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61. World Population Counter Zero population growth National Organization Homepage; Zero populationgrowth, Seattle; Zero population growth of East Tennessee. See http://www.tapirback.com/pop.htm | |
62. ABCNEWS.com : Study: World Population To Stop Growing The current world population is counted at 6.1 billion. Nations had projected higherpopulations of 9.32 billion by the year 2050, with no decline in growth. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/scitech/DailyNews/worldpopulation010801.html | |
63. Negative Population Growth - World Population Awareness Reference Bureau, Bryjak pointed out that there were two different worlds of populationgrowth the twochildren-or-fewer-world, including industrialized http://www.overpopulation.org/older.html | |
64. EcoFuture (TM) Population And Sustainability know that world population reached 6 billion on October 12, 1999, and will reach9.3 billion by 2050? The impacts of continued population growth are already http://www.ecofuture.org/populat.html | |
65. Growth Of Human World Population, The Numbers Translate this page Die Adresse dieser Seite ist http//ilsebill.biologie.uni-freiburg.de/cgi-bin/worldpopInfo für Webmaster Zuwachs der Weltbevölkerung auf Knopfdruck. http://ilsebill.biologie.uni-freiburg.de/cgi-bin/worldpop | |
66. Population Connection growth, Email Action Network The quickest, fastest way to make an impact and haveyour voice heard on key population issues. You can help change the world with http://www.populationconnection.org/ | |
67. Religions Of The World: Numbers Of Adherents; Growth Rates This is approximately equal to the growth rate of the world's population. Islamis growing faster about 2.9% and is thus increasing its market share. http://www.religioustolerance.org/worldrel.htm | |
68. World Culture Report: Population Growth, Sustainable Development And The Environ On the other hand, the evolution of this distribution shows that in the process ofgrowth the world population system was dynamically sustainable otherwise it http://www.unesco.org/culture/worldreport/html_eng/wcrb21.shtml | |
69. HIV Epidemic Slowing Population Growth As World Approaches 6 Billion: Worldwatch FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 28, 1999, 1000 AM EDT. HIV EPIDEMIC SLOWING POPULATIONGROWTH AS world APPROACHES 6 BILLION. Lester R. Brown and Brian Halweil. http://www.worldwatch.org/press/news/1999/09/28/ | |
70. A Worldwatch Institute News Release On HIV And Population Growth FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 28, 1999, 1000 AM EDT. HIV EPIDEMIC SLOWING POPULATIONGROWTH AS world APPROACHES 6 BILLION. Lester R. Brown and Brian Halweil. http://www.worldwatch.org/alerts/990928.html | |
71. Nat'l Academies Press, The Growth Of World Population (1963), Introduction biomedical factors summary, bode bell telephone, leo goldberg harvard, GROWTHWORLD population, chicago william rubey, george kistiakowsky CHAIRMAN http://www.nap.edu/books/ARC000001/html/1.html | |
72. Nat'l Academies Press, The Growth Of World Population (1963), World Population P low income countries, growth world population, THE growth world, acad emy sciences,council albert tyler, george kistiakowsky CHAIRMAN, museum natural history http://www.nap.edu/books/ARC000001/html/8.html | |
73. Small World: Population In Perspective growth has been slowed significantly. Impressive as some gains have been, manyproblems related to, or magnified by population still exist across the world http://www.ktca.org/smallworld/choices.html | |
74. World Population Crisis? A Myth That's About Money! Parenthood, to control. Why is the developed world so determined to reducepopulation growth in the developing world? One answer comes http://www.alliance4lifemin.org/populationcrisis.html | |
75. Population Growth world population has doubled in 40 years, and hit six billion last October. If growthcontinues on its present course, population may nearly double again in http://www.poptalk.org/population/population.htm | |
76. The Year Of Six Billion Eventually, however, development and birth control tend to control population growth,and population is now stabilized in the industrialized world (aside from http://whyfiles.org/096y6b/ | |
77. Population Growth Data Total world population, 19502000. Year, population. Annual growth. Total world population,1950-2000, with Projections to 2050. population growth Variant. Year, Low. http://www.populationmedia.org/issues/popgrowth_data.html | |
78. National Audubon Society - Population & Habitat Program size the US is the third largest nation in the world, with Indonesia immigrationand fertility are expected to continue to drive US population growth to over http://www.audubonpopulation.org/sections/news/ | |
79. The World: Historical Population Growth historical population growth of the world II. Longrange world population ProjectionTwo Centuries of population growth, 1950-2150 (United Nations, New York). http://home.worldonline.nl/~mvb/world/whist2.htm | |
80. OneWorld.net - Although population growth has slowed around the world (and stopped entirely insome industrialised countries), the global total is still rising by around 78 http://www.oneworld.net/guides/population/front.shtml | |
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