbypub.html | |
31. Events Conference begins Women and war Application deadline for papers Women and politics Deadline for for bursaries Institute for womens studies at Lancaster http://www.awid.org/events/ | |
32. CASBAH Subject Index Political prisoners Political science Political systems politics Popular music Womenwomens employment womens organizations womens studies World war X. http://www.casbah.ac.uk/search/subjects/az.htm | |
33. JWST 40 topic relating to the history, literature, politics and culture individualism, duein part to growing warweariness and (Identical to womens studies 60 pending http://www.dartmouth.edu/~jewish/courses/jwst40.html | |
34. WSU - Womens' Studies 460 the Speakeasy Classroom Women's studies Program Main 10 NEW FRONTIERS EXTRATERRESTIALISMAND NUCLEAR war SECTION TWO THE NATURE OF ENVIRONMENTAL politics. http://libarts.wsu.edu/women/Courses/460/WST460.html | |
35. Womens Studies - Papers And Essays of their masculinity while women viewed war and everything text Feminist Perspectiveson Jewish studies, which is this to his beliefs on gender and politics. http://www.womensissues.org/gender_society_jj.html | |
36. Lakehead UNIVERSITY war, the Balkans, IranIraq war, Palestine/Israel background research analysis intothe politics of public womens studies 2317/History 2317 History of Women and http://www.lakeheadu.ca/~lusec/minutes/politicalscience.htm | |
37. Internet Resources: Women's Studies writings of women during the American Civil war. Maryland This site from the womens'studies Department at gender issues, government and politics, film reviews http://www.mills.edu/library/LIB_ELEC_RSRCES/internet_resources/Wmst.html | |
38. 1997-98 Distinguished Visitors Program For Women Scholars in South Africa, Women Against Repression (war). The politics of Consciousness TheConsciousness of politics. she has taught in the womens studies program at http://www.mills.edu/WLI/PAST/wli.s98.vschol.html | |
39. SearchUK - Finds It Fast! Hughes, Lepa Mladjenovic and Zorica Mrsevic, European Journal of womens studies,Vol Working in the war Time between feminist politics and humanitarian http://www.searchuk.com/Top/Regional/Europe/Yugoslavia/Serbia/Society_and_Cultur | |
40. MU Department Of Political Science 303. politics and war same as Peace studies 303. 1. 304. 311. politics of RegulatoryPolicy. No syllabus available. 341. Women and the Law same as womens's studies 341. http://www.missouri.edu/~polswww/courses/syllabiarchive.html | |
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