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41. Using Computers To Teach Writing 3/14/96. TVI Development Conference Workshop. Using Computers To teach writing. writingas discovery; writing as communication. Why Use Computers to teach writing? http://www.nmia.com/~nking/pddwkshp.html | |
42. Using Word Processing To Teach Writing Return to Using Computers to teach writing Word Processing. If you focus on criticalthinking as you teach writing, word processed drafts can help you do so. http://www.nmia.com/~nking/wordproc.html | |
43. We Teach Writing NWP (National writing Project) is a nationwide professional developmentprogram for teachers. The primary goal of the project is http://tepd.ucop.edu/tepd/content/writing.php | |
44. Mudpie - Using Cartoons To Teach Creative Writing Featuring Gilchrist Studios Online. 'Ricky Martin Flakes' Descriptive writingand Pursuasive Short Talk. The Game of Golf' writing Instructions. http://www.gigglepotz.com/mudpie.htm | |
45. Slides To Teach Writing In Engineering And Science Slides to teach writing in Engineering and Science http://filebox.vt.edu/eng/mech/writing/handbook/visuals.html | |
46. Writing To Teach writing To teach. Peggy Risdon Extension Agent State 4H Office VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University-Blacksburg. Extension http://www.joe.org/joe/1990spring/tt3.html | |
47. Using Writing To Teach Mathematics Using writing to teach Mathematics. Andrew Sterrett, Editor. SeriesMAA Notes. The mathematics teacher who is trying to understand http://www.maa.org/pubs/books/nte16.html | |
48. What Works: Letter Writing Reviews of Letter writing. Vote Vote Now! Did you find this review to behelpful? previous, of 4, next. Helps teach respect. Review contributed http://www.familyeducation.com/whatworks/review/front/0,2562,1-11911-3136-16010, | |
49. Emory Magazine | Creative Writing so we teach students how to confront their own work, says Lynna Williams, whohas directed the program since January. Our whole approach to writing is http://www.emory.edu/EMORY_MAGAZINE/fall99/creative_writing.html | |
50. Teach Your Children Well Freebies: QuickWrite Page 1 to Grade 8, and the set of Math software, teach Your Children a private LearningCentre, offers afterschool tutorials in reading, writing, spelling and http://www.teachyourchildrenwell.ca/Freebies/QuickWrite/lessons.html | |
51. Teach Reading & Writing: Learning Abilities Books Books to help parents, homeschoolers, and other teachers teach reading andwriting to children. teach Reading and writing Book Reviews, Site Index. http://www.gate.net/~labooks/reading.html | |
52. How To Teach Phonics Through Writing We consider phonics a spelling skill used when writing, so we beginphonics by beginning spelling and writing. We teach children. http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/literacy/ImplementALiteracyProgram/HowToTeachPhon | |
53. Developing Materials To Teach Reading And Writing Developing materials to teach reading and writing. Introduction. Prerequisites. Hereare some prerequisites for developing materials to teach reading and writing http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/literacy/ImplementALiteracyProgram/DevelopingMate | |
54. You Can't Teach Writing By The Numbers You Can't teach writing by the Numbers By Tina Blue March 19, 2002 I just finisheda tutoring session with Jane, a high school student who is taking English http://www.essayisay.homestead.com/numbers.html | |
55. Teaching Help - How To Teach Handwriting teach older students who have great difficulty with cursive writing to sign theirnames with a mature looking cursive form, and then focus on printing letters http://www.designastudy.com/teaching/tips-1198.html | |
56. ::ReadingLady.com - Four Blocks - Writing - Books To Teach LETTER writing A Visit to the Post Office, Sandra Ziegler All New Amelia, The MarissaMoss Amelia Hits the Road, Marissa Moss Amelia Takes Command, Marissa http://www.readinglady.com/wr/Books_To_Teach/books_to_teach.html | |
57. Why Teach Writing Online? Publishing .. Why teach writing Online Brainstorming Organizing .. Author'sTools .. HTML .. Why teach writing Online? http://beaumont-publishing.co.uk/books/scribes/teacher/writing_online.html | |
58. The Writing Parent - ME? TEACH WRITING? ME? teach writing? Boost Your Income By teaching writing. I would advisethat you teach about a writing genre where you have received success. http://www.thewritingparent.com/jafmessing.shtml | |
59. Writing Is Used To Teach And Extend Word Identification Skills. writing is used to teach and extend word identification skills. Ithas long been recognized that asking students to write words http://www.eduplace.com/rdg/res/prevent/char/writing.html | |
60. Computer Scientists Can Teach Writing Successful academic computer scientists should all possess the requisite writingability to teach this kind of coursethe ability to recognize clarity, cogency http://www.ics.uci.edu/~kay/pubs/writing.html | |
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